
Let's go shopping. The shops ______ not be crowded. Monday morning is usually quiet.

A. would  B. should

请教老师此题应该选A还是B? 还是两者都对?

【答】我认为,这个题目给的两个答案都不对。应该使用may 或might。would 表示对过去的推测,本句不可用。关于should 表推测的问题,我认为:

▲ should 可以表示“推测”,但仅用于肯定句,不用于否定句和疑问句。这跟must 表推测具有同样的用法,其肯定程度要比must 弱。意为“按道理说应该会”;“想必会”;“可能会”,既要表示可能性,又为自己说的话留有余地。例如:

Hi, Mum! I’m on the bus; I should be home in about ten minutes.  妈妈,我已经在汽车上了,十来分钟可以到家。

--- When can I come for the photos ? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

---They should be ready by 12:00.



这里,should 表示推测,既回答了顾客的询问,不失礼貌,又为照片有可能尚未洗好,顾客到时取不到,留下了回旋的余地。体现了店主的精明与用词经过仔细推敲。

再看几例 should 表示推测的例句:

1. I think he should arrive by nine o’clock..


2. They should be there by now, I think.


3. The men from the government should be here before long.


▲ 此外,should 后还可以接不定式的完成时,表示对过去的推测:“在某个时间之前应该业已完成的动作”。

The paint should have dried off by this time tomorrow. 油漆到明天这个时候就应该已经干了。

They should have arrived in Beijing by this time. 他们这个时候该到北京了。

I think I should have finished it by then.  我想到那时我应该完成了。

We should have the whole deal sewn up by the end of this week. 到本周末,我们应该可以把整个交易谈妥。

The letter should have arrived by now. 信函现在该到达了。

