Guideline on data integrity
1. Introduction and background
1.1. In recent years, the number ofobservations made regarding the integrity of data, documentation and recordmanagement practices during inspections of good manufacturing practice (GMP) (2),good clinical practice (GCP), good laboratory practice (GLP) and Good Trade andDistribution Practices (GTDP) have been increasing. The possible causes forthis may include
(ⅰ) reliance on inadequate human practices;
(ⅱ)poorly defined procedures;
(ⅲ)resource constraints;
(ⅳ) the use of computerized systems that are not capable of meetingregulatory requirements or are inappropriately managed and validated (3, 4);
(ⅴ) inappropriate and inadequate control of data flow; and
(ⅵ)failure to adequately review and manage original data and records.
1.2. Data governance and related measures shouldbe part of a quality system, and are important to ensure the reliability ofdata and records in good practice (GxP) activities and regulatory submissions.The data and records should be 'attributable, legible, contemporaneous,original’ and accurate, complete, consistent, enduring, and available; commonlyreferred to as “ALCOA+”.
1.3. This document replaces the WHO Guidanceon good data and record managementpractices (Annex 5, WHO Technical Report Series, No. 996, 2016) (1).
本文件取代了《WHO良好数据和记录管理规范指南》(WHO技术报告系列,No. 996, 2016,附件5)(1)。
2. Scope
2.1. This document provides information,guidance and recommendations to strengthen data integrity in support of productquality, safety and efficacy. The aim is to ensure compliance with regulatoryrequirements in, for example clinical research, production and quality control,which ultimately contributes to patient safety. It covers electronic, paper andhybrid systems.
2.2. The guideline covers ”GxP” for medicalproducts. The principles could also be applied to other products such as vectorcontrol products.
本指南涵盖了医药产品 “GxP”。这些原则也可应用于其他产品,如病媒控制产品。
2.3. The principles of this guideline alsoapply to contract givers and contract acceptors. Contract givers are ultimatelyresponsible for the integrity of data provided to them by contract acceptors.Contract givers should therefore ensure that contract acceptors have theappropriate capabilities and comply with the principles contained in thisguideline and documented in quality agreements.
2.4. Where possible, this guideline hasbeen harmonised with other published documents on data integrity. Thisguideline should also be read with other WHO good practices guidelines andpublications including, but not limited to, those listed in the referencessection of this document.
3. Glossary
The definitions given below apply to theterms used in these guidelines. They may have different meanings in othercontexts.
A commonly used acronym for “attributable,legible, contemporaneous, original and accurate” which puts additional emphasison the attributes of being complete, consistent, enduring and availablethroughout the data life cycle for the defined retention period.
Archiving is the process of long-termstorage and protection of records from the possibility of deterioration, andbeing altered or deleted, throughout the required retention period. Archivedrecords should include the complete data, for example, paper records,electronic records including associated metadata such as audit trails andelectronic signatures. Within a GLP context, the archived records should be underthe control of independent data management personnel throughout the requiredretention period.
Audit trail.
The audit trail is a form of metadatacontaining information associated with actions that relate to the creation,modification or deletion of GxP records. An audit trail provides for a securerecording of life cycle details such as creation, additions, deletions oralterations of information in a record, either paper or electronic, withoutobscuring or overwriting the original record. An audit trail facilitates thereconstruction of the history of such events relating to the record regardlessof its medium, including the “who, what, when and why” of the action.
The copying of live electronic data, atdefined intervals, in a secure manner to ensure that the data are available forrestoration.
Certified true copy or true copy.
A copy (irrespective of the type of media used)of the original record that has been verified (i.e. by a dated signature or bygeneration through a validated process) to have the same information, includingdata that describe the context, content, and structure, as the original.
All original records and true copies oforiginal records, including source data and metadata, and all subsequent transformationsand reports of these data which are generated or recorded at the time of theGMP activity and which allow full and complete reconstruction and evaluation ofthe GMP activity. Data should be accurately recorded by permanent means at thetime of the activity. Data may be contained in paper records (such asworksheets and logbooks), electronic records and audit trails, photographs,microfilm or microfiche, audio or video files or any other media wherebyinformation related to GMP activities is recorded.
Data criticality.
This is defined by the importance of thedata for the quality and safety of the product and how important data are for aquality decision within production or quality control.
Data governance.
The sum total of arrangements which provideassurance of data quality. These arrangements ensure that data, irrespective ofthe process, format or technology in which it is generated, recorded,processed, retained, retrieved and used will ensure an attributable, legible,contemporaneous, original, accurate, complete, consistent, enduring and availablerecord throughout the data life cycle.
Data integrity risk assessment (DIRA).
The process to map out procedures, systemsand other components that generate or obtain data; to identify and assess risksand implement appropriate controls to prevent or minimize lapses in theintegrity of the data.
Data life cycle.
All phases of the process by which data arecreated, recorded, processed, reviewed, analysed and reported, transferred,stored and retrieved and monitored, until retirement and disposal. There shouldbe a planned approach to assessing, monitoring and managing the data and therisks to those data, in a manner commensurate with the potential impact onpatient safety, product quality and/or the reliability of the decisions madethroughout all phases of the data life cycle.
Dynamic data.
Dynamic formats, such as electronicrecords, allow an interactive relationship between the user and the recordcontent. For example, electronic records in database formats allow the user totrack, trend and query data; chromatography records maintained as electronicrecords allow the user or reviewer (with appropriate access permissions) toreprocess the data and expand the baseline to view the integration moreclearly.
Electronic signatures.
A signature in digital form (bio-metric ornon-biometric) that represents the signatory. In legal terms, it is theequivalent of the handwritten signature of the signatory.
Good practices (GxP).
An acronym for the group of good practiceguides governing the preclinical, clinical, manufacturing, testing, storage,distribution and post-market activities for regulated pharmaceuticals,biologicals and medical devices, such as GLP, GCP, GMP, good pharmacovigilancepractices (GVP) and good distribution practices (GDP).
Hybrid system.
The use of a combination of electronicsystems and paper systems.
Medical product.
A term that includes medicines, vaccines,diagnostics and medical devices.
Metadata are data that provide the contextualinformation required to understand other data. These include structural anddescriptive metadata, which describe the structure, data elements,interrelationships and other characteristics of data. They also permit data tobe attributable to an individual. Metadata that are necessary to evaluate themeaning of data should be securely linked to the data and subject to adequatereview. For example, in the measurement of weight, the number 8 is meaninglesswithout metadata, such as, the unit, milligram, gram, kilogram, and so on. Otherexamples of metadata include the time or date stamp of an activity, theoperator identification (ID) of the person who performed an activity, theinstrument ID used, processing parameters, sequence files, audit trails andother data required to understand data and reconstruct activities.
Raw data.
The original record (data) which can bedescribed as the first-capture of information, whether recorded on paper orelectronically. Raw data is synonymous with source data.
Static data.
A static record format, such as a paper orelectronic record, that is fixed and allows little or no interaction betweenthe user and the record content. For example, once printed or converted tostatic electronic format chromatography records lose the capability of being reprocessedor enabling more detailed viewing of baseline.
4. Data governance
4.1. There should be a written policy on data integrity.
4.2. Senior management should beaccountable for the implementation of systems and procedures in order tominimise the potential risk to data integrity, and to identify the residualrisk using risk management techniques such as the principles of the guidance onquality risk management from WHO (5) and The International Council forHarmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH)(6).
4.3. Senior management is responsible forthe establishment, implementation and control of an effective data governancesystem. Data governance should be embedded in the quality system. The necessarypolicies, procedures, training, monitoring and other systems should beimplemented.
4.4. Data governance should ensure the application of ALCOA+ principles.
4.5. Senior management is responsible forproviding the environment to establish, maintain and continually improve thequality culture, supporting the transparent and open reporting of deviations,errors or omissions and data integrity lapses at all levels of theorganization. Appropriate, immediate action should be taken when falsificationof data is identified. Significant lapses in data integrity that may impact patientsafety, product quality or efficacy should be reported to the relevant medicineregulatory authorities.
4.6. The quality system, includingdocumentation such as procedures and formats for recording and reviewing ofdata, should be appropriately designed and implemented in order to provideassurance that records and data meet the principles contained in thisguideline.
4.7. Data governance should address the roles,responsibilities, accountability and define the segregation of dutiesthroughout the life cycle and consider the design, operation and monitoring ofprocesses/systems to comply with the principles of data integrity, includingcontrol over authorized and unauthorized changes to data.
4.8. Data governance control strategiesusing quality risk management (QRM) principles (5) are required to prevent ormitigate risks. The control strategy should aim to implement appropriatetechnical, organizational and procedural controls. Examples of controls mayinclude, but are not limited to:
the establishment and implementation of procedures that willfacilitate compliance with data integrity requirements and expectations;
the adoption of a quality culture within the company that encouragespersonnel to be transparent about failures, which includes a reportingmechanism inclusive of investigation and follow-up processes;
the implementation of appropriate controls to eliminate or reducerisks to an acceptable level throughout the life cycle of the data;
ensuring sufficient time and resources are available to implementand complete a data integrity programme; to monitor compliance with data integritypolicies, procedures and processes through e.g. audits and self-inspections;and to facilitate continuous improvement of both;
确保有足够的时间和资源实施和完成一项数据完整性计划; 透过审计及自查等方式,检查符合数据完整性政策、程序及过程的情况;并促进他们持续改善;
the assignment of qualified and trained personnel and provision ofregular training for personnel in, for example, GxP, and the principles of dataintegrity in computerized systems and manual/ paper based systems;
the implementation and validation of computerized systemsappropriate for their intended use, including all relevant data integrity requirementsin order to ensure that the computerized system has the necessary controls toprotect the electronic data (3); and
the definition and management of the appropriate roles and responsibilitiesfor contract givers and contract acceptors, entered into quality agreements andcontracts including a focus on data integrity requirements.
4.9. Datagovernance systems should include, for example:
the creation of an appropriate working environment;
active support of continual improvement in particular based oncollecting feedback; and
review of results, including the reporting of errors, unauthorizedchanges, omissions and undesirable results.
4.10. The data governance programme shouldinclude policies and procedures addressing data management. These should atleast where applicable, include:
management oversight and commitment;
the application of QRM;
compliance with data protection legislation and best practices;
qualification and validation policies and procedures;
change, incident and deviation management;
data classification, confidentiality and privacy;
security, cybersecurity, access and configuration control;
database build, data collection, data review, blinded data,randomization;
the tracking, trending, reporting of data integrity anomalies, andlapses or failures for further action;
the prevention of commercial, political, financial and otherorganizational pressures;
adequate resources and systems;
workload and facilities to facilitate the right environment that supportsDI and effective controls;
training; and
awareness of the importance of data integrity, product quality andpatient safety.
4.11. There should be a system for theregular review of data for consistency with ALCOA+ principles. This includespaper records and electronic records in day-to-day work, system and facilityaudits and self-inspections.
4.12. The effort and resources applied toassure the integrity of the data should be commensurate with the risk andimpact of a data integrity failure.
4.13. Where weaknesses in data integrityare identified, the appropriate corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) shouldbe implemented across all relevant activities and systems and not in isolation.
4.14. Changing from paper-based systems toautomated or computerised systems (or vice-versa) will not in itself remove theneed for appropriate data integrity controls.
4.15. Records (paper and electronic) shouldbe kept in a manner that ensures compliance with the principles of thisguideline. These include but are not limited to:
ensuring time accuracy of the system generating the record, accuratelyconfiguring and verifying time zone and time synchronisation, and restrictingthe ability to change dates, time zones and times for recording events;
using controlled documents and forms for recording GxP data;
defining access and privilege rights to GxP automated andcomputerized systems, ensuring segregation of duties;
ensuring audit trail activation for all interactions and restrictingthe ability to enable or disable audit trails (Note: 'back-end’ changes and 'hard’changes, such as hard deletes, should not be allowed). Where audit trials canbe disabled then this this action should also appear in the audit trail;
having automated data capturesystems and printers connected to equipment and instruments in production (suchas Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Human Machine Interface(HMI) and Programme Logic Control (PLCs) systems), in , quality control, and inclinical research (such as Clinical Data Management (CDM) systems), wherepossible;
designing processes in a way to avoid the unnecessary transcriptionof data or unnecessary conversion from paper to electronic and vice versa; and
ensuring the proximity of an official GxP time source to site of GxPactivity and record creation.
4.16. Systems, procedures and methodologyused to record and store data should be periodically reviewed foreffectiveness. These should be updated throughout the data life cycle, as necessary,where new technology becomes available. New technology implementation must beevaluated before implementation to verify the impact on data integrity.
5. Quality risk management
Note: documentation of data flows and dataprocess maps are recommended to facilitate the assessment, mitigation andcontrol of data integrity risks across the actual and intended data process(es).
5.1. DataIntegrity Risk Assessment (DIRA) should be carried out in order to identify andassess areas of risk. This should cover systems and processes that produce dataor, where data are obtained and inherent risks. The DIRAs should be risk-based,cover the life cycle of data and consider data criticality. Data criticalitymay be determined by considering how the data is used to influence thedecisions made. The DIRAs should be documented and reviewed, as required, toensure that it remains current.
5.2. The risk assessments should evaluate,for example, the relevant GxP computerised systems, supporting personnel,training, quality systems and outsourced activities.
5.3. DIrisks should be assessed and mitigated. Controls and residual risks should becommunicated. Risk review should be done throughout the document and data lifecycle at a frequency based on the risk level, as determined by the riskassessment process.
5.4. Wherethe risk assessment has highlighted areas for remedial action, theprioritisation of actions (including the acceptance of an appropriate level ofresidual risk) and the prioritisation of controls should be documented andcommunicated. Where long-term remedial actions are identified, risk-reducingshort-term measures should be implemented in order to provide acceptable datagovernance in the interim.
5.5. Controlsidentified may include organizational, procedural and technical controls suchas procedures, processes, equipment, instruments and other systems in order toboth prevent and detect situations that may impact on data integrity. Examplesinclude the appropriate content and design of procedures, formats forrecording, access control, the use of computerized systems and other means.
5.6. Efficientrisk-based controls should be identified and implemented to address risksimpacting data integrity. Risks include, for example, the deletion of, changesto and exclusion of data or results from data sets without writtenjustification, authorisation where appropriate, and detection. Theeffectiveness of the controls should be verified (see Appendix 1 for examples).
6. Management review
6.1. Managementshould ensure that systems (such as computerized systems and paper systems) aremeeting regulatory requirements in order to support data integrity compliance.
6.2. Theacquisition of non-compliant computerized systems and software should beavoided. Where existing systems do not meet current requirements, appropriatecontrols should be identified and implemented based on risk assessment.
6.3. Theeffectiveness of the controls implemented should be evaluated through, forexample:
the tracking and trending of data;
a review of data, metadata and audit trails (e.g. in warehouse andmaterial management, production, quality control, case report forms and dataprocessing); and
routine audits and/or self-inspections, including data integrity andcomputerized systems.
7. Outsourcing
7.1. The selection of a contract acceptorshould be done in accordance with an authorized procedure. The outsourcing ofactivities, ownership of data, and responsibilities of each party (contractgiver and contract accepter) should be clearly described in written agreements.Specific attention should be given to ensuring compliance with data integrityrequirements. Provisions should be made for responsibilities relating to datawhen an agreement expires.
7.2. Compliance with the principles andresponsibilities should be verified during periodic site audits. This shouldinclude the review of procedures and data (including raw data and metadata,paper records, electronic data, audit trails and other related data) held bythe relevant contract accepter identified in risk assessment.
7.3. Where data and document retention arecontracted to a third party, particular attention should be given to security,transfer, storage, access and restoration of data held under that agreement, aswell as controls to ensure the integrity of data over their life cycle. Thisincludes static data and dynamic data. Mechanisms, procedures and tools shouldbe identified to ensure data integrity and data confidentiality, for example,version control, access control, and encryption.
7.4. GxP activities, including outsourcingof data management, should not be sub-contracted to a third party without theprior approval of the contract giver. This should be stated in the contractualagreements.
7.5. All contracted parties should be awareof the requirements relating to data governance, data integrity and datamanagement.
8. Training
8.1. All personnel who interact with GxPdata and who perform GxP activities should be trained in relevant dataintegrity principles and abide by organization policies and procedures. Thisshould include understanding the potential consequences in cases ofnon-compliance.
8.2. Personnel should be trained in gooddocumentation practices and measures to prevent and detect data integrity issues.
8.3. Specific training should be given in cases where computerized systemsare used in the generation, processing, interpretation and reporting of dataand where risk assessment has shown that this is required to relevantpersonnel. Such training should include validation of computerized systems andfor example, system security assessment, back-up, restoration, disasterrecovery, change and configuration management, and reviewing of electronic dataand metadata, such as audit trails and logs, for each GxP computerized systemsused in the generation, processing and reporting of data.
9. Data, data transfer and data processing
9.1. Data may be recorded on paper orcaptured electronically by using equipment and instruments including thoselinked to computerised systems. A combination of paper and electronic formatsmay also be used, referred to as a “hybrid system”.
9.2. Data integrity consideration are alsoapplicable to media such as photographs, videos, DVDs, imagery and thin layerchromatography plates. There should be a documented rationale for the selectionof such a method.
9.3. Risk-reducing measures such asscribes, second person oversight, verification and checks should be implementedwhere there is difficulty in accurately and contemporaneously recording datarelated to critical process parameters or critical quality attributes.
9.4. Results and data sets requireindependent verification if deemed necessary from the DIRA or by anotherrequirement.
9.5. Programmes and methods (such asprocessing methods in sample analysis (see also Good Chromatography Practices,TRS 1025) should ensure that data meet ALCOA+ principles. Where results or dataare processed using a different method/parameters, then each version of theprocessing method should be recorded. Data records, content versions togetherwith audit trails containing the required details should allow forreconstruction of all data processing in GxP computerized systems over the datalife cycle.
程序和方法(如样品分析中的处理方法(参见TRS 1025《良好色谱规范》))应确保数据符合ALCOA+原则。如果使用不同的方法/参数对结果或数据进行处理,应记录处理方法的每个版本。数据记录、内容版本以及包含所需细节的审计追踪应允许在数据生命周期内重建GxP计算机化系统的所有数据处理。
9.6. Data transfer/migration proceduresshould include a rationale and be robustly designed and validated to ensurethat data integrity is maintained during the data life cycle. Carefulconsideration should be given to understanding the data format and thepotential for alteration at each stage of data generation, transfer andsubsequent storage. The challenges of migrating data are often underestimated,particularly regarding maintaining the full meaning of the migrated records.
Data transfer should bevalidated. The data should not be altered during or after it is transferred tothe worksheet or other application. There should be an audit trail for thisprocess. The appropriate quality procedures should be followed if the datatransfer during the operation has not occurred correctly. Any changes in themiddle layer software should be managed through the appropriate Quality ManagementSystems (7).
10. Good documentation practices
Note: The principles contained in thissection are applicable to paper data.
10.1. Good documentation practices shouldbe implemented and enforced to ensure compliance with ALCOA+ principles.
10.2. Data and recorded media should bedurable. Ink should be indelible. Temperature-sensitive or photosensitive inksand other erasable inks should not be used. Where related risks are identified,means should be identified in order to ensure traceability of the data overtheir life cycle.
10.3. Paper should not betemperature-sensitive, photosensitive or easily oxidizable. If this is notfeasible or limited, then true or certified copies should be generated.
10.4. Specific controls should be implementedin order to ensure the integrity of raw data and results recorded on paperrecords. These may include, but are not limited to:
control over the issuance and use of loose paper sheets at the timeof recording data;
no use of pencil or erasers;
use of single-line cross-outs to record changes with theidentifiable person who made the change, date and reason for the changerecorded (i.e. the paper equivalent to an electronic audit trail);
no use of correction fluid or otherwise, obscuring the originalrecord;
controlled issuance of bound, paginated notebooks;
controlled issuance and reconciliation of sequentially numberedcopies of blank forms with authenticity controls;
maintaining a signature and initial record for traceability anddefining the levels of signature of a record; and
archival of records by designated personnel in secure and controlledarchives.
11. Computerized systems
(Note. This section highlights somespecific aspects relating to the use of computerized systems. It is notintended to repeat the information presented in the other WHO guidelines here,such as the WHO Guideline on computerized systems (3), WHO Guideline onvalidation (2) and WHO Guideline on good chromatography practices (7). Seereferences.)
11.1. Each computerized system selectedshould be suitable, validated for its intended use, and maintained in avalidated state.
11.2. Where GxP systems are used toacquire, record, transfer, store or process data, management should haveappropriate knowledge of the risks that the system and users may pose to theintegrity of the data.
11.3. Software of computerized systems,used with GxP instruments and equipment, should be appropriately configured(where required) and validated. The validation should address for example thedesign, implementation and maintenance of controls in order to ensure the integrityof manually and automatically acquired data; ensure that Good DocumentationPractices will be implemented; and that data integrity risks will beappropriately managed throughout the data life cycle. The potential for unauthorizedand adverse manipulation of data during the life cycle of the data should bemitigated and, where possible, eliminated.
11.4. Where electronic instruments (e.g.certain pH meters, balances and thermometers) or systems with no configurablesoftware and no electronic data retention are used, controls should be put inplace to prevent the adverse manipulation of data and to prevent repeat testingto achieve the desired result.
11.5. Appropriate controls for thedetection of lapses in data integrity principles should be in place. Technicalcontrols should be used whenever possible but additional procedural oradministrative controls should be implemented to manage aspects of computerisedsystem control where technical controls are missing. For example, whenstand-alone computerized systems with a user-configurable output are used,Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV spectrophotometers haveuser-configurable output or reports that cannot be controlled using technicalcontrols. Other examples of non-technical detection and prevention mechanismsmay include, but are not limited to, instrument usage logbooks and electronicaudit trails.
Access and privileges
11.6. There should be a documented systemin place that defines the access and privileges of users of systems. Thereshould be no discrepancy between paper records and electronic records wherepaper systems are used to request changes for the creation and inactivation ofusers. Inactivated users should be retained in the system. A list of active andinactivated users should be maintained throughout the system life cycle.
11.7. Access and privileges should be inaccordance with the role and responsibility of the individual with theappropriate controls to ensure data integrity (e.g. no modification, deletion orcreation of data outside the defined privilege and in accordance with theauthorized procedures defining review and approval where appropriate).
11.8. A limited number of personnel, withno conflict of interest in data, should be appointed as system administrators.Certain privileges such as data deletion, database amendment or systemconfiguration changes should not be assigned to administrators without justification– and such activities should only be done with documented evidence of authorizationby another responsible person. Records should be maintained and audit trailsshould be enabled in order to track activities of system administrators. As aminimum, activity logging for such accounts and the review of logs by designatedroles should be conducted in order to ensure appropriate oversight.
11.9. For systems generating, amending orstoring GxP data, shared logins or generic user access should not be used. Thecomputerised system design should support individual user access. Where a computerisedsystem supports only a single user login or limited numbers of user logins andno suitable alternative computerised system is available, equivalent control shouldbe provided by third-party software or a paper-based method that providestraceability (with version control). The suitability of alternative systemsshould be justified and documented (8). The use of legacy hybrid systems shouldbe discouraged and a priority timeline for replacement should be established.
Audit trail
11.10. GxP systems should provide for theretention of audit trails. Audit trails should reflect, for example, users, dates,times, original data and results, changes and reasons for changes (whenrequired to be recorded), and enabling and disenabling of audit trails.
11.11. All GxP relevant audit trails shouldbe enabled when software is installed and remain enabled at all times. Thereshould be evidence of enabling the audit trail. There should be periodicverification to ensure that the audit trail remains enabled throughout the datalife cycle.
11.12. Where a system cannot support ALCOA+principles by design (e.g. legacy systems with no audit trail), mitigationmeasures should be taken for defined temporary periods. For example, add-on softwareor paper-based controls may be used. The suitability of alternative systems shouldbe justified and documented. This should be addressed within defined timelines.
Electronic signatures
11.13. Each electronic signature should beappropriately controlled by, for example, senior management. An electronic signatureshould be:
attributable to an individual;
free from alteration and manipulation
be permanently linked to their respective record; and
date- and time-stamped.
11.14. An inserted image of a signature ora footnote indicating that the document has been electronically signed is notadequate unless it was created as part of the validated electronic signatureprocess. The metadata associated with the signature should be retained.
Data backup, retention and restoration
11.15. Data should be retained (archived)in accordance with written policies and procedures, and in such a manner thatthey are protected, enduring, readily retrievable and remain readablethroughout the records retention period. True copies of original records may beretained in place of the original record, where justified. Electronic datashould be backed up according to written procedures.
11.16. Data and records, including backupdata, should be kept under conditions which provide appropriate protection fromdeterioration. Access to such storage areas should be controlled and should beaccessible only by authorized personnel.
11.17. Data retention periods should bedefined in authorized procedures.
11.18. The decision for and manner in whichdata and records are destroyed, should be described in written procedures.Records for the destruction should be maintained.
11.19. Backup and restoration processesshould be validated. The backup should be done routinely and periodically berestored and verified for completeness and accuracy of data and metadata. Whereany discrepancies are identified, they should be investigated and appropriateaction taken.
12. Data review and approval
12.2. There should be a documentedprocedure for the routine and periodic review, as well as the approval of data.Personnel with appropriate knowledge and experience should be responsible forreviewing and checking data. They should have access to original electronicdata and metadata.
12.3. The routine review of GxP data andmeta data should include audit trails. Factors such as criticality of thesystem (high impact versus low impact) and category of audit trail information(e.g. batch specific, administrative, system activities, and so on) should beconsidered when determining the frequency of the audit trail review.
12.4. A procedure should describe theactions to be taken where errors, discrepancies or omissions are identified inorder to ensure that the appropriate corrective and preventive actions aretaken.
12.5. Evidence of the review should bemaintained.
12.6. A conclusion, where required,following the review of original data, metadata and audit trail records shouldbe documented, signed and dated.
13. Corrective and preventive actions
13.1. Where organizations use computerizedsystems (e.g. for GxP data acquisition, processing, interpretation, reporting)which do not meet current GxP requirements, an action plan towards upgradingsuch systems should be documented and implemented in order to ensure compliancewith current GxP.
13.2. When lapses in GxP relevant dataregarding data integrity are identified, a risk-based approach may be used todetermine the scope of the investigation, root cause, impact and CAPA, asappropriate. Health authorities, contract givers and other relevantorganizations should be notified if the investigation identifies a significant impactor risk to, for example, materials, products, patients, reported information ordata in application dossiers, and clinical trials.
Appendix 1
Examples in data integrity management
This Appendix reflects on some examples indata integrity management in order to support the main text on data integrity.It should be noted that these are examples and are intended for the purpose ofclarification only.
Example 1: Quality risk management and dataintegrity risk assessment
Risk management is an important part ofgood practices (GxP). Risks should be identified and assessed and controlsidentified and implemented in order to assist manufacturers in preventingpossible DI lapses.
As an example, a Failure Mode and EffectsAnalysis (FMEA) model (or any other tool) can be used to identify and assessthe risks relating to any system where data are, for example, acquired,processed, recorded, saved and archived. The risk assessment can be done as aprospective exercise or retrospective exercise. Corrective and preventiveaction (CAPA) should be identified, implemented and assessed for its effectiveness.
For example, if during the weighing of asample, the entry of the date was not contemporaneously recorded on theworksheet but the date is available on the print-out from a weighing balanceand log book for the balance for that particular activity. The fact that thedate was not recorded on the worksheet may be considered a lapse in dataintegrity expectations. When assessing the risk relating to the lack of thedate in the data, the risk may be considered different (lower) in this case asopposed to a situation when there is no other means of traceability for theactivity (e.g. no print-out from the balance). When assessing the risk relatingto the lapse in data integrity, the severity could be classified as “low” (thedata is available on the print-out); it does not happen on a regular basis(occurrence is “low”), and it could easily be detected by the reviewer(detection is “high”) – therefore the overall risk factor may be consideredlow. The root cause as to why the record was not made in the analytical reportat the time of weighing should still be identified and the appropriate actiontaken to prevent this from happening again.
Example 2: Good documentation practicesin data integrity
Documentation should be managed with care.These should be appropriately designed in order to assist in eliminatingerroneous entries, manipulation and human error.
Design formats to enable personnel torecord or enter the correct information contemporaneously. Provision should bemade for entries such as, but not limited to, dates, times (start and finishtime, where appropriate), signatures, initials, results, batch numbers andequipment identification numbers. When a computerized system is used, thesystem should prompt the personnel to make the entries at the appropriate step.
Blank sheets of paper
The use of blank sheets should not be encouraged.Where blank sheets are used (e.g. to supplement worksheets, laboratory notebooksand master production and control records), the appropriate controls have to bein place and may include, for example, a numbered set of blank sheets issuedwhich are reconciled upon completion. Similarly, bound paginated notebooks,stamped or formally issued by designated personnel, allow for the detection ofunofficial notebooks and any gaps in notebook pages. Authorization may includetwo or three signatures with dates, for example, “prepared by” or “entered by”,“reviewed by” and “approved by”.
Error in recording data
Care should be taken when entries of dataand results (electronic and paper records) are made. Entries should be made incompliance with good documentation practices. Where incorrect information hadbeen recorded, this may be corrected provided that the reason for the error isdocumented, the original entry remains readable and the correction is signedand dated.
Example 3: Data entry
Data entry includes for example samplereceiving registration, sample analysis result recording, logbook entries, registers,batch manufacturing record entries and information in case report forms. Therecording of source data on paper records should be done using indelible ink,in a way that is complete, accurate, traceable, attributable and free fromerrors. Direct entry into electronic records should be done by responsible andappropriately trained individuals. Entries should be traceable to an individual(in electronic records, thus having an individual user access) and traceable tothe date (and time, where relevant). Where appropriate, the entry should beverified by a second person or entered through technical means such as thescanning of bar-codes, where possible, for the intended use of these data.Additional controls may include the locking of critical data entries after thedata are verified and a review of audit trails for critical data to detect ifthey have been altered. The manual entry of data from a paper record into acomputerized system should be traceable to the paper records used which are keptas original data.
Example 4: Dataset
All data should be included in the datasetunless there is a documented, justifiable, scientific explanation and procedurefor the exclusion of any result or data. Whenever out of specification or outof trend or atypical results are obtained, they should be investigated in accordancewith written procedures. This includes investigating and determining CAPA forinvalid runs, failures, repeats and other atypical data. The review of originalelectronic data should include checks of all locations where data may have beenstored, including locations where voided, deleted, invalid or rejected data mayhave been stored. Data and metadata related to a particular test or productshould be recorded together. The data should be appropriately stored indesignated folders. The data should not be stored in other electronic foldersor in other operating system logs. Electronic data should be archived inaccordance with a standard operating procedure. It is important to ensure thatassociated metadata are archived with the relevant data set or securelytraceable to the data set through relevant documentation. It should be possibleto successfully retrieve all required data and metadata from the archives. Theretrieval and verification should be done at defined intervals and in accordancewith an authorized procedure.