新疆省MedAccred —AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (18)
This checklist includes process-focused criteria that test the Quality System for compliance relative to Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies.
3.3.1 Is supplier compliant with an approved Quality System? YES/NO
3.4 Corrective Actions
3.4.1 Were corrective actions from the most recent MedAccred audit verified effective? YES/NO/NA
Audit Note: NA applies for initial audits or if the most recent MedAccred audit had no findings.
3.5 Has the supplier completed a self-audit per paragraph 2.2.1, indicating the location and identification (name of procedure and paragraph number) of all applicable documentation on the self-audit form? YES/NO
4.1 P- If MedAccred is not applicable in the entire facility, is there a procedure to review contracts or purchase orders to ensure flow of MedAccred applicable work to the MedAccred production area in the facility? YES/NO/NA
Audit Note: if the supplier does not currently have contracts or purchase orders that require MedAccred, the entire Class 2 and 3 facility / area can be applicable for the MedAccred audit, and the question can be answered NA. NA also applies if MedAccred applies in the entire facility.
4.2 C- Is MedAccred work only being manufactured in the MedAccred area in the facility? YES/NA/NA
Audit Note: NA applies if there is no current MedAccred work