医学影像英语每日读丨90.CT Imaging of Solid Pancreatic Tumors (part4)



Now you're going to hear many lectures talking about 3D post-processing. And I'm not gonna recreate the wheel here, right? I'm not gonna talk about each of these different 3D post-processing tools. But what I will say is that, I think MIP imaging techniques, vascular mapping, VR, curved planar reformation, all of these have a very important role when you're dealing with pancreatic neoplasms, especially in terms of identifying subtle vascular involvement by tumor. And I'll show you some examples of that during the course of this lecture.

And why don't we start by talking about what I consider the most important pancreatic neoplasm and that's pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Now this is something I see all the time, right? I work at probably the biggest pancreatic cancer referral center in the country. I see, you know, dozens of these cases every week, and I will tell you having a systematic algorithmic approach to these cases is critical in terms of making sure you don't miss anything, and that you're really picking up on those subtle abnormalities that your surgeon wants to know about.


1. neoplasm ['ni:oʊplæzəm] n. 肿瘤

2. adenocarcinoma [ˌædnoʊˌkɑ:sə'noʊmə] n. 腺癌

3. algorithmic [ˌælgə'rɪðmɪk] adj. 算法的




