






'As the media swarms the coronavirus story, most news articles focus on numbers of cases and deaths, new locations of cases, etc. Lost in the shuffle are the important public health insights about how viruses work and humans respond. To help improve understanding of an emerging outbreak’s complex dynamics, GHN has reached outto some of the world’s most respected global health experts for their quick"reality checks" on key issues related to the outbreak.’





问题1 How does a virus shift from zoonotic to human-to-human transmission? (这病毒是如何从动物传染性疾病演进成为人传人的?)回答专家:David Quammen


When a virus passes from a nonhuman animalinto a human, we call that moment of spillover a zoonotic transmission. It’s anecological event. What happens next depends on evolutionary potential andchance. If the virus is adaptable, it may succeed in replicating and proliferating in the new human host. Maybe it kills the person and the line of transmission comes to an end there—as happens with rabies. But if the virus is even more adaptable, it may acquire the ability to pass from one human host to another, perhaps by sexual contact (as with HIV), perhaps in bodily fluids such as blood (as with Ebola), perhaps in respiratory droplets launched by coughingor sneezing (as with influenza or SARS). What makes a virus adaptable? The changeability of its genome, plus Darwinian natural selection. Those viruses with single-stranded RNA genomes, which replicate themselves inaccurately and therefore have highly changeable genomes, are among the most adaptable. Coronaviruses belong to that group.


当一种病毒从非人类的动物之间的传染跨越到传染人类,我们将这一过程称为动物源传染疾病的溢出。这其实是生态学事件!接下来到底会发生什么全凭进化的可能性与人类的运气。如果病毒的适应能力很强的话,他就会在人类这个新的宿主体内复制增殖,有的时候这一过程本身就会把已经传染的人类个体杀死,继续传播的过程也会因此戛然而止– 比如狂犬病就是这个样子。但是如果病毒的适应能力更加惊人的话,他就可能会获得从一个人继续向另一个人传播的能力,有的时候会主要通过性传播途径(例如艾滋病病毒),有的时候是主要经过体液传播(例如血液传播的埃博拉病毒),有的时候甚至是通过咳嗽、打喷嚏的呼吸道飞沫传播(例如流感病毒、SARS病毒)。那么病毒的适应性从何而来呢?两件事:基因的易变性以及达尔文的进化选择,这主要是因为病毒不能够准确的复制自己所以变化多端,那么哪种病毒是最不稳定,最容易变化的呢?冠状病毒就是了!


David Quammen is the author of more than a dozen books, including Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, and hundreds of articles for publications including National Geographic, The Atlantic, Harper’s, Rolling Stone, and many others.

(戴维 夸曼先生)

戴维 夸曼先生,论著数十本,包括《溢出:动物传染性疾病以及下一场人类瘟疫》,学术论文数百篇,发表于国家地理杂志、美国大西洋月刊、哈珀杂志、滚石杂志等等





问题2:How do you go about creating a vaccine against a new virus? (如何着手研制针对新病毒的疫苗?)回答专家:Peter Hotez


Every virus has its unique challenges. Inthe case of n-coronavirus, the vaccine challenges are 2-fold. First, you haveto interfere with the virus’s ability to dock with a specific receptor in thelungs called ACE2.

Then, you need to reduce the problem ofantibody-dependent enhancement. ADE means that some respiratory virus vaccinescan actually make things worse. There are multiple ways to solve this problem.One option is creating a vaccine that only uses parts of the pathogen tostimulate the immune system. One approach is to do this by producingrecombinant protein subunit vaccines.

We have found that these vaccines that usea part of a protein of the virus (the spike protein) and known as the receptorbinding domain (RBD) are optimal for 2 reasons: Recombinant proteins are astandard technology that has resulted in other licensed vaccines, including thehepatitis B and HPV vaccines; and it’s possible to produce this vaccine inabundance and at low cost.

Moreover, this approach, unlike manyothers, reduces ADE and has a potential for being safe.





Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, is dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Co-Director, Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development.

彼得 霍特兹,医师,博士,贝勒医学院国家热带病学院院长,德克萨斯儿童医院疫苗发展中心总监。

(彼得 霍特兹医生)



问题3 How does this particular coronavirus compare with other coronaviruses like SARS and MERS?(这种新型冠状病毒与其他冠状病毒相比有什么特殊性,例如SARS及MERS)回答专家:Tom Frieden


“We are learning more about the virus everyday. On the continuum of the common cold to SARS, it’s now clear that the novelcoronavirus is more contagious than SARS, but less deadly. We don’t yet knowhow much more contagious, or how much less deadly. The number of confirmedinfections with nCoV has already far outpaced the total number of suspectedSARS cases.”



Tom Frieden is President & CEO ofResolve to Save Lives, an initiative of Vital Strategies, and the formerDirector of the US CDC and Commissioner of the New York City Health Department.

汤姆 弗里登 拯救生命解决方案总裁/首席执行官,关键策略创立;前美国CDC总监;前纽约市卫生局局长

(汤姆 弗里登先生)




