Daily English Of Dispatcher
Aircraft Classification Number

The aircraft classification number (ACN) is a number expressing the relative effect of an aircraft on the runway pavement for a specified standard subgrade category, using a method defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
It consists of a number on a continuous scale, ranging from 0 on the lower end and with no upper limit, that is computed between two pavement types (rigid or flexible), and the subgrade support strength category. ACN values for civil aircraft have been published in ICAO’s Aerodrome Design Manual and in FAA Circular 150/5335-5.
The ACN of an airplane is a function of not only its weight but also the design parameters of its landing gear such as the distances between the wheels of a multiple-wheel landing gear assembly.
ACN values for selected aircraft have been calculated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) using two computer programs, one for rigid pavements and the other for flexible pavements.
重心越靠后,ACN值越大,厂家在Airport Planning手册中一般按后重心给出ACN值。
When the center of gravity is moving to the back of the airplane, the greater the ACN value may have. The manufacturer usually gives the ACN value in the Airport Planning manual according to the aft-position center of gravity.
When the center of gravity is constant, ACN is linearly related to the weight of the aircraft.
Pavement Classification Number
PCN reflects the load-bearing capacity of the pavement. The larger the PCN, the stronger the load-bearing capacity of the pavement and the heavier the aircraft is allowed to take off and
The pavement classification number (PCN) is an International Civil Aviation Organization standard used in combination with the aircraft classification number (ACN) to indicate the strength of a runway, taxiway or airport apron (or ramp).
This helps to ensure that the airport runway, taxiway, and apron (or ramp) are not subjected to excessive wear and tear, thus prolonging the usable life of the runway while promoting safe
operations of the aircraft landing thereon.
The PCN of a runway is generally fixed, but if the strength of the runway varies seasonally due to freezing and other conditions, it may have different PCN values in different seasons (freezing
affects the strength of the soil foundation).
一条跑道的PCN,一般来说是固定的,但是如果道面强度受冰冻等条件影响而有季节性变化的话, 则可以在不同季节有不同的PCN值(冰冻影响土基强度)。
跑道的PCN由修建部门提供,可以在机场细则中查到,表示方法如下:PCN 90/R/B/X/T
The second part is a letter: either an R or an F, depending on whether the pavement itself is of a rigid (most typically concrete) or a flexible (most typically asphalt) design.
The third part is another letter from A to D expressing the strength of what is underneath the pavement section, known as the subgrade. So a subgrade of A would be very strong, like concrete-stabilised clay. A subgrade of D would be very weak, like uncompacted soil.

第4个字母可以是W、X、Y、Z之一, 代表允许的轮胎压力,
The fourth part is either a letter, or a number with units expressing the maximum tire pressure that the pavement can support. In terms of letters, W is the highest, indicating that the pavement can support tires of any pressure. Concrete surfaces can support tire pressures greater than those of existing commercial aircraft and are therefore nearly always rated W.

第5个字母是T、U之一, 表示评价手段。
The fifth and final part just describes how the first value was worked out, a T indicates technical evaluation, and a U indicates usage – a physical testing regime.
The ACN-PCN system of rating airport pavements is designated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as the only approved method for reporting strength.
The ICAO system for civil airport pavements involves comparison of an airport’s pavement classification number (PCN) with an aircraft classification number (ACN).
According to this worldwide ICAO standard, aircraft can safely operate on a pavement if their ACN is less than or equal to the pavement load bearing capacity or PCN.
An aircraft having an ACN equal to or less than the PCN can operate without weight restrictions on a pavement. The PCN is formally published in an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
For rigid pavement, if the runway is used occasionally, the ACN could exceed PCN 5%.
对刚性道面, 若偶尔使用该跑道, 允许ACN超过PCN 5%。
For flexible pavement, if the runway is used occasionally, the ACN could exceed PCN 10%.
对柔性道面, 若偶尔使用该跑道, 允许ACN超过PCN 10%。
The number of overloading taking off and landing shall not exceed 5% of the total annual take-off and landing times.