JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016;40(4):121.
Early Parenteral Nutrition Does Not Worsen Intestinal Barrier Function: A Pilot RCT.
Katri Typpo; Claire Larmonier; Jendar Deschenes; Daniel Laubitz; Christy Harrison; Kareem W. Shehab; Pawel Kiela; Fayez Ghishan.
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Purpose: Multiple retrospective studies associate parenteral nutrition (PN) with mortality in critically children. Putative mechanisms for this increased mortality are via intestinal barrier dysfunction and/or loss of intestinal microbiome diversity when PN is provided in the absence of enteral nutrition (EN). We sought to understand if early PN provided with EN worsens intestinal barrier function and microbiome diversity during pediatric critical illness.
Methods: Single-center pilot RCT of early (day 1) vs late PN (day 5) to supplement early EN, for children admitted to Diamond Children's Medical Center, Tucson, AZ, with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) from August 2012 to December 2014. Block randomization was stratified by age and body mass index z score to early or standard care PN. All patients had early EN initiated and advanced according to our standard early EN guideline. For patients in the early PN arm, PN began within 4 hours of randomization and was titrated to deliver 100%-120% of measured resting energy expenditure in combination with advancing EN. We examined repeated plasma biomarkers at baseline and throughout the first 7 days of pediatric intensive care unit hospitalization to reflect intestinal barrier function (FABP2, epithelial integrity; citrulline, functional enterocyte mass; claudin 3, tight junction integrity). We examined fecal microbiome composition and diversity daily during the 1-week study period in 2 twin-study patients. DNA was purified with phenol-chloroform protocol with bead beating. Microbiota taxonomic analysis was performed by sequencing V4 fragment of 16S rRNA gene on MiSeq Illumina, followed by bioinformatic analysis with MacQiime (v. 1.9.1).
Results: We enrolled 10 study subjects in this pilot RCT. Median age was 2.0 years (range, 0.12-13.6 years). Patients had elevated baseline FABP2 (median, 467 pg/mL; IQR, 387-1151 pg/mL) and below-normal citrulline (median, 7.1 μmol/L; IQR, 4.6-10 μmol/L) concentrations at time of randomization, indicative of poor intestinal epithelial integrity and low functional enterocyte mass, respectively. Patients in the early PN arm had a nonsignificant trend for improved FABP2 concentrations (P > 0.05). Patients exposed to early PN did not have a trend for worse claudin 3 or citrulline concentrations. Exposure to PN was associated with predominance of Clostridiales (67-73.4%) rather than Bifidobacteriales (47.7%-65.6%) on days 1-2 of the study protocol. Lactobacillales had low abundance (1.4%-5.5%) in both patients on study days 1-2 but increased abundance (87%-99.6%) on days 3-7. Weighted UniFrac differences for β diversity demonstrated differences between patients on study days 1-2 but not on study days 3-7. Both patients were treated with intravenous antimicrobials throughout the 7-day study period.
Conclusions: Patients randomized to early PN as a supplement to EN in this pilot RCT did not demonstrate worsened intestinal barrier function. Trends in our data indicate that early EN may prevent PN-associated loss of intestinal barrier function in children with ARDS. Exposure to antimicrobials may dominate PN effects on intestinal microbial population diversity. Further studies are needed to understand if early PN might improve intestinal barrier function for children with ARDS and which aspects of intensive care unit care most alter intestinal microbiome composition and diversity.
Financial support: National Institutes of Health, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development.