选址优化part1 | 局部地形气候变化对数据中心能耗和成本的影响
Optimized data center site selection—mesoclimatic effects on data center energy consumption and costs
Dirk Turek\ Peter Radgen | March 5, 2021
在宏观气候层面上,我们已经详细研究了选址对数据中心能耗的影响。但数据中心要想利用这些影响,通常需要跨国选址。本国(德国)境内和小于100公里的小半径范围内位置变化的影响还没有被量化研究。为此,我们建立了与数据中心温度相关联的动态数学模型,并在德国240 × 215公里范围内研究了其对能耗的影响。结果表明,在半径10公里位范围内,即使很小的位置变化,循环冷水机组也可能达到9.12%(最大56.58%)的年平均节能率。在国家境内100公里半径的自由位置,年平均节能率甚至可能达到37.35%(最多76.11%)。因此,就对能耗的影响而言,选址的优化与地域和国家有关,而中尺度气候变化的影响应该是未来数据中心选址的基本考量部分。
The effect of the location on the energy consumption of data centers has already been studied in detail on the macro-climatic level. To take advantage of these effects, however, it is usually necessary for the location of data centers to cross international borders. The influence of site changes within national borders and in a small radius of < 100 km has not yet been quantified. To investigate this, a dynamic mathematical model of the temperature-dependent components of a reference data center was created and the influence on the energy consumption in an area of 240 × 215 km in Germany was investigated. It could be shown that even small changes of the location within a 10 km radius of a location lead to annual energy savings in the recirculating chiller of 9.12% on average (maximum 56.58%). With a freedom of location of 100 km within national borders, savings of 37.35% on average (maximum 76.11%) are even possible. Location-dependent optimizations are therefore also relevant at local and national level with regard to their influence on energy consumption, and the consideration of mesoclimatic aspects should be an elementary part of the site selection process for data centers in the future.
全球对计算能力的需求量处于稳步增长状态。这种需求的主要驱动力一是数字化,通过数字替代品来替代模拟系统和服务,二是大数据和人工智能等领域的总体技术进步。数据中心能源效率的提升并不能完全弥补不断增长的能源需求。数据中心的总能源需求正在稳步增长。2005年全球能源需求量为153 TWh,到2018年增加到了205TWh,相当于增加32 %。未来,数据中心各方面都需进一步优化才能减少行业不断增长的能源消耗量,并将数字化带来的气候影响降至最低。
The demand for computing power is growing steadily worldwide. The main drivers of this demand are digitization, the replacement of analog systems and services through digital alternatives, and general technical advancements in areas such as big data and artificial intelligence. Improvements in data center energy efficiency are not able to fully compensate for the rising energy demand. As a result, data centers are experiencing a steadily increasing overall energy demand. The energy demand was 153 TWh in 2005worldwide and increased to 205 TWh as of 2018, which equals an increase of 32%. Optimizations in all aspects of a data center are necessary in the future to reduce the increasing energy consumption of this industry and to minimize the climate footprint of digitization.
Northern hemisphere countries such as Sweden, Norway, and Finland are actively promoting their country as an energy-efficient data center location due to the cold climate. The colder the ambient temperature of a data center, the more often so-called “free cooling” can be used, which enables a much more energy-efficient operation compared with active cooling by a compression chiller. The energy- and cost-efficient cooling in combination with low electricity prices has led the Big Five (GAFAM/ Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) to place their data centers for the European market primarily in the northern half of the continent. The effect of the ambient temperature at a location on the energy consumption and cost of data center operation has already been studied. These studies considered differences in the local climate on the macro-climatic level meaning that compared locations are hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart, resulting in significant difference in climate conditions.Depoorter et al. compared five different locations in Europa with Stockholm being the northernmost location and Barcelona being the southernmost. Song et al. compared three locations in the USA with one location in Sweden and Shehabi et al. considered five locations across the USA. All reviewed papers concluded a correlation between low ambient temperature and low operational energy demand, favoring colder climates for data center operation.
But not all computing workload can be outsourced across national borders. This includes data centers that perform tasks for a country’s government and its agencies. For a country’s government, digital sovereignty is only possible if the infrastructure necessary for state operation remains within its borders. Cross-border placement of data centers is legally impossible for authorities such as the police, the Ministry of Finance or the Federal Supreme Court and therefore requires a data center within national borders. This limits the choice of location to their own country. Due to the federal administration, this can for example limit the choice of location for state authorities in Germany not only to Germany but also to the federal state, narrowing down the potential locations even further. These limitations can also be applicable to businesses as some applications require regional data centers to assure low latency, or to small and medium businesses that want to stay within a country to reduce administrative burden.
Choosing the optimal location for a data center is a highly complex decision process, where many locationdependent factors must be taken into account, such as business taxes, land prices, staff availability, infrastructure, land use plans, and electricity prices. In order to make the most rational decision in the choice of location, it is necessary to evaluate as many factors as possible uniformly. The most commonly used unit is the monetary unit as this can be used for economic evaluation and comparability. Many of the location factors mentioned above can be assessed in monetary terms. This includes, for example, the consideration of the land price in relation to the trade tax. The effect of small location variations within a regional area has not yet been quantified. It is therefore currently not possible to take the local temperature as a monetary variable into account when comparing multiple locations within a small area.
In this paper, a dynamic mathematical model of the temperature-dependent components of a reference data center is created. The energy consumption of the cooling system is then calculated depending on the location in a square kilometer resolution in the territory of one federal state of Germany. To account for the different degrees of freedom a data center might have in terms of potential locations, three ranges are defined. The effects of site differences in a small (10 km), medium (25 km), and large (100 km) radius on the energy consumption of the reference data center can thus be investigated. The difference in energy consumption can be compared in monetary terms via the energy price, and with the CO2 intensity of the electricity mix, the climate impact can also be evaluated in dependence of the location. The federal state of Baden-Württemberg was selected for this study because it has topographically relevant variability in the form of mountain regions and large valley zones. Variations in climate in an area like this can be referred to as a mesoclimate, being between global (macroclimate) and local (microclimate). This paper quantifies the impact of mesoclimatic temperature differences on data center energy consumption and thus potential reductions in operating costs. The result can be used as an energetically and monetarily quantifiable decision parameter for the site selection of future data centers.

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