排除深层毒素│Removing Deep Ama

The original Sanskrit texts of Ayurveda make a powerful, wonderful point. It is a secret of health. The texts state that one should:
Chikitsatam vyadhikaram pathyam sadharanamaushadam prayshitam prakritisthapanprashanam itaman.
Translated, it says we should 'eliminate that which is not wholeness, that which is disrupting, by that which is suitable for the self, using procedures and preparations to restore the self, tore-establish prakriti (wholeness — our essential nature) and pacifyby that which is conducive to health.'
This is a potent understanding and a template for understanding how Ayurveda works. It is a pivotal insight and a key to understanding the mechanics of how you can maintain your health at a high level.


The concept of Ama is unique to Ayurveda.In the classic texts of Ayurveda, Ama is described as the underlying cause of many health issues. In the Western medical approach, the focus is on the manifest state of illness or the sequence of events that leads to the creation of an illness. Ayurveda focuses on handling imbalances while they are in their infancy, and eliminating them with mild but effective non-obtrusive methods.


Ayurveda recognizes three types of Ama. First, there is the Ama that is heavy and sticky; it is formed through poor diet aryhabits and low digestive fire. Over time Ama tends to accumulate in the system and block the channels of the body, causing a variety of conditions.
The second type of Ama, which is more toxic, is called Amavisha. This type of Ama mixes with the Doshas or tissues or waste products of the body and causes more chronic problems.
A third type of Ama is called Garvisha; this is associated with bioaccumulation of environmental toxins. The human body has hundreds of different cell types and 50 to 75 trillion cells. Each one of your cells knows who you are and where it has to be in order for it to be part of you and to be able to communicate that to all the other cells. This is what is called inner intelligence. In the world of cells information must flow, and Ama blocks the flow of this information.
Each type of Ama can lead to chronic illness if not addressed. Since the Ayurvedic texts were written down 5,000 years ago,pollution has become more of a concern. These days our body and mind are assaulted by all types of environmental toxins that have been associated with a wide variety of health imbalances. Removing this Ama has become more of apriority over the years.


The main cause begins with what is called Pragya Aparadh, the mistake of the intellect, which leads to misuse of the mind, the senses and time. Mistakes of the intellect begin when one sees that which is harmful as useful, or not eating according to one's level of hunger or digestive power. The mistake of the senses can lead to being overshadowed by sensory desire, often seen in overeating, and mistakes in time relate to not eating according to the seasons or not varying one's diet according to the seasons. These mistakes lead to poor diet, wrong eating habits, overeating, unnecessary cravings and wrong routine. This in turn leads to aggravation of Vata, Pitta and Kapha ; imbalance within the Shrotas or channels of the body; and weak or dull digestive fire (Agni), which creates Ama.
主要根源始于所谓“智力错误”(Pragya Aparadh),它导致了对心智、感觉和时间的误用。当一个人把有害的东西看作有用的东西,或者不按照饥饿或消化能力水平进食时,就会导致智力错误。感官错误会被感官欲望所掩盖,通常表现为暴饮暴食。而时间上的错误则与不按季节进食或不按季节改变饮食有关。这些错误会导致不良饮食习惯、错误饮食习惯、暴饮暴食,不必要的渴望和错误的习惯。这进而导致了瓦塔(Vata)、皮塔(Pitta)和卡法(Kapha)的恶化,体内通道(Shrotas)不平衡,消化火(Agni)虚弱或迟钝,从而产生毒素。


It is said in the texts that the signs and Symptoms of Ama are seen as blocked channels, such as plaque building up in the arteries, lack of strength, or feeling heavy or sluggish. It's like you have not changed the oil in the car for too long and the engine is not running very well. Vata may feel disturbed, like things are not flowing properly. One can feel lazy, disinterested, with no enthusiasm. There may be signs of indigestion such as gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. One may have more mucus than usual, a lack of taste, and mental and physical tiredness.
When the Vaidya (Ayurvedic physician)takes the pulse, he feels as if the inner intelligence is covered; there is a lack of clarity, and it is hard to get information. The pulse is dull, lacking in vitality; it feels heavy, weak and sticky. Almost always the digestion(Agni) and metabolism are weak.


It is when the Vaidya sees, via the correct assessment of the unique nature of the individual, their Prakriti ,as well as the nature of their imbalance, Vikriti,that they can then be confident in the approach to the best way to rest orebalance. Only through skilled assessment and full knowledge can the strength of the Vaidya's recommendations and the sequence that is required to restore andmaintain health be ascertained. It is essential to not create a new imbalance or set of symptoms; intelligent and natural purification should balance all areas of the body. The nature of the detoxification procedure is to support the natural ability of the body to purify itself.
只有当阿育吠陀医师通过对患者个人体质(Prakriti),以及失衡本质( Vikriti)做出正确评估,他们才能确认恢复平衡的最佳方法。只有通过熟练的评估和充分的知识,医嘱力度以及恢复和维持健康所需顺序才能确定。重要的是不要造成新的不平衡或系列症状,智能和自然净化应该平衡身体的各个部位,排毒程序的本质是支持身体净化自身的自然能力。


The first stage in eliminating Ama is always Nidan Parivarjanan — reduce the causes of Ama. Below, ten things that cause Ama:
  • Overeating


  • Eating before the previous meal is digested.


  • Not making lunch the main meal; eating large meals at night.


  • Ice drinks and cold-food meals.


  • Food that isn't fresh, pure and organic. Old food,stale food, packaged foods


  • Eating without full attention on the meal; watching TV or reading. Eating too quickly.Eating while emotionally upset.


  • Not taking the heaviest parts of the meal first when the agni (digestive fire) is strongest.


  • Not practicing the Meditation technique regularly.


  • Not engaging in light, enjoyable exercise daily whenever possible, or a few times a week.


The next step is to digest the Ama, a processk nown as Ama Pachan, through the use of digestive substances. This can beas simple as sipping hot water, or using specific spices or herbal preparations.
下一步是通过运用消化物质来消化毒素,这个过程被称为Ama Pachan。这可以是简单的喝热水,或饮用特制香料或草药制剂。
Then comes Lekhan, or cleansing of the digestive tract. Lekhan means 'to scrape.' Again, this can be as simpleas taking a drink such as hot water and lemon in the morning, and may also include the use of specific spices such as ginger and black pepper or specific herbal preparations. But this depends on the prakriti of the individual, as certain spices may be too heating.
The next step is to increase the digestive fire.This is known as Agni Dipan, or kindling the digestive fire through light diet. This may consist of a strict regimen beginning with liquid meals, progressing gradually to semi-liquid meals, then to thicker soups and gradually to more solid food over a period of time. One can always have a liquid diet once a week, particularly if over weight or more Kapha. The use of specific spices in the food, and herbal preparations taken at specific times of the meals and during the day, is helpful. Again, this is judged according to the agni of the individual and their nature.
下一步是增加消化火,这被称为Agni Dipan,或通过清淡饮食点燃消化火。这可能包括严格的方案,从流食开始,逐渐半流食,然后浓汤,一段时间后吃固体食物。人们可以每周吃一次流食,特别是如果超重或卡法(Kapha)过多。根据个人消化火及其体质,在食物和草药制剂中使用特定香料,白天在特定时间吃饭是有益的。
Finally comes Shodhan, which is the elimination of ama. This can be done with specific ayurvedic herbal formulas or, for a more intensive ama reduction, through Panchakarma. Panchakarma is aspecific supervised in-house cleansing program.


These delicious recipes help dissolve and digest the Ama — the toxins — in the heart and elsewhere, opening the Shrotas — the microcirculatory channels located throughout the body. Using select foods, flavors and eating times to help the body detox is one of the special skills of authentic Ayurveda. When undigested toxins accumulate, they tend to do so in the heart. Here are two delicious Ama-reducing recipes.


Black salt, also known as kala Namak, is very effective as a digestive aid when used in lassi. Kala Namak is used extensively in Indian cuisine as a condiment, and is often added to Chaats, chutneys,all kinds of fruits, raitas and many other tasty Indian snacks. It has a mild sulfur smell and taste, which is delicious, In addition to helping digest Ama (toxins), it also alleviates gas problems.
黑盐(kala Namak),在酸奶中添加是非常有效的助消化剂,黒盐在印度菜肴中广泛用作调味品,经常被添加到酸辣酱(Chaats)、各种水果、乳酪和许多其他美味的印度小吃中。它有一种温和的硫磺气味和味道,它是美味的。除了帮助消化毒素外,它还能缓解胀气问题。
Ingredients 食材
  • 3 parts water (room temperature)


  • 1 part organic yogurt


  • Pinch of salt to taste, ideally black salt


  • Several pinches of cumin powder


  • ¼-½ tsp.chopped cilantro or mint leaves

    ¼-½ 碎香菜叶或薄荷叶

Directions 做法
Blend for one minute and drink after lunch – at room temperature or slightly chilled.


A good pacifier for both Vata and Pitta with its cooling influence and sweet taste, pears are on our list of favorite fruits. Ginger and cinnamon nourish digestion and cardamom has a tridoshic influence,you can see why we favor it for its balancing properties. Serve poached pears at breakfast or for an after dinner dessert.
  • 2 to 3 ripe organic pears


  • Water

  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar


  • 1 teaspoon finely-slivered fresh ginger


  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • 1 pinch cardamom  powder


  • Optional — 2 tablespoons of organic Raisins


Directions 做法
Peel and cut the pears into quarters or smaller.
Combine all ingredients in a stainless steel pot. Add water to cover the pears by half. Cook over a low heat for 30 to 40minutes or until the juice becomes like a syrup.
Options: Use organic apple juice instead of water (and not organic brown sugar). Serve on a platter or in a bowl and garnish with mint  leaves.
