

 * Get the current movie time (in ms).
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the movie time (in ms).
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_time_t libvlc_media_player_get_time( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Set the movie time (in ms).
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param the movie time (in ms).
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_media_player_set_time( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_time_t, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Get movie position.
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return movie position
VLC_PUBLIC_API float libvlc_media_player_get_position( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Set movie position.
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return movie position
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_media_player_set_position( libvlc_media_player_t *, float, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Set movie chapter
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param i_chapter chapter number to play
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_media_player_set_chapter( libvlc_media_player_t *, int, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Get movie chapter
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return chapter number currently playing
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_media_player_get_chapter( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get movie chapter count
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return number of chapters in movie
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_media_player_will_play        ( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Get movie play rate
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return movie play rate
VLC_PUBLIC_API float libvlc_media_player_get_rate( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Set movie play rate
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param movie play rate to set
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_media_player_set_rate( libvlc_media_player_t *, float, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Get current movie state
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return current movie state as libvlc_state_t
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_state_t libvlc_media_player_get_state( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Get movie fps rate
 * \param p_mi the Media Player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return frames per second (fps) for this playing movie
VLC_PUBLIC_API float libvlc_media_player_get_fps( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

/** end bug */

 * Does this media player have a video output?
 * \param p_md the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API int  libvlc_media_player_has_vout( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Is this media player seekable?
 * \param p_input the input
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_media_player_is_seekable( libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Can this media player be paused?
 * \param p_input the input
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_media_player_can_pause( libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

/** \defgroup libvlc_video libvlc_video
 * \ingroup libvlc_media_player
 * LibVLC Video handling
 * @{

 * Toggle fullscreen status on video output.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_toggle_fullscreen( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Enable or disable fullscreen on a video output.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param b_fullscreen boolean for fullscreen status
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_set_fullscreen( libvlc_media_player_t *, int, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current fullscreen status.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the fullscreen status (boolean)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_get_fullscreen( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current video height.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the video height
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_video_get_height( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current video width.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the video width
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_video_get_width( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current video aspect ratio.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the video aspect ratio
VLC_PUBLIC_API char *libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set new video aspect ratio.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param psz_aspect new video aspect-ratio
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio( libvlc_media_player_t *, char *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current video subtitle.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the video subtitle selected
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_video_get_spu( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set new video subtitle.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param i_spu new video subtitle to select
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_set_spu( libvlc_media_player_t *, int , libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set new video subtitle file.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param psz_subtitle new video subtitle file
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the success status (boolean)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file( libvlc_media_player_t *, char *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current crop filter geometry.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the crop filter geometry
VLC_PUBLIC_API char *libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set new crop filter geometry.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param psz_geometry new crop filter geometry
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry( libvlc_media_player_t *, char *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Toggle teletext transparent status on video output.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_toggle_teletext( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current teletext page requested.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the current teletext page requested.
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_video_get_teletext( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set new teletext page to retrieve.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param i_page teletex page number requested
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_set_teletext( libvlc_media_player_t *, int, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Take a snapshot of the current video window.
 * If i_width AND i_height is 0, original size is used.
 * If i_width XOR i_height is 0, original aspect-ratio is preserved.
 * \param p_mediaplayer the media player
 * \param psz_filepath the path where to save the screenshot to
 * \param i_width the snapshot's width
 * \param i_height the snapshot's height
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_take_snapshot( libvlc_media_player_t *, char *,unsigned int, unsigned int, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Resize the current video output window.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param width new width for video output window
 * \param height new height for video output window
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the success status (boolean)
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_resize( libvlc_media_player_t *, int, int, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Change the parent for the current the video output.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param drawable the new parent window (Drawable on X11, CGrafPort on MacOSX, HWND on Win32)
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the success status (boolean)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_video_reparent( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_drawable_t, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Tell windowless video output to redraw rectangular area (MacOS X only).
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param area coordinates within video drawable
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_redraw_rectangle( libvlc_media_player_t *, const libvlc_rectangle_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set the default video output size.
 * This setting will be used as default for all video outputs.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param width new width for video drawable
 * \param height new height for video drawable
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_set_size( libvlc_instance_t *, int, int, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set the default video output viewport for a windowless video output
 * (MacOS X only).
 * This setting will be used as default for all video outputs.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param view coordinates within video drawable
 * \param clip coordinates within video drawable
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_video_set_viewport( libvlc_instance_t *, const libvlc_rectangle_t *, const libvlc_rectangle_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

/** @} video */

/** \defgroup libvlc_audio libvlc_audio
 * \ingroup libvlc_media_player
 * LibVLC Audio handling
 * @{

 * Toggle mute status.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_audio_toggle_mute( libvlc_instance_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current mute status.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the mute status (boolean)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_audio_get_mute( libvlc_instance_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set mute status.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param status If status is true then mute, otherwise unmute
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_audio_set_mute( libvlc_instance_t *, int , libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current audio level.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the audio level (int)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_audio_get_volume( libvlc_instance_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set current audio level.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param i_volume the volume (int)
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_audio_set_volume( libvlc_instance_t *, int, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Get number of available audio tracks.
 * \param p_mi media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception
 * \return the number of available audio tracks (int)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_audio_get_track_count( libvlc_media_player_t *,  libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current audio track.
 * \param p_mi media player
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the audio track (int)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_audio_get_track( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set current audio track.
 * \param p_mi media player
 * \param i_track the track (int)
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_audio_set_track( libvlc_media_player_t *, int, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Get current audio channel.
 * \param p_instance vlc instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return the audio channel (int)
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_audio_get_channel( libvlc_instance_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );

 * Set current audio channel.
 * \param p_instance vlc instance
 * \param i_channel the audio channel (int)
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_audio_set_channel( libvlc_instance_t *, int, libvlc_exception_t * );

/** @} audio */

/** @} media_player */

 * Event handling

/** \defgroup libvlc_event libvlc_event
 * \ingroup libvlc_core
 * LibVLC Events
 * @{

 * Register for an event notification.
 * \param p_event_manager the event manager to which you want to attach to.
 *        Generally it is obtained by vlc_my_object_event_manager() where
 *        my_object is the object you want to listen to.
 * \param i_event_type the desired event to which we want to listen
 * \param f_callback the function to call when i_event_type occurs
 * \param user_data user provided data to carry with the event
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_event_attach( libvlc_event_manager_t *p_event_manager,
                                         libvlc_event_type_t i_event_type,
                                         libvlc_callback_t f_callback,
                                         void *user_data,
                                         libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Unregister an event notification.
 * \param p_event_manager the event manager
 * \param i_event_type the desired event to which we want to unregister
 * \param f_callback the function to call when i_event_type occurs
 * \param p_user_data user provided data to carry with the event
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_event_detach( libvlc_event_manager_t *p_event_manager,
                                         libvlc_event_type_t i_event_type,
                                         libvlc_callback_t f_callback,
                                         void *p_user_data,
                                         libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Get an event's type name.
 * \param i_event_type the desired event
VLC_PUBLIC_API const char * libvlc_event_type_name( libvlc_event_type_t event_type );

/** @} */

 * Media Library
/** \defgroup libvlc_media_library libvlc_media_library
 * \ingroup libvlc
 * LibVLC Media Library
 * @{
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_media_library_t *
    libvlc_media_library_new( libvlc_instance_t * p_inst,
                              libvlc_exception_t * p_e );

 * Release media library object. This functions decrements the
 * reference count of the media library object. If it reaches 0,
 * then the object will be released.
 * \param p_mlib media library object
    libvlc_media_library_release( libvlc_media_library_t * p_mlib );

 * Retain a reference to a media library object. This function will
 * increment the reference counting for this object. Use
 * libvlc_media_library_release() to decrement the reference count.
 * \param p_mlib media library object
    libvlc_media_library_retain( libvlc_media_library_t * p_mlib );

 * Load media library.
 * \param p_mlib media library object
 * \param p_e an initialized exception object.
    libvlc_media_library_load( libvlc_media_library_t * p_mlib,
                               libvlc_exception_t * p_e );

 * Save media library.
 * \param p_mlib media library object
 * \param p_e an initialized exception object.
    libvlc_media_library_save( libvlc_media_library_t * p_mlib,
                               libvlc_exception_t * p_e );

 * Get media library subitems.
 * \param p_mlib media library object
 * \param p_e an initialized exception object.
 * \return media list subitems
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_media_list_t *
    libvlc_media_library_media_list( libvlc_media_library_t * p_mlib,
                                     libvlc_exception_t * p_e );

/** @} */

 * Services/Media Discovery
/** \defgroup libvlc_media_discoverer libvlc_media_discoverer
 * \ingroup libvlc
 * LibVLC Media Discoverer
 * @{

 * Discover media service by name.
 * \param p_inst libvlc instance
 * \param psz_name service name
 * \param p_e an initialized exception object
 * \return media discover object
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_media_discoverer_t *
libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name( libvlc_instance_t * p_inst,
                                       const char * psz_name,
                                       libvlc_exception_t * p_e );

 * Release media discover object. If the reference count reaches 0, then
 * the object will be released.
 * \param p_mdis media service discover object
VLC_PUBLIC_API void   libvlc_media_discoverer_release( libvlc_media_discoverer_t * p_mdis );

 * Get media service discover object its localized name.
 * \param media discover object
 * \return localized name
VLC_PUBLIC_API char * libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name( libvlc_media_discoverer_t * p_mdis );

 * Get media service discover media list.
 * \param p_mdis media service discover object
 * \return list of media items
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_media_list_t * libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list( libvlc_media_discoverer_t * p_mdis );

 * Get event manager from media service discover object.
 * \param p_mdis media service discover object
 * \return event manager object.
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_event_manager_t *
        libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager( libvlc_media_discoverer_t * p_mdis );

 * Query if media service discover object is running.
 * \param p_mdis media service discover object
 * \return true if running, false if not
        libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running( libvlc_media_discoverer_t * p_mdis );

/**@} */

 * Message log handling

/** \defgroup libvlc_log libvlc_log
 * \ingroup libvlc_core
 * LibVLC Message Logging
 * @{

 * Return the VLC messaging verbosity level.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return verbosity level for messages
VLC_PUBLIC_API unsigned libvlc_get_log_verbosity( const libvlc_instance_t *p_instance,
                                                  libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Set the VLC messaging verbosity level.
 * \param p_instance libvlc log instance
 * \param level log level
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_set_log_verbosity( libvlc_instance_t *p_instance, unsigned level,
                                              libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Open a VLC message log instance.
 * \param p_instance libvlc instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return log message instance
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_log_t *libvlc_log_open( libvlc_instance_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Close a VLC message log instance.
 * \param p_log libvlc log instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_log_close( libvlc_log_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Returns the number of messages in a log instance.
 * \param p_log libvlc log instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return number of log messages
VLC_PUBLIC_API unsigned libvlc_log_count( const libvlc_log_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Clear a log instance.
 * All messages in the log are removed. The log should be cleared on a
 * regular basis to avoid clogging.
 * \param p_log libvlc log instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_log_clear( libvlc_log_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Allocate and returns a new iterator to messages in log.
 * \param p_log libvlc log instance
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return log iterator object
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_log_iterator_t *libvlc_log_get_iterator( const libvlc_log_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Release a previoulsy allocated iterator.
 * \param p_iter libvlc log iterator
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
VLC_PUBLIC_API void libvlc_log_iterator_free( libvlc_log_iterator_t *p_iter, libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Return whether log iterator has more messages.
 * \param p_iter libvlc log iterator
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return true if iterator has more message objects, else false
VLC_PUBLIC_API int libvlc_log_iterator_has_next( const libvlc_log_iterator_t *p_iter, libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

 * Return the next log message.
 * The message contents must not be freed
 * \param p_iter libvlc log iterator
 * \param p_buffer log buffer
 * \param p_e an initialized exception pointer
 * \return log message object
VLC_PUBLIC_API libvlc_log_message_t *libvlc_log_iterator_next( libvlc_log_iterator_t *p_iter,
                                                               libvlc_log_message_t *p_buffer,
                                                               libvlc_exception_t *p_e );

/** @} */

# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif

#endif /* <vlc/libvlc.h> */



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    对Python语言有所了解的人都知道Python简单,拥有丰富的第三方库,可用于人工智能.机器学习.网络爬虫.web开发等领域,而这篇文章小编想要为大家介绍一下最有名,也是专门面向机器学习的一个库,它 ...

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    我们随便开发一个C/C++程序,都很大程度不可避免的需要用到动态库: // 来源:公众号[编程珠玑] #include <stdio.h> int main() {     printf( ...

  • (7条消息) Qt生成和调用动态库dll,和静态库.a(windows和linux通用)

    系统1:ThinkPad T570.Windows10.QT5.12.2(Qt Creater 4.8.2) 一.动态库.dll的创建和调用 1.在qtcreater中按如下步骤创建动态库,动态库名为 ...

  • Python 自动化库介绍 PySimpleGUI

    Python编程学习圈 3天前 [导语]python在运维和办公自动化中扮演着重要的角色,PySimpleGUI 是一款很棒的自动化辅助模块,让你更轻松的实现日常任务的自动化. 1 PySimpleG ...