弗朗西斯科·海耶兹(Francesco Hayez)古典主义绘画,画中女子好似有温度与灵魂,技法了得...







Francesco Hayez (1791-1881) 是意大利画家和版画家,以其肖像画和历史浪漫主义图像而闻名。作为一名法国渔民的儿子,他的一位叔叔、一位古董商弗朗切斯科·比纳斯科 (Francesco Binasco) 向他介绍了绘画。

他的叔叔希望海耶兹成为一名绘画修复师。1809 年,他获得了奖学金,允许他在罗马学习,在那里他学习了古董艺术和拉斐尔的作品。海耶兹于 1823 年移居米兰,在那里他迅速成为知识分子和贵族生活的中心。虽然他在画作中探索了圣经和虚构主题,但他也对意大利历史表现出浓厚的兴趣,


Francesco Hayez (1791-1881) was an Italian painter and printmaker, famous for his portrait painting and historical Romantic images. The son of a French fisherman, he was introduced to painting by one of his uncles, an antique dealer,

Francesco Binasco. His uncle had wanted Hayez to become a painting restorer. In 1809 he won a scholarship that allowed him to study in Rome, where he studied both Antique art and the works of Raphael.

Hayez moved to Milan in 1823 where he quickly established himself at the centre of intellectual and aristocratic life. Though he explored biblical and fictional themes in his paintings, he also displayed a keen interest in Italian history,

often depicting key contemporary political and social figures in historical settings. His later work marked a departure from the grander historical subjects of his earlier paintings and became devoted almost entirely to allegorical themes, often with strong political connotations.

