



Solids, Liquids and Gases


1. Matter is all around us.


  1. We are all made up of matter and matter is made up of tiny parts called molecules.


3. Matter can be in three different forms: solids, liquids or gases.


  1. In a solid, the molecules are packed very tightly together and they can't move around much.


  1. This is why solids hold their shape like a desk or a wooden block.


  1. In a liquid, the molecules are a little farther apart.


  1. This is why liquids take the shape of whatever container they are put in, because the molecules can move around.


8. In a gas, the molecules are far apart and move around easily.



Solids, Liquids and Gases

Matter is all around us. We are all made up of matter and matter is made up of tiny parts called molecules.

Matter can be in three different forms: solids, liquids or gases. In a solid, the molecules are packed very tightly together and they can't move around much. This is why solids hold their shape like a desk or a wooden block. In a liquid, the molecules are a little farther apart. This is why liquids take the shape of whatever container they are put in, because the molecules can move around. In a gas, the molecules are far apart and move around easily.


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