The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.
Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory frame work.
days /deiz/ 时期
Aristotle 亚里士多德
search / sə:tʃ/ 搜索,搜寻
universal / ˌju:niˈvə:sl adj. 普遍的
principle / ˈprinsəpl / n. 原则,原理
characterize / ˈkærəktəraiz / vt. 是……的特征
enterprise / ˈentəpraiz/ n. 公司,事业
quest / kwest / n. 探索,探求
commonality /'kɑmənəlti/ n. 共性
define / diˈfain / vt. 给……下定义
laws of motion 运动定律
Darwinian evolution 达尔文的进化论
bind / baind / 捆绑,系;使联合
a host of …很多
phenomena / fəˈnɔminiə / 现象(复数)
explicatory / ik'splikətəri / adj. 解释的,说明的
frame / freim / n. 框架
Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory frame work.
1. 首句:该句前半部分为since 所引导的时间状语,主干为主谓宾结构,即:a search for universal principles/ has characterized/ the scientific enterprise.
2. 难点在于characterize 一词的处理。不妨记个例句吧,The word 'purity’ characterizes Mr. Sky. 即:“纯洁”一词就是Mr.Sky的特征。
3. 三句主干为主谓宾宾补结构,即:Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian evolution /each bind/ a host of different phenomena/ into a single explicatory frame work.
Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory frame work.
In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything—a single generative equation for all we see.