纪录片 / 推荐:大卫·霍克尼《水花四溅》
David Hockney
Painter, Photographer(1937–)
Known for his photo collages and paintings of Los Angeles swimming pools, David Hockney is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century.
David Hockney:A Bigger Splash
水花四溅·A Bigger Splash/电影
地 区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映时间: 1974-10-03
标 签:纪录片
简 介:现画家大卫-霍克尼(David Hockney)艺术创作和感情生活的1975年的纪录片《水花四溅》(A Bigger Splash)由杰克-哈赞(Jack Hazan)执导的《水花四溅》,用摄影镜头真实记录了1970年代早期已经成为国际知名绘画艺术家的霍克尼的创作、感情生活以及从英国前往美国的过程。影片还结合了真实记录和电影创作的形式,呈现霍克尼与男友的感情关系、和两人后来的分手对霍克尼艺术创作的影响。《水花四溅》曾获1974年瑞士洛迦诺国际电影节最佳导演奖。据爱白网的资料,对于身为艺术家的霍克尼的创作与其感情生活之间的关系,本片中还有大胆的人体呈现和同性亲密镜头,这种表达在三十多年前曾是本片引发争议的焦点。现年70岁的霍克尼是公开的同性恋者,他的作品和创作活动如今依然受到关注。
All along, I wanted to paint the morning light." "What can be brighter than the morning sun?" Especially here, the sun rises above the sea, toward where I live in California. In the past, no one can keep the dawn with a brush, because when it just comes, dark no one to see if you turn on the light and pigment; to identify pigments, and will miss the subtle moment sunlight is getting stronger. But with iPhone, all the problems were solved. I don't even have to walk out of bed just to find it, turn on the machine, mix colors, and match colors to draw this dynamic picture of change.