Beingness(part2)到达高处继续释放get high to release


现在,如果你为了一个目的——自由而释放,那么你仅仅花你几个月的时间去清理这所有的垃圾。但是你并没有为了它而去释放。你释放是为了摆脱痛苦 (You're releasing to get out of the misery),而这会是一个漫长的过程。一开始你没有选择,你深陷在沉重和痛苦的状态中,你需要有从地狱中走出来的动机让你去释放。但是现在你已经进步上升了,那应该成为过去。

释放的理由应该是去向自由。你所能得到的最高最好最美妙的感觉与状态就是完全的自由。你相信吗?好吧,那你为什么不全力以赴到达最高的状态,去往自由呢?那是因为你一直坚持着这个沉重的状态——'自我’。( The reason for releasing should be to go free.The highest feeling ,the highest state you'll ever get is total freedom. Do you believe that? Okay.So why don't you go all out for the highest state and go free? Because you're holding on to a heavy state which equals ego.)。




你没有落入到这六步骤的后续步骤,因为你遗漏了第一件事——想要自由——相反的而是去想满足自我,满足“我”这自我感。去追逐在外部世界的美妙状态,当每获得一份的快乐,你就会得到一分接着又一分的痛苦。如果你看一下,这是如此明显。你认为一生中本来是最快乐的事情却给了你最大的痛苦——基本来说是异性带来的。当你向上移动(move up)时,你的性欲应该被释放,并且你将到达一个没有性,没有男女差异的地方。你会看到灵魂之间并没有“男性”或“女性”标签之分。

每一个欲望都是极端的束缚。每个欲望都在说:“我缺少那个。”。但你一无所缺(The All lacks nothing. The All is everything)。一体包含每一个原子。因此,你将自己拉到一个新的人格中,这对你来说比起取得如此高的美好状态更为重要,而这种美好的状态是你本性,内在的,无法改变的。但是,你也可以远离它,并假设这个小小的自我身体意识(ego-body-mind)。


每一个想法都有附着一定的痛苦。为什么?它把你的注意力从你的存在中移开。当你心智安静时,你将身处最美好的地方。但是,每当你想到一个想法时,就会扰乱你固有、自然的平和与安宁的状态。但是,同样,你之所以没有建立如此美妙的状态,是因为你在“它”不在的地方寻找“它”。你不想要自由,而是想要玩自我的受限游戏,并在长时间的痛苦中去拥有短暂快乐的时光。因此,我建议你从现实中醒来。Release when you’re high。应该用大写的字母写在你的笔记上:RELEASE WHEN HIGH. GO HIGH TO RELEASE.

心智仅仅只具有创造性。当你有想要自由的意愿,你将很快得到它(我说是几个月),因为这将是你的第一要务,并且无论你生活中发生了什么,都将不断释放。所有抑制能量的作用现在都在试图冲出来(push up),而你试图将其抑制下来。停止按住它,它每一点都会释放出去。它会马上排出去。压制它是坚持自我程序。你必须认识到,起初你想成为受限的自我。然后,你看着并审视自己的人生,发现“我并不想”。数百万年来这一直让人们痛苦的。我们都认为我们是这么聪明。但孩子,我们都一样,都是如此愚蠢。(We all think we’re so smart, and boy, are we dumb. )为了让一个无限的人生活在我们所做的极端限制中,这有多聪明?真正的聪明是我们下意识的知道并认同我们的存在,但我们却很愚蠢,忘记了:忘记了我们的存在是无所不知和无所不能的。

因此,我们必须到达我们一直认同我们存在的地方。当你进行此操作时,你会将思想,身体,世界视为你所构建的思维的外部投影。 “那又怎样?”将是你的态度(“And, so what?” will be your attitude.)。在那部放映的电影中,好与坏是完全一样的。这是一个投影!这就是你必须了解的事情。黑色或白色,好或坏,热或冷有什么区别?它是一个投影,是一种想象力,是我脑海中的影像,是我设定的东西。 “我不是那个;我是我的存在。”当你认同自己的存在时,思想就无关紧要,因为你知道事物的本质。当你确定自己的存在时,头脑及其所有垃圾就无关紧要,因为你知道心智是什么。


Release when you’re high。我们状态越高,我们就越接近我们的存在。高峰状态与宁静是同一件事(Highness and quietness are the same thing)。当你go high时,你就充满了能量。在冷漠悲观状态时,你有很低的动力。往上(Up here),你动力,能量可以达到高峰。因此,进入该区域,然后挖掘出对死亡的恐惧。往下(Down here),你会继续深陷其中,无法放手。往上走,你可以面对死亡的恐惧。而且,当你释放恐惧的大部分时,可以相对轻松地释放剩余部分。去释放吧。

如果我前一段时间对你说过这些话,那将毫无意义,因为你陷于AGFLAP中,以至于看不清东西。你看到的唯一是AGFLAP。但是我们每个人都已经进入这个领域,知道自己的感觉,可以置身其中,然后深入挖掘并面对对死亡的恐惧,不安全感和对生活的恐惧。这样一来,你将摆脱所有恐惧。恐惧是不自然的。永恒的生命有什么要担心的,尤其是关于死亡的恐惧?因此,从这里开始,重点放在这里。Feel high,然后挖掘对死亡的恐惧并释放它。



所以,我说,释放吧。记在心上。Go high and release。当然,如果你情绪低落,请释放以升高,以便更深地释放。不要待在那里,从那里继续前进达到更高。你是对的:我们大多数人都在使用它来摆脱苦难。我是说,不要停下来。往高处走,直到无处可去;你遍布整个宇宙。利用highness(高峰)释放。你一直在使用释放来感觉良好,仅此而已;然后你停下来。你正在从数百万年的挣扎解脱出来,但这可以在几个月内完成。我是怎么知道的呢?我是在1952年做的,并不知道你们现在所正在接触的。如果我知道这种方法,那么我真的不用花三个月的时间,我相信这就花一个月的时间就可以了。因为第一个月我仅释放了认可,爱。然后我第二个月去释放想要控制,想要改变。然后最后一个月,我看到对死亡的恐惧,并释放了它。所以我这一次就释放了全部:认可,控制,安全。


你不想要的,不想看到的,不想成为的,想要逃避的,那是你所厌恶的。而相反的却是贪恋:你想要抓住的、想要维持的。那是两个核心:贪恋和厌恶。 (attachments and aversions.)他们使我们束缚。如果你是所有(ALL),你将如何拥有贪恋或厌恶感呢?除了你,别无他物。最后,你会感到:“宇宙是我。从无限到无限,宇宙都是我。”那就是的!

(0:00)How many of you wait until you get high before you release? how many wait or go high to release? There's your problem. You're not doing it. What are you doing? You're wanting to feel good so you're waiting till you get down and then you're release to feel good. Because it's only one to feel good that one release to make you feel good and that's it. The time being and so you feel not good again,you'll release again to feel good again thereby dragging out the whole process.

(1:00) Now if you would release for the purpose of one in the go free then it would take you months to clean out all the garbage. But you're not releasing to go free. You're releasing to get out of the misery. It's a drawn-out process that way.In the beginning you have no choice ,you're so bogged down in heaviness and misery ,you need the incentive to get out of the hell the cause you to release.But now that you've moved up that should be past history. The reason for releasing should be to go free.The highest feeling, the highest state you'll ever get is total freedom. Do you believe that? Okay .So why don't you go all out for the highest state and go free? Because you're holding on to a heavy state which equals ego.

(2:51)Ego is the cause of all misery, ego is the manner in which we separate from the all of the universe from the oneness of the universe.Ego must go if you're going to identify with the oneness of you. Ego is a compilation of all the AGFLAP .You start from being the all to putting a fence around you called I-Lester, I-your name.By setting up a mind which is only the sum total of your thoughts feelings, and expanding it outward more and war with more thoughts and more feelings. And the more you do that the more you're moving away from 'I'm a being’ to 'I'm ,I being Lester’ .With a mind that's almost unlimited and therefore we can move away from the oneness to the extreme and this is what we have done.

(4:31)The reason why you’re not going free quickly is you’re releasing to feel good. And that causes you to stop when the goal is accomplished, whereas if you were releasing to go free, you wouldn’t stop. You would bless every opportunity that came your way to gain an additional piece of freedom. Every down would be a wonderful opportunity to you. Every down is a marvelous opportunity to release and go up.

You’re not falling into the later steps of the six steps because you’re missing the number-one thing—wanting to go free—and replacing it with wanting to satisfy the ego, the “I” personality sense. Chasing after the high state externally in the world, where for each ounce of pleasure you take you get pounds and pounds and pounded with pain. This is so obvious if you just look at it. The things you thought were most pleasurable in life have given you the greatest agonies—basically, the opposite sex. As you move up, your sex desires should be released, and you reach a place where there is no sex, there is no male and female. You’ll look at souls without a tag, “male” or “female”.

(6:40) But every desire is an extreme bondage. Every desire is saying, “I lack that.” The All lacks nothing. The All is everything. The oneness includes every last atom. And so you pull yourself away into a new personality, and you are trying to keep that personality surviving. And that’s more important to you than taking this tremendous high state, which is yours by nature, which is inherent, which you cannot change. But you can look away from it and assume this little ego-body-mind.

You’re not looking to go free, and that’s why a whole gang of you are not all the way by now. You’re looking to satisfy this body-mind, thinking [that] therein lies your welfare. And every day it’s proven to you that your welfare does not lie there. You never win! For each ounce of happiness you take via the body-mind you get hit with so much pain!

(8:10) Every thought has a certain amount of pain to it. Why? It pulls your attention away from your beingness. When your mind is quiet, you’re in the most wonderful place there is. But every time you put a thought into it, it’s a disturbance of the inherent natural total peace, equanimity, tranquillity, that is natural. But again, the reason why you’re not establishing that tremendous state is you’re looking for it where it isn’t. You don’t want freedom, you want that terrible game of playing ego, and having moments of pleasure with long periods of pain. So I’m suggesting that you wake up to this fact. Release when you’re high. That ought to be put down in your notes with big capital letters: RELEASE WHEN HIGH. GO HIGH TO RELEASE.

(9:40) The mind is only creative. When you [have a will for] freedom, you’re going to get it quickly—and I say months—because it’ll be your number-one priority, and regardless of what’s going on in your life, you’ll keep releasing. All that suppressed energy is trying to push up now, and you’re trying to hold it down. Stop holding it down, and every bit of it would leak out. It would push right out. Holding it down is holding on to the ego programs. You’ve got to recognize that first you want to be a limited ego. Then you’ve got to accept that that isn’t it, just by looking at your life. It’s been miserable for millions of years. We all think we’re so smart, and boy, are we dumb. For an infinite being to live in the extreme limitations that we do—how smart is that? But that [intelligence] that we feel and think we are is subconsciously knowing our beingness, and the [stupidity] is forgetting that: [forgetting] that it is our beingness that is omniscient and [intelligent].

(11:38) So we must get to the place where we identify all the time with our beingness. And when you do that, you see the mind, body, world as an out-projection of your mind that you set up. “And, so what?” will be your attitude. And good and bad are exactly alike in that projected movie. It’s a projection! That’s the thing you’ve got to get to know. What’s the difference whether it’s black or white, good or bad, hot or cold? It is a projection out there, an imagination, an imaging in my mind, a thing that I set up. “I am not that; I am my beingness.” When you identify with your beingness, the mind matters not because you know it for what it is. When you identify with your beingness, the mind and all its garbage matters not because you know the mind for what it is.

(13:00) The sense of ego contains all likes, dislikes—all thoughts. You must get your attention off it and put it on your beingness, which is there all the time. Is there any time when you are not? No. This infinite beingness that you are is there all the time. Identify with It. Hold, “My mind is not It. My body is not It. My mind and body are out-projections from It.” Identify with your beingness.

(14:06) Release when you’re high. The higher we are, the closer we are to our beingness. Highness and quietness [are the same thing]. When you go high, you’ve got the energy up here. Here you have the least energy; in apathy [pessimism] you’ve thrown in the towel [given up]. Up here you’ve got the highest energy. So move up into this area, and then dig for the fear of dying. Down here you’re drowning in it, and you cannot let go. Up here you can confront the fear of dying. And when you get that out, most of it, you can clean out the remainder relatively easily. Aim to go up here to release from.

(15:25) If I had said these things to you some time ago it would have been meaningless, because you’re so drowning in your AGFLAP that you just can’t see straight. The only thing you see is the AGFLAP. But every one of us has moved up into this area, knows what it’s like, can put ourselves there and then dig down deep and confront the fear of dying, the insecurity, the fear of living. And by so doing you’ll get rid of all fear. Fear is not natural. What does an eternal being have to fear—about dying, especially? So, from here on, make it a point to get up here. Feel high, and then dig for the fear of dying and release it.

(16:50) Your point of focus shifts from body-mind just onto beingness only. You stop thinking about whether this chemical or that chemical is going to do this or that to me. You don’t think, “Am I going to get approval or control?” No matter what anyone says to us, it does not hurt us, because we are infinite beingness. How can what someone says interfere with that? They cannot. And so you move toward the imperturbable state. And I know of no better yardstick of checking where you are at now than by the degree to which you can be bothered. Move to that place where no one and no thing can bother you any more. And remember that the ego is the mind-body; and the mind has to be quieted, and then you identify only with your beingness, and that’s the ultimate state.

(18:26) And that’s what I wanted to say to you today. Get out of the pits, go up here, complete the job! It only takes months or less. If step one is in there—wanting freedom more than you want the ego nonsense—the other steps fall into line. And you get down to step six where it’s a delight all the time, because you just go higher and higher and higher and higher, until you can’t go higher anymore. There’s no place to go: you’re all over the universe. You’re infinite. And that’s simply, all the time, identifying with your beingness, “I-am-ness.” Then you’ll see the whole truth that there is. There’s nothing but I, my beingness. Everything else was an imagination, an illusion.

(19:47) So, I say, Go for it. Keep it in mind. Go high and release. Of course, if you’re down, release to go high so you can release more deeply. Don’t stay there; move on from there to higher. You’re right: most of us have been using it to escape the misery. I’m saying, don’t stop. Go higher until there’s nowhere to go anymore; you’re all over the universe. Use the highness to release. You have been using releasing to feel good, that’s it; and you stop. You’re ridding yourself of millions of years of accumulation, but it can be done in months. How do I know? I did it back in 'fifty-two, not knowing what you know. Had I known the method, instead of taking three months I really believe it would have taken one month. Because for the first month I just released on approval, love. And then I was spending the second month releasing on wanting control, change. And then the last month I saw the fear of dying and I worked on that. So I was really going one at a time: approval, control, security.

(21:41) The aversions to the world are difficult to see. Your attachments are obvious, and you’re chasing them all the time, but the aversions you push out of the way. So when you go for a goal, up come the anti’s—“Oh, I’m afraid,” “I can’t,” and all that stuff. So, it’s a gimmick for [bringing] up the aversions to the world, getting them up into sight so you can let them go. If you don’t get a thing into consciousness, you cannot see it or handle it. So, achieving in the world is a way of bringing up the negative. The only reason why the world doesn’t serve you with affluence and abundance of everything is because you have thoughts to the contrary, and they’re suppressed. Moving to get things in the world, the contrary feelings come up, and you release them. Because if you cannot be successful, it’s because you’re holding on to programs that are holding you down, and you don’t see them.

(23:02) That which you don’t like, don’t want to see, don’t want to be, you want to avert it: that which you want to avert. And the opposite side is attachment: that which you want to hold on to. Those are two big words: attachments and aversions. They keep us bound. If you are the All, how can you have an attachment or an aversion? There’s nothing apart from you. And you end up with the feeling, “The universe is mine. From infinity to infinity, the universe is mine.” And it is!


