
第一部分 为什么要建造?有什么好处?



第二部分 如何建造,建造好了什么样子?



There are so many great reasons to outfit your home with quality ClosetMaid closet and storage systems.

Enhance Your Home’s Beauty – ClosetMaid closet and storage systems are designed to help you get organized and stay organized. Closet and storage systems make all the difference between a home that’s messy and cluttered and one that’s organized and tidy.

Maximize Space in Your Home – Space is valuable. Consider the cost to rent a single storage unit. ClosetMaid systems – custom-designed by a ClosetMaid Concierge to perfectly suit your needs, taste, and budget – maximize the available space in your home. In fact, ClosetMaid systems often triple or quadruple the volume of usable space in a home.

Increase Your Family’s Productivity– When there’s a proper place for all of your belongings, you know exactly where to find what you need, saving you time and aggravation, and making you more productive day in and day out.

Excellent Home Enhancement for a Minimal Monthly Cost – Many homeowners finance ClosetMaid closet and storage systems through their new mortgage. Homeowners are often pleasantly surprised at how affordable whole-home closet and storage upgrades are when the cost is spread over a low-interest 15- or 30-year mortgage.

A Minor Investment That Can Pay Off Big – Quality ClosetMaid closet and storage systems make a home more desirable and valuable to homebuyers. This means when it’s time to sell, your home can sell faster and/or command a higher resale value than comparable homes in your neighborhood. ClosetMaid systems are one of the most affordable home improvements you can make that can pay off nicely in the long run.

Install ClosetMaid Before You Move In and Eliminate Hassle – In terms of hassle and inconvenience, there is no better time to have your ClosetMaid closet and storage systems installed than immediately before you move in. This way, you won’t have to temporarily relocate your belongings for installation. Your ClosetMaid Concierge can ensure that your ClosetMaid systems are installed and ready before your movers arrive.

第三部分 如何建造






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