
Abstract: The publication of the first Gene Map of Human Genome points out the location of sixteen thousand genes. It shows that the procedure of certainty and inheritance throughout the human life is controlled by the sixty-four genetic codons, which is made up of the three choices among the four codes. Yi-Jing, is a system of sixty-four symbols, each of which is made up of the three choices among the four possible letters. It depends on the basic rule of Ying & Yang and discovers that the human life and development are controlled by the state consisting of sixty-four possibilities. Each of them has six possible changes to have it to be the procedure determined by the system of another state. The thesis introduces how to express the sequence of divination by the binary system and express the Genetic Codon Table of Uracil, Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine by TaiYin, ShaoYin, ShaoYang, TaiYang. You can find that they are likely the same codon system. In the thesis, we put forward the proposal if there is the lw whose information is expressed by the sixty-four codons in the Genetic Codon Table and by the sixty-four possible states and their development. We wonder if there is the same law existing in the different matter, mental, intelligence and development. If it is true, Physics and Philosophy will be an entirety and make the scientific agreement on the whole world.

