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Endoscopic Features of Epstein-Barr Virus-Positive Early Gastric Cancer




Since previous studies reported that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive early gastric cancers (EGC) has a relatively low frequency of lymph node metastasis, EBV status is expected to be one of clinicopathological factors that could expand the indications for endoscopic resection (ER) for EGC. Identifying the endoscopic features of EBV-positive EGC are therefore quite important, but there are few reports describing these findings.


To clarify the endoscopic features of EBV-positive EGC.




83 consecutive patients with 94 EBV-positive EGC lesions in naïve stomachs at initial onset who underwent ER or surgical resection at our hospital between April 2006 and December 2018 were included in this study. We retrospectively evaluated the clinicopathological and endoscopic features of these lesions based on the Japanese classification of gastric carcinoma. After identifying lesions suspicious for EBV-positive EGC by HE staining, the EBV-positive status of these lesions were confirmed by in situ hybridization for EBV-encoded RNA (EBER-ISH) in biopsy or resected specimen.




There were 64 males and 19 females. Mean age was 64.2 (standard deviation 10.9). Preoperative biopsy histological types-tub1 (7)/ tub2 (17)/ por (27)/ mixed type with por component (43). 4 lesions were diagnosed as EBV-positive GC by biopsy specimen. Single lesions (71)/ multiple lesions (12). Tumor location-upper (33)/ middle (46)/ lower third of the stomach (15). Cross-sectional circumference-anterior wall (15)/ posterior wall (33)/ lesser curvature (30)/ greater curvature (16).

男64例,女19例,平均年龄为64.2岁(标准差为10.9)。术前活检的组织学类型为:tub1(7)、tub2(17)、 por(27)和含por成分的混合型(43)。通过活检样本诊断出EBV阳性GC的病变为4个。单发病变71例,多发病变12例。肿瘤位置:胃上部(33)、胃中部(46)、胃下部(15)。横断面观:胃前壁(15)、胃后壁(33)、胃小弯(30)、胃大弯(16)。

Macroscopic types were 0-I (7)/ 0-IIa (6)/ 0-IIc (61)/ 0-IIa+IIc (16)/ 0-IIc+IIa (3)/ other (1). The gastric mucosa atrophy (Kimura-Takemoto Classification) were C-3 (10)/ O-1 (38)/ O-2 (29)/ O-3 (17). The lesions were located on atrophic mucosa (48) or the atrophic boundary (46). Endoscopically, all lesions had redness (100%), 38 lesions (40%) had submucosal tumor (SMT)-like elevation, and 63 lesions (67%) had dot or linear white slough.

肉眼评估的类型为:0-I(7)、0-IIa(6)、0-IIc(61)、0-IIa + IIc(16)、0-IIc + IIa(3)、其他(1)。胃黏膜萎缩(木村-竹本分型):C-3(10)、O-1(38)、O-2(29)、O-3(17)。病变位于萎缩性黏膜(48)或萎缩边界(46)上。内镜下发现,所有病变均发红(100%),38个病变(40%)有黏膜下肿瘤(SMT)样边缘突起,63个病变(67%)有点状或线状白色凹陷。

28 lesions were treated with ER, 66 by surgical resection. Median tumor size was 20mm (interquartile range; 14-40mm). The invasion depth of tumors: M (34)/ SM1 (≤500μm from muscularis mucosae (MM)) (7)/ SM2 (>500μm from MM) (53). 30 lesions had ulcerations. All lesions were accompanied by lymphocyte infiltration. The proportion of SMT-like elevation was significantly higher in submucosal cancer (35/ 60 = 58%) compared to that in intramucosal cancer (3/ 34 = 9%) (P < 0.01).

28个病变接受内镜切除,66个病变接受手术切除。肿瘤中位大小为20mm(四分位间距,14-40mm)。肿瘤的浸润深度:M(34)、SM1(黏膜下层浸润深度≤500μm)(7)、SM2(黏膜下层浸润深度>500μm)(53)。30个病变有溃疡。所有病变均伴有淋巴细胞浸润。黏膜下癌中SMT样边缘隆起发生率(35/60 = 58%)显著高于黏膜内癌(3/34 = 9%)(P <0.01)。



Most of EBV-positive EGC were not diagnosed by preoperative biopsy, but major histological types were tub2, por and mixed type with por component. Endoscopically, the EBV-positive lesions often had features such as redness, dot or linear white slough, and SMT-like elevation. Identifying these features can prove useful for endoscopic diagnosis of EBV-positive EGC.



Osumi H, Kawachi H, Yoshio T, Ida S, Yamamoto N, Horiuchi Y, Ishiyama A, Hirasawa T, Tsuchida T, Hiki N, Takeuchi K, Fujisaki J. Epstein-Barr virus status is a promising biomarker for endoscopic resection in early gastric cancer: proposal of a novel therapeutic strategy. J Gastroenterol. 2019 Sep;54(9):774-783. doi: 10.1007/s00535-019-01562-0. Epub 2019 Mar 2. PMID: 30826866.

