揭开STM32F446 NUCLEO-144的神秘面纱,外观测评及资料分享






STM32CubeMX is a graphical tool for 32-bit ARM® Cortex® STM32 microcontrollers. It is part of STMCube™ initiative (see Section 1) and is available either as a standalone application or as an Eclipse plug-in for integration in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).
STM32CubeMX has the following key features:
· Easy microcontroller selection covering whole STM32 portfolio.
· Board selection from a list of STMicroelectronics boards.
· Easy microcontroller configuration (pins, clock tree, peripherals, middleware) and
generation of the corresponding initialization C code.
· Easy switching to another microcontroller belonging to the same series by
importing a previously-saved configuration to a new MCU project.
· Generation of configuration reports.
· Generation of IDE ready projects for a selection of integrated development
environment tool chains. STM32CubeMX projects include the generated initialization C
code, STM32 HAL drivers, the middleware stacks required for the user configuration,
and all the relevant files needed to open and build the project in the selected IDE.
· Power consumption calculation for a user-defined application sequence.
· Self-updates allowing the user to keep the STM32CubeMX up-to-date.
· Download and update of STM32Cube™ embedded software required for user
application development (see Appendix E: STM32Cube embedded software packages
for details on STM32Cube embedded software offer).
Although STM32CubeMX offers a user interface and generates a C code compliant with STM32 MCU design and firmware solutions, it is recommended to refer to the product technical documentation for details on actual implementation of microcontroller peripherals and firmware.

