
英语:Watching Common Earthly Hometown
德语:Beschütze die gemeinsame Heimat der Menschheit auf Erden
法语:Protéger la maison commune de l'humanité sur terre
西班牙语:Protegerel hogar común de la humanidad en la tierra
For a long time, in the southern cultural regions of Fujian province includingXiamen, Quanzhou and Zhangzhou and even in a broader territory, the originalcultural environment has been severely destroyed and the natural environmenthumans rely on for existence is also deteriorating rapidly. This situationurgently needs a folk cultural community to express opinions and buildconsensus, providing proper and rational thought and strategies for localdiscovery, protection and reconstruction and making effective construction andencouragement. As a cultural community, LOOKERS with “watching locality andrebuilding humanity” as its mission came into being in this expectation. TakingXiamen as an axis, taking public benefit as its tenet and starting from natureand humanity, LOOKERS is the first to advocate “LOOKER”, i.e. new lifestylesand survival ideas of “local watchers” and to create an earthly hometown ofuniversal love.
As a local watcher, LOOKER is an open concept. Anyone identifying with thephilosophy of LOOKER is a looker. Lookers hold the creed that “each place theygo to is a hometown”. They are not only local watchers but also worldexplorers; not only nature lovers but also humanistic creators. Whether inreading or travelling, they are full of curiosity and enthusiasm. As a groupadvanced in rationality and sensibility, they are enjoying thinking, advocatingnatural disposition and showing universal love. They have a good idea about thefuture and faraway places but their slogan is absolutely “to live in the momentand care about things around themselves”. They do not lack grand ideals butmore importantly, they have detailed micro-ideals. The so-called micro-ideal isa short-distance, miniaturized and realizable ideal. Lookers are such a group.They have a strong sense of cultural mission, love nature and humanity andpatrol a familiar or strange land with a heart that will never grow old. Theirfigures are emerging in deep and ancient lanes, crisscross footpaths betweenfields, wild temples and barren mountains or on the waterfront. They will reachwherever they can. They are watching and rebuilding their haunting earthlyhometowns.
We can announce that from now on, there is a group called LOOKER and there is alife called LOOKER.
Lookers’ Declaration鹭客社宣言
(撰文:林鸿东 翻译:庄燕南)
For a long time, Xiamen(厦门),Quanzhou(泉州), Zhangzhou(漳州)and other southern Fujian areas are seeing damage to their culture and environment, affecting people’s livelihood and their children’s future. There is a growing need for a cultural society where like-minded people can communicate and exchange their views, can look after themselves, and can promote rebuilding of their land and their humanity, hence the Lookers’ Society. This is not an organization: if you agree with concerns listed here, you are a Looker.
Based in Xiamen, Lookers’ Society are people who believe in “hometown is where we are”. They look out for their home and hometown, and for the wider world. They love nature, and are devoted to humanity. Whether at home reading or on the road, they are always curious and are always motivated. As people keen insense and sensibility, they have a high regard for intellect, natural disposition, and all human beings. For the future as well for distant land, they have good-will expectations, but their motto remains “live the present and look after your surroundings”. They are not in lack of grand ideals, but they are more concerned with minor or micro ideals that present themselves. Micro ideals are those that are within the grasp, miniaturized, and readily attainable. Lookers are such persons with a deep sense of humanity, with agenuine love for nature and humanity, who survey their land, having visited or not, with a forever-young heart. They made their presence everywhere: in the beaten path of historical places, in the fields or in the wild. They made it to water’s end or the river bend. They went as far as their legs would carry them. Looking, and looking on, doing their best to promote, protect and salvage their earthly home.
Herein we can proclaim that from now on, there are people called Lookers, and there is life of a Looker’s life.