
营养风险一直是影响克罗恩病患者临床结局的重要因素。欧洲肠外肠内营养学会(ESPEN )将营养风险定义为对现存或潜在的营养和代谢状况如果不给予营养干预,患者出现不良临床结局的风险。目前,使用营养风险筛查2002(NRS2002)诊断营养风险的有效性已被结局观察研究、文献系统回顾、随机对照研究、大规模前瞻队列研究证实,但是其中疾病严重程度、营养受损状况(近1~3个月体重下降>5%、近1周内进食量减少>25%或50%或75%、一般情况)等主观评分需调查者经过训练进行细致甄别和分析,较为费时,影响了其在基层医院和大规模流行病学调查中的广泛应用。因此,使用快速简便、客观有效的营养风险筛查工具可以更好地被临床接受并执行。日本学者小野寺等提出的预后营养指数(PNI)只需检测两项指标:血清白蛋白、外周血淋巴细胞总数,均为客观指标,临床检测方便,计算方法简单。
Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 16;7(1):8481.
Application of the Onodera prognostic nutrition index and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in risk evaluation of postoperative complications in Crohn's disease.
Kang WM, Zhu CZ, Yang XX, Yu JC, Ma ZQ, Ye X, Li K, Liu D.
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China.
This study aimed to investigate application of Onodera prognostic nutrition index (OPNI) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in evaluating risk of postoperative complications in Crohn's disease (CD). Clinical data of 108 postoperative CD patients in 9 years were respectively reviewed. OPNI and NLR were within 1 week preoperatively. Average OPNI was 38.8±8.2 and significantly lower in patients with: CD type B3; lymphopenia; decreased haemoglobin, prealbumin, and albumin; and daily enteral nutrition <500kcal/d. Average NLR was 5.9±12.1 and significantly higher in patients with: CD type B3, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, decreased prealbumin, and enteral nutrition <500kcal/d. Youden index was maximal at OPNI 39.8 and NLR 4.1, patients were divided into two groups by OPNI 39.8 and NLR 4.1; Low OPNI (≤39.8) group had significantly greater incidence of type B3, lymphopenia, decreased haemoglobin, prealbumin and albumin, and enteral nutrition <500kcal/day, more likely to have intra-abdominal bleeding. High NLR group (≥4.1) had significantly greater incidence of type B3, neutrophilia, and lymphopenia, more likely to develop lung infection. OPNI and NLR were significantly negatively correlated. Smoking within 1 year preoperatively, OPNI <39.8, NLR≥4.1 were independent risk factors for postoperative complications in CD.
PMID: 28814767
PMCID: PMC5559450
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-09265-3