
Unit 1   短语


What’s the matter/trouble/problem with...?

= What’s wrong with...

= What’s one’s trouble/problem?

2..have a (high) fever 发(高)烧

3.have a cough 咳嗽

4.have a toothache 牙疼

5.talk too much 说得太多

6.drink enough water 喝足够的水

7.have /get/catch a (bad)cold 得(重)感冒

8.have a stomachache 胃疼

9.have a sore back 背疼

10.have a very sore throat 喉咙非常痛

12.lie down and rest 躺下来休息

13.hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶

14.see a dentist 看牙医

15.get an X-ray 拍X 光片

16.take one’s temperature 量体温

17.put some medicine on sth.伤口上敷药

18.cut oneself 割伤某人自己

19.feel very hot 感到很热

20.have a headache 患头疼

21.sound like 听起来像

22.all weekend 整个周末=the whole weekend

23.away from 远离

24.in the same way以同样的方式

in different ways以不同的方式

25.take a break/have a rest 休息一下

26.go to a doctor 看医生

27.save an old man 拯救一位老人

28.go along 沿着……走

29.see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事

see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

30.on the side of the road 在马路边

31.shout for help 大声呼救

32.24-year-old   24岁的

33.without thinking twice 没有多想

34.get off 下车 get on上车

35.have a heart problem 有心脏病

36.expect sb to do sth   期待某人做某事

37.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的

38.be surprised at sth /be surprised that...对...感到惊讶

39.be surprised to do sth 对...做某事感到惊讶

40.thanks to 多亏了 ;由于 thanks for因...感谢

41.in time 及时   on time 准时

42.save a life 挽救生命

43.hit an old man 撞了一位老人

44.get into trouble 陷入麻烦

make trouble 制造麻烦

45.have trouble/problems/difficulty (in) doing sth  在做...方面有麻烦/问题/困难

46.think of 想起、认为  think about考虑

think about doing sth

47.right away 立刻;马上= at once

48.Because of+n.\pron.由于…

49.get out of 离开;从……出来

50.hurt oneself 受伤

51.fall down 摔倒

52.put a bandage on sth.用绷带包扎

53.run it under water 在水流下冲洗

54.feel sick 感到恶心、不舒服

55.have a nosebleed 流鼻血

56.cut the knee 割伤膝盖

57.put the head down 把头向后仰

58.hurt his back 伤到了后背

59.rest for a few days 休息几天

60.get hit on the head 头部受到撞击

61.get hit by a ball 被球击中

62.get sunburned 晒伤

63.mountain climbing 登山运动

64.be used to doing sth.习惯做某事

65.be used to do sth 被用于做某事

66.used to do sth 过去常常做某事

67.take risks 冒险

68.in a ...situation 在...样的情形下

69.sb run out of sth= sb use up sth


70.sth run out某物被用完

71.be/get ready to do sth 准备好做某事

72.cut up切碎  cut off 切除   cut down砍倒

73.the importance of sth/ doing sth

74.so...that 如此...以至于...

75.so that ...= in order that...为了,以便于

76.be in control of 在...掌控下

77.lose one’s life 丧命

78.bandage himself 给他自己包扎

79.keep on doing sth.继续或坚持做某事

80.make a decision 做出决定

81.go mountain climbing 去爬山

82.give up doing sth放弃做某事

83.have a serious accident遇到严重的意外

84.give sb some advice 给某人一些建议

85.mean v.意思是    meaning n.意思


meaningless 毫无意义的

86. What’s the meaning of...

= What does...mean?  ...的意思是什么

87.mind doing sth 介意做某事

88.breathe v.呼吸     breath  n.呼吸

Unit 2   短语

1.clean up 打扫 Clean-Up Day 清洁日

2.sick kids生病的孩子

feel sick/ill 感觉不舒服

3.stop hunger消除饥饿

4.cheer sb up 使某人振奋

5.give out =hand out 分发   give away赠送

6.at the food bank 在食物分发站

7.volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事

8.after-school 课外的

9.come up with= think up 想出

10.put off doing sth 推迟做某事

11.put up signs 张贴标志 put away收拾、整理

put out 扑灭         put on穿上

12.call sb up 给某人打电话

13.make a plan to do sth

= plan to do sth 计划做某事

14.an old people’s home 养老院

15.help out with sth.帮助解决困难

16.care for 关心;照顾

17.live alone 独自居住   feel lonely感到孤独

18.be/arrive late for…  迟到

19.a feeling of .......的感觉

20.such a/an +adj+n单= so+adj+a/an+n单


21.satisfaction n.满足   satisfied adj.满意的

22.be satisfied with   对...满意

23.the look of......的表情

24.joy 喜悦      joyful喜悦的

25.at the age of

= when sb was ...years old 在......岁时

26.try out for试用...

27.go on a journey/trip去旅行

28.at the same time同时

29.book sale售书活动

30.hand sth to sb= hand sb sth     把...递给...

31.book lover书迷;书籍爱好者

read by oneself自读

32.in one’s eyes 从...的眼中

33.come true 实现(主语为梦想)


34.at least 至少

35.make lots of money 赚许多钱

36.be worried about=worry about 对…担忧

37.in one’s free time在某人空闲时间里

38.raise money for homeless people


39.move to another place 搬到另外一个地方

40.take after=be similar to...与......相像;像

41.fix up=repair 修理;修补;解决

42.set up 建立;设立

43.disabled people 残疾人

44.sb find/think/make+it+adj+to do sth


45.make a difference to对…有影响

46.a friend of mine=one of my friends


47.be/get excited about sth/doing sth


48.a special trained dog


49.work out fine奏效

Unit 3   短语

1.do chores   做家务、做杂务

2.do the dishes  洗餐具

3.take out the rubbish  扔垃圾

4.fold the clothes  叠衣服

5.sweep the floor   扫地

6.make the bed   整理床铺

7.go out for dinner 出去吃晚饭

8.stay out late 呆到很晚

9.go to the movies 去看电影

10.get a ride 搭车

give sb a ride 让某人搭便车

11.work on 从事  work out解决

12.help out with  帮助解决

13.finish doing sth.完成做某事

14.two hours of= two-hour = two hours’


15.clean and tid y 干净整洁

16.no problem 没问题

16.come home from school/ work


17.be/ come back from shopping购物回来

18.be back=return  返回

give back= return  归还

19.throw down  扔下     throw away扔掉

20.the minute= as soon as  一...就

21.come over 过来

22.take sb.for a walk 带某人去散步

go for a walk 去散步

23.all the time 一直;总是

24.be angry with sb.对某人生气

25.solve the problem解决问题

26.all day/evening

=the whole day/evening 整日/夜

27.help out around the house帮助做家务

28.shout back 大声回应

29.walk away 走开

30.share the housework 分担家务

31.ask in surprise 惊讶地问


so+be/助/情+主语!   ...也一样

33.neither of +n复数/代词复数+V单三


34.get something to drink 拿点喝的东西

35.watch one show 观看一个节目

36.hang out with sb 和...一起闲逛

37.pass sb.sth.=pass sth to sb


38.borrow sth from sb从某人那里借某物

lend sth to sb=lend sb.sth.把某物借给某人

39.have time to do sth  有时间做某事

have no time to do sth  没有时间做某事

40.a waste of...   ...的浪费

41.sb spend some time on sth


sb spend some time (in) doing sth


It takes sb some time to do sth


sth cost sb some money


sb pay some money for sth


42.There is no need for sb to do sth


43.provide sb with sth = provide sth to sb


offer sb sth = offer sth to sb


44.get good grades  取的好成绩

45.depend on    依靠、依赖

46.develop one’s independence


47.develop v.发展    development  n.发展

developing  adj.发展中的

developed  adj.发达的

48.depend v.依靠  dependence n.依赖性

dependent adj.有依赖性的

49.independ v.独立   independence n.独立性

indenendent adj.独立的

50.fair 公平的  unfair不公平的


51.do one’s part in doing sth

52.have an idea 有主意

have no idea没有主意

53.as a result 结果

54.get sth.wet 使某物弄湿

55.hate to do sth.讨厌做某事

56.make sb.do sth.使某人做某事

Unit 4   短语


①What about doing sth?

=How about doing sth? ….怎么样?

②Why don’t you do sth?= Why not do sth?


③Let’s do sth.让我们一起做某事吧。

④Shall we/I do sth?我们做…好吗?

⑤had better do/not do sth.最好做/不做某事

⑥Will/Would you please do sth?


⑦Would you like to do sth? 你想去做某事吗?

⑧Would you mind doing sth



Good idea./ That’s good idea.好主意

OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了

Yes, please ./I’d love to 是的/ 我愿意

I agree with you 我同意你的看法

No problem 没问题

Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以

Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想


I don’t think so 我认为不是这样

Sorry, I can’t 对不起,我不能

I’d love to, but…

I’m afraid…我愿意,但恐怕……

4.get enough sleep拥有足够的睡眠

5.allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事

6.sb be allowed to do sth某人被允许做某事

7.hang out with sb.与某人闲逛

8.hang over 笼罩、悬挂

9.take/ have after-school classes


10.get into fight with somebody

= have a fight with somebody

=fight with somebody 和某人闹矛盾、打架

11.write a letter to sb

= write sb a letter  给某人写信

12.find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事

13.look through 浏览、查看    look for寻找

look over检查        look at 看..

look like看起来像   look after照顾

look out当心

14.a big deal大事

15.give sb some advice 给某人一些建议

16.until midnight直到半夜

17.get on/along (well) with sb


18.relations between  ...之间的关系

19.communicate with sb=

have/make a communication with sb


20.argue with sb  与某人吵架

= have an argument with sb

21.elder brother 哥哥

22.refuse to do sth  拒绝做某事

23.instead of doing sth  代替做某事

24.whatever= no matter what  无论什么

25.offer to do sth  主动提出做某事

26.explain sth to sb 向某人解释...

explanation n.解释

27.worry about sth = be worried about sth


28.leave+地点   离开某地

leave for +地点  前往某地

leave sth+介词+地点   把某物遗留在某地

29.be afraid/scared of doing sth=

be afraid/scared to do sth  害怕做某事

30.not...any more= no more   不再

31.a member of  ...的的成员

32.press 按、压       pressure压力

33.compete  v.竞争   competition  n.竞争

compete with sb for sth  为某事和某人竞争

34.continue to do sth

go on doing sth

35.compare with... 和...作比较

36.compare...to... 把...比作...

37.be busy with sth  忙于...

38.be busy doing sth   忙着做某事

39.cut out 删除        cut up切碎

cut into 切成        cut off切除

40.It’s time for sth  到...时间了

It’s time to do sth   到...做某事的时间了

41.be crazy about sth   对...热衷;对...着迷

42.be good at= do well in  擅长

be good to= be friendly/nice to  对...好

be good for 对...有好处

be good with   善于应付、对...有办法

43.agree to do sth  同意做某事

agree with sb   同意某人的意见

44.in one’s opinion   就某人看来

45.a few more days  再几天


= another+基数词+n复数    再几、又几

46.turn down 关小        turn up开大

turn on   打开         turn off关掉

47.spend time alone独自消磨时光

48.give sb.a lot pressure 给某人很大压力

49.free time activities业余活动

50.learn exam skills学习应试技巧

51.a typical American family 典型的美国家庭

52.help each other相互帮助

53.stressed out过度紧张的

Unit 5   短语

1.at the time of在...的时候

2.in times of在...期间

3.go off发出响声

4.wake up醒来

5.all of a sudden=suddenly突然

6.take a hot shower洗热水澡

7.start/begin to do sth=

start/begin doing sth开始做某事

8. pick up the phone=

answer the phone  接电话

9.pick up捡起

10.wait sb to do sth等待某人做某事

wait for 等待

11.at that time在那时

12.strong wind强风   black clouds乌云

13.feel like感觉像

feel like doing sth喜欢做某事

14.heavy storm 大的暴风雨

heavy snow/rain大雪、大雨

15.rain/snow heavily雨下的大、雪下的大

16.in the area在这个区域

17.wood 木头  wooden木制的 woods 森林

18.a piece of wood一块木头

pieces of wood 木块

19.make sure 确保

make sure to do sth务必做某事

20.be sure of sth对......确信

be sure that 对......确信

be sure to do sth 对做某事确信

21.flashlight 手电

candle 蜡烛

match 火柴

22.beat against 敲打、拍 打

23.have fun (in) doing sth做某事有乐趣

be fun to do sth做某事有乐趣

A serious storm 严重的暴风雨

24.first= at the beginning起初、开始时

at last=in the end=finally最终、结束时

25.sleep 睡觉 sleepy瞌睡的  asleep睡着的

fall asleep 入睡     be asleep睡着的

26.die down逐渐消失、逐渐减弱

27.in a mess一团糟

fallen trees 倒下的树木

broken window 破损的窗子

28.join+团体、组织     加入

join in +活动=take part in+活动  参加

29.break apart把...分开

30.be in bad shape 变形

31.make one’s way to在某人去...的路上

32.by/on the side of the road在路边

33.walk by走过

34.no wonder难怪

35.cheer up使振奋、使高兴

cheer on加油

cheer for为...欢呼

36.hear of 听说

hear from sb=receive a letter from sb收到某人的来信

37.important event重要事件

38.in history在历史上

39.shock v.使震惊 shocked  adj.感到震惊的

be shocked to do sth对做某事感到震惊

40.the rest of+n+v(与名词的单复数保持一致)

41.silence n.安静    silent adj.安静的

in silence= silently安静地


43.take down拆除  terrorist 恐怖分子

44.have meaning to对...有意义

45.scary令人害怕的    scared感到害怕的

46.tell the truth说实话

47.go away离开、消失

48.编号:the+序数词+名词= 名词+基数词(首字母大写)

the sixth grade= Grade Six   六年级

Unit 6   短语

1.in class在课堂上

2.once upon a time 从前

3.the other side另一边  other ways其他方式

4.move the mountains移山

move to...移到...去

5.work on doing sth.致力于做某事、从事

6. as soon as ......一……就…

7.continue to do sth.继续做某事



10.remind sb of sth提醒某人想起...

remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事

11.unless= if...not除非、如果不

12.possible可能的    impossible不可能的

13.send sb to...派某人去...

send sb to do sth派某人去做某事

14.work out=solve解决

15.a little bit=a little= a bit =kind of有点

16.different opinions不同的观点

17.the first time第一次

18.main character主要角色

19.traditional chinese book传统的中国名著

20.fact= actually事实上

21.make 72 changes to对...进行72变


23.hide sth from sb把...藏起来不让某人找到

24.a magic stick一根魔棍

25.at other times在其他时候

26.come out出版

27.the weak弱者

28.prince 王子

29.fit sb适合某人

30.can’t/couldn’t stop doing sth情不自禁做某事

marry sb与某人结婚

31.be/get married to sb与某人结婚

32.all over the world= around the world全世界

33.gold金子    silk 丝绸

emperor皇帝   underwear内衣

34.keep sth for oneself将某物据为己有


36.walk through the city穿过城市

37.the whole family= all the family全家

38.hear sb do sth听见某人做了某事

hear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事


40.in the moonlight在月光下

41.with sb与某人一起

42.be/get lost迷路

43.find one’s way out找到某人的出路

44.lead sb to带领某人去...

45.lead sb to do sth带领某人做某事

46.be made of由...制成(能看出原材料)

47.be made from由...制成(看不出原材料)

48.learn about了解


Unit 7    短语

1.in the world在世界上

2.square kilometer千米

3.in size尺寸、大小     deep深的

4.high 高的      height高度

5.five meters long五米长


6.any other+ n单数      任何其他...

7.desert沙漠       salt lake盐湖

8.the biggest/ largest population最多的人口

Whar’s the population of ...?


9.the second longest river第二长河

10.It seems that... 似乎是...

It seems+adj.+ to do sth


sb seem to do sth  某人似乎做某事是...的

11. one of the oldest countries


12.feel free to do sth.随意地做某事

13.on today’s Great Wall tour


14. the parts from the Ming Dynasty


15.ancient emperors 古代皇帝

16.the main reason主要原因

17.as you can see正如你所看见的

18.as far as I know 据我所知

19.man-made objects 人造物体

20.part of.........的组成部分

21.run along   延伸

22.southwestern part of China     中国西南部

23.thick clouds乌云、厚厚的云层


25.freezing weather condition


26.take in呼吸、吸入

27.reach the top到达顶部

28.the first man to do sth做某事的第一人

29.succeed in doing sth成功的做某事

30.risk one’s life冒着某人的生命危险

31.challenge oneself   挑战某人自己

32.in the face of difficulties在面对困难时

33.the spirit of    ...的精神

34.the forces nature   大自然的力量

35.nature大自然     natural自然的

36.weigh v.重       weight n.重量

37.weigh+数词+单位名词    重...

How much does...weigh?

=What’s the weight of...?  ...有多重?

38.weigh many times more than 比...重许多倍

39.live up to  活到

40.at birth   出生时

birth n.出生     be born v.出生

41.keeper 饲养员

42.prepare sth for sb 为某人准备...

43.adult panda  成年熊猫

44.awake  醒着的     asleep睡着的

45.run over to 跑向

46.with excitement= in excitement  兴奋地

47.walk into 撞上

48.fall over 摔倒

49.one’s own+n=n+of one’s own 某人自己的...

50.feed 饲养、喂养

51.a symbol of   ...的标志、象征

52.or so  大约

53.research center 研究中心

54.every two years  每两年

55.die from  死于

56.illness 疾病      ill 生病的

57.bamboo  竹子

58.endangered wild animals


59.better understand   更好地理解

60.the habits of   ...的习性

61.whale 鲸    oil油     sea life海洋生物

62.jump out of the water跳出水面


protection n.保护

Unit 8    短语

1.have been to去过某地

2.have gone to去了某地


4.on the island在岛上

5.What do you think of...?

=How do you like...?认为...怎么样?

= How is...?

=What is...Like?

6.go out to sea出海

7.full of满是...的

8.A be full of B     A里面满是B

9.A be filled with B     A被B装满

10.classic经典作品     classical经典的

11.grow up成长      grow vegetables种蔬菜

12.choose-chose-chosen 选择 choice n.选择

13.on page 25  在25 页

14.at least至少

15.the back of the book

16.hurry up快点

hurry to do sth= do sth in a hurry快点做某事

17.be due预期     book report读书报告

18.in two weeks两周之后、两周之内

19.for two weeks两周

20.bring back带回

21.cut down砍倒

22.the marks of one’s feet   某人的足迹

23.on the sand  在沙滩上

24.not long after that在那之后不久

25.run towards朝着...跑

26.science fiction科幻小说


28.can’t/ couldn’t wait to do sth


29.pop music流行音乐

30.sounds like听起来像

31.fight with sb和某人打架

fight over 为...争吵

32.abroad 在国外        go abroad出国

33.full of feelings about returning home


34.come to do sth逐渐做某事、终于做某事

come to realize逐渐意识到

35.actually= in fact事实上

36.ever since=since自从

ever since then自从那时开始

37.a fan of       ...的迷、粉丝

38.the home of...   ...的家乡

39.belong to=be ...’s    属于

40.be kind to=be friendly/be good to  对...好

41.each other= one another  互相

42.beauty美丽     beautiful美丽的

beauty of nature  大自然的美丽

43.do research on... 做关于...的研究

44.the number of    ...的数量

the number of+n复数+v单数

45.a number of   大量的、许多的

a number of +n复数+v复数

46.take notes  做笔记

47.introduce v.介绍   introduction n.介绍

introduce...to... 把...介绍给...

48. sb looks good in sth


sth looks good on sb


49.at the end of  在...结束的时候

at the beginning of  在...开始的时候

50.take...classes  上...课

Unit 9    短语

1.has/have been to 去过某地

has/have gone to去了某地

has/have been in 在某地

2.space museum太空博物馆

science museum科学博物馆

nature museum自然博物馆

3.amusement娱乐 amusement park 游乐场

4.water park 水上公园

5.Bored感到无聊的,厌烦的 boring无聊的

6.Me too我也一样=so+be /助/情+主

Me neither我也不=neither+be /助/情+主

7.Camera照相机    learn about了解

8.Invent  v.发明   invention  n.发明

Inventor  n.发明家

9.Lead(led) to 引起、导致

10.Camp in the mountains在山里野营

11.Put up a tent 搭建帐篷

12.Information  n.(不可数)信息

13.Unbelievable  难以置信的

14.Technology  科技

15.Progress 进步

make great progress 取得巨大的进步

16.In such a rapid way 以如此迅速的方式

17.Rapid  adj.迅速的

Rapidly   adv.迅速地

18.Wonder= want to know 想知道

19.Unusual不寻常的 usual寻常的

As usual 像往常一样


International 国际的


22.Encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事

23.Social  adj.社会的 social group社会群体

Society  n.社会

24.Peaceful 和平的,宁静的

Peace   和平

25.Tea art performance 茶艺表演

Make a perfect cup of tea冲泡一杯完美的茶

Beautiful tea sets 精美的茶具

26.Preparation  准备工作  prepare 准备

Prepare to do sth= be ready to do sth


Prepare sth for sb 为某人准备某物


28.Collect  v.收集、收藏

Collection  n.收藏、收藏品

29.Inprove  提高、改善、促进

30.A couple of times 两次

31.German 德国的、德语、德国人

Germans 德国人(复数)

Germany 德国

32.Ride 骑、供乘骑的游乐设施、短途路程

Ride a bike骑自行车

Ten-minute ride/ ten minutes’ ride


Go for a ride去兜风

33.Theme 主题

34.Tour 旅游 tourist游客  touristy游客多的

35.In Southeast Asia在东南亚

36.Safe安全的    safety安全

37.Take a holiday度假

38.On the one hand......on the other hand



2/3  two thirds   1/2  one half

1/4  a quarter     3/4  three quarters

分数+ of+ n(复数)+ v (复数)

分数+ of+ n不可数)+ v (单数)

40.Simply 仅仅、只   simple简单的

41.English-speaking country 讲英语的国家

42.Outside of China 国外、海外

43.Fear to do sth= be afraid/ scared to do sth

= be afraid/ scared of doing sth


44.Whether......or......   不论......还是......

45.During the daytime  在白天

In the dark 在黑暗中、在夜里

46.It’s/this is the best time to do sth


47.In a more natural environment


48.All year round全年、一年四季

49.Be close to 离......近

Be far from 离......远

50.Equator 赤道

Unit 10    短语

1. In the yard在院子里

Have a yard sale举办庭院拍卖会

At/ in the yard sale在庭院拍卖会

2. Sell v.卖,出售  sale  n.卖

3. Bring back sweet memories


4. Memory n.记忆、回忆        memories(复数)

Memorize  v.记忆

5.  in need有需要的

People in need有需要的人

6. Cent 分、分币  50 cents50分币

7. Toy 玩具     toys(复数)

8. Soft adj.柔软的  soft toys毛绒玩具

9. Bread maker面包机

10. Scarf 围巾     scarves(复数)

11. Fit sb适合某人

12. A couple of months=several/a few months   几个月

13. Check out 检查、查看              look through 浏览

14. Board game棋牌游戏

15. Junior high school 初级中学

Primary school小学

16. Seem to do sth

Seem to be+n./adj.

It seems that......

17. Clear out清理

18. No longer= not...any longer不再...


No more= not...anymore不再...


19. Play with sb和某人玩耍

Play with sth玩......

20. Own  v.拥有 owner  n.拥有者

Own adj.自己的

One’s own+n=n+of one’s own

My own book= a book of my own

21. Part with与...分开

22. A thain and railway set


23. Understanding 善解人意的

More understanding更善解人意的

24. Certain toys某些玩具

Be certain to do sth对做某事确信

=Be certain of doing sth

Be certain of sth对...确信

Be certain that.....确信......

25. as for至于

26. To be honest= to be truthful

= to tell (you) the truth实话说

27. Honest adj.诚实的

Dishonest adj.不诚实的

An honest man一个诚实的人

28. Truth n.事实  truthful adj.真实的

Truthfully adv.真实地

29. For a while= for some time一会儿

30. Do with处理、对待

How do you do with......?

31. Bridge桥

32. Hill 小山   on the hill在小山上

33. In one’s hometown在某人的家乡

34. Once or twice year一年一到两次

35. Nowadays现如今

36. Search for sth搜寻

Search sp.for sth搜某个地方找......

37. Among在...中(三者或三者以上)


38. Crayon factory彩笔厂

39. Return to sp.回到某个地方

Return home回家

40. Almost=close to=nearly几乎、将近

41. Shame n.羞耻、羞愧

It’s a shame.真惭愧

What a shame多么惭愧啊

42. With great interest以极大的兴趣

Regard with great interest


43. Regard ...as... 把......视为

44. Appear v.出现          disappear v.消失

45. Add 增添

Add sb 某人补充道

46. Century世纪

The mid-20th century 20世纪中期

In the 20th century 在20世纪

47. Stay the same 一成不变

Stay at home待在家里

48. According to 根据、依据

49. Opposite= accross from在......对面

50. Especially adv.尤其,格外,特别

Especially good 格外好

51. During the summer holidays


52. A happy chilehood


53. In one’s heart在某人的心中

In our heart  在我们的心中

54. Hold-held-held 拥有、抓住

Hold ...in one’s arms


Hold on please.请等一下

55. Consider v.注视、考虑、认为

Consider doing sth 考虑做某事

Consider ...as ... 把...当做

