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Abrasions suggest the site of impact, but bruising is more important and indicates the site of damage. The doughy feel of a haemarthrosis distinguishes ligament injuries from the fluctuant feel of the synovial effusion of a meniscus injury. Tenderness localizes the lesion, but the sharply defined tender spot of a partial tear (usually medial and 2.5 cm above the joint line) contrasts with the diffuse tenderness of a complete one.
The entire limb should be examined for other injuries and for vascular or nerve damage. The most important aspect of the examination is to test for joint stability. Partial tears permit no abnormal movement, but the attempt causes pain. Complete tears permit abnormal movement, which sometimes is almost painless. To distinguish between the two is critical because their treatment is different; if there is doubt, examination under anaesthesia is mandatory.
Sideways tilting (varus/valgus) is examined, first with the knee at 30 degree of flexion and then with the knee straight. Movement is compared with the normal side. If the knee angulates only in slight flexion, there is probably an isolated tear of the collateral ligaments; if it angulates in full extension, there is almost certainly rupture of the capsule and cruciate ligaments as well.
Anteroposterior stability is assessed first by placing the knees at 90 degrees with the feet resting on the couch and looking from the side for posterior sag of the proximal tibia; when present, this is a reliable sign of posterior cruciate damage. Next, the drawer test is carried out in the usual way; a positive drawer sign is diagnostic of a tear, but a negative test does not exclude one. The Lachman test is more reliable;
anteroposterior glide is tested with the knee flexed 15–20 degrees. Rotational stability arising from acute injuries can usually be tested only under anaesthesia.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
Abrasions suggest the site of impact, but bruising is more important and indicates the site of damage. 擦伤表明了撞击的地点,但瘀伤更重要它表明了损伤的地点。
Abrasion /əˈbreɪʒn/n. 磨损;磨耗;擦伤
bruise /bruːz/n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤vi. 擦伤;受伤
The doughy feel of a haemarthrosis distinguishes ligament injuries from the fluctuant feel of the synovial effusion of a meniscus injury. 关节血肿的软绵绵的感觉区别于韧带损伤和半月板损伤时滑膜积液的波动感觉。
doughy /ˈdoʊi/adj. 面团似的;柔软的;苍白的;半熟的
synovial /si'nəuviəl, sai-/adj. 滑液的;分泌滑液的
effusion/ɪˈfjuːʒn/n. 渗出
tender spot压痛点
diffuse tenderness弥漫性压痛
if there is doubt, examination under anaesthesia is mandatory. 如有疑问,必须在麻醉下检查。
mandatory/ˈmændətɔːri/n. 受托者(等于mandatary)adj. 强制的;托管的;命令的
Sideways tilting侧向倾斜(varus/valgus)
arising from 缘于