▶ 科学60秒:中年危机究竟来自社会,还是我们的心理?| 1:16
Other Great Apes May Have Midlife Crises
Feeling listless? Unfulfilled? Like your life's half over and what have you got to show for it? Well, you're not alone. In fact, you might not even be human. Because a new study shows that even apes can experience a mid-life crisis. The work appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Alexander Weiss et al., Evidence for a midlife crisis in great apes consistent with the U-shape in human well-being]
Social scientists, economists, and philosophers have long been aware that some people are subject to a sort of half-time slump: a period when their well-being dips to an all-time low. What's less clear is what causes this midlife ennui, which by many measures falls between a joyous childhood and contented retirement? Is it socioeconomic? Psychological? Metaphysical?
In this study, researchers first checked to see if the slump is uniquely human. They asked zookeepers to rate the relative happiness of some 500 chimps and orangutans, based on how often the apes seem to be in a good mood or how much pleasure they derive from socializing. Turns out our closest relatives also show a U-shaped curve of life satisfaction—cheery in youth and old age, and mopey in the middle.
So when you start lusting after that red convertible, you're not totally bananas. You're just going ape.
—Karen Hopkin
listless: adj. 倦怠的;无精打采的;百无聊赖的
slump: n. 低潮期
ennui: n. 厌倦,无聊;倦怠
metaphysical: adj. 形而上学的
orangutan: n. 红毛猩猩
mopey: adj.闷闷不乐的,消沉的;无精打采的
lust: v. 对…有极强的欲望
convertible: n. 活动式顶棚汽车
所以当你开始对那辆红色敞篷车春心荡漾时 [译者注:在《红色敞篷车》(The Red Convertible)一书中,红色敞篷车象征着亨利和莱曼的年轻天真以及随之而来的自由],你或许不是疯了,只是返祖了。
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