Title: "Women" in Google, Bing and Baidu Doodles | MIU says题图是去年今日推送的截图信守承诺继续节日谈谈女性The photo is screenshot of last year's postKeeping my promise to talk about womenIWD存在就是想要@每一个人我们一起走向平等啊The existence of IWD is to @everyonewe shall walk to equality together去年今日的推送从谷歌、必应和百度的节日海报看“女性“| MIU论前年今日的推送从百度、必应、谷歌的今日板报开始,让我们谈谈对女性的印象 | MIU论大前年写的推送🔍就今天的板报而言,谷歌和百度之间还差几个必应?| MIU论(点击上述推送中的MIU论就可以跳转到相应页面)循例先放这三个搜索引擎的2020IWD节气海报As a tradition, here are what the three search engines did for IWD 2020谷歌Google
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLM1-MOoalg当你访问谷歌的时候,你会看见第一张图片,然后点击它就可以看到55秒的这个视频。我附上了视频下方文字的翻译:When you visit google, you will see the first picture and click it, you will find it is a video around 55 seconds. Here I also want to share the words they put for the video:Today’s annual International Women’s Day Doodle celebrates women coming together throughout the world—and generations—with a special animated video. The multilayered 3D paper mandala animation, illustrated by New York and London-based guest artists Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft from Makerie Studio and animated by Zurich-based guest animators Marion Willam & Daphne Abderhalden from DRASTIK GmbH, represents both the history of this powerful celebration and the significance it has for women across generations.Learn more: https://www.google.com/doodles/international-womens-day-2020今天一年一度的国际女性日板报庆祝的是:全世界不同时代的女性聚集到一起,形成这个动画视频。有多层的3D纸张做成的曼陀罗动画,是常驻纽约和伦敦的两位客座艺术家——来自Makerie工作室的Julie Wilkinson 和 Joyanne Horscroft 以及常驻苏黎世的客座动画师——来自DRASTIK GmbH的Marion Willam和Daphne Abderhalden,代表着这个充满力量的庆祝过程有着悠久的历史同时也对不同时代的女性都有着重要的意义。更多请见:https://www.google.com/doodles/international-womens-day-2020我还录屏搬运到了b站,虽然审核花了一天:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av94672587(非授权录屏,就是个人行为,不妥侵删)必应
截取自我的ins关注列表Screenshot from my ins下面是我对截图中英文的翻译(我很认同其中的文字,但我不是很喜欢把women翻译成妇女,所以还是要小小地坚持翻译把women翻成女性):Here are the translations of the ins UN women posted:国际女性日名词
国际女性日快乐!为什么这是属于女性、也是为了女性的特殊日子?因为女性和女孩都需要终结因为她们的性别而导致的系统性的阻碍和歧视。加入#平等的一代,为了平等的未来!看看你能够如何参与到这个活动中来吧#IWD2020到这里,可能有读者会觉得我小题大作,明明UN Women的翻译都叫做联合国妇女署,在中文的语境中也约定俗成地在用“国际妇女节”来作为“International Women's Day”的对应名字。Writing here, some reader may find me making something tiny into a big controversy, I am going to explain why I prefer a different translation to the more-widely accepted translation of "women".可请恕我不接受这样的翻译出现在我的译本中。我当然也不会强迫别人接受我的这个译本,但至少认为我有权利在自己说话的时候,可以选择我更认同的,也是我眼中更符合这个字词的意涵。However, please forgive me to choose an alternative。Of course I will not force others to accept my translation, but at least, I think I have my right to choose what I prefer to use when I am speaking for myself, using the more appropriate translation of "women".(So no need to have more English as the following paragraphs would be explantion of different Chinese terms)倒不是我觉得“妇女”这个词被污名化了我不想用,你应该也注意到我都不喜欢用“女神”这个目前也很流行的词,因为我觉得都不太合适,人就是人本身,不需要成为谁的谁,更不需要被拔高到有神光庇佑。或许你会好奇为什么不用“女人”或者“女士”,我弟弟就在周五和说他觉得翻译成“女士节”也是不错的选择。我来说一下我翻译时的考量,因为IWD目前有两个含义,一个是庆祝女性在各行各业以及争取权益的过程中获得的成就,这些成就为什么会被庆贺,有一部分就是因为她们打破了性别刻板印象,同时现下这个时代更重要的IWD意涵是呼吁停止性别不平等。在这样的理解下,翻译成“女性”更能够传达这个节日的诉求。另外,我也没有说必应和百度今年的IWD海报不及格的意思,我只是想说,还可以做得更好一点,更包容多元一些。In addition, I did not say that the photo and logo Bing and Baidu did were failure, I just want to make my point that they can do better, more diverse.女性值得尊重,但我们不需要回到光荣的过去,也不是因为她们为社会做出了贡献。我们还要看到更深层次的内容,那就是我们为什么需要这一天?Women worth respect but it does not mean we need to go back to the glorious past, nor because of the contribution they made for the society. We still want something deeper, that is why we need the IWD day?就像我们需要圣诞节、端午节一样,我们恐怕不是真的只为了过去,或者只为了当下的口腹之欲,也是为了所有未来中我们最想要的那一种:Like we need Christmas and Duanwu, we are not just for the past, or just want to have a nice meal, we are also having the day for the best future we would like to see:(here is my call or poem)也就是为了所有人的平等,It is equality for everyone,让我们成为平等的一代人,let us be equal generation,记住女性曾经付出的努力,remember the efforts women made,我们能站在她们的肩膀上,we can stand on their shoulders,也珍惜现在的同辈女性们,and cherish women in our times,面对挑战时的勇敢与专业,the courage and profession they have in face of challenges,选择与她们携手并肩同行,choose to go hand in hand and neck by neck,不只因为她们是我们的谁,not just because they are someone to us,祖母、母亲、或者是闺蜜,grandma, mother, or best female friends,也是因为我们都希望看到:also as we all would like to see:女性因自身的能力与才华women are known by their own capabilities and talents,为人所识,为社会所赞扬,appreciated by others and the society,而不是长相、身材或者是not being praised for appearances,穿衣打扮有品而得到称赞。or a good taste of clothes and makeup.