Astronomy Picture of the Day——瑞典山脉远处的凸月

Gibbous Moon beyond Swedish Mountain

Image Credit & Copyright: Göran Strand

Explanation: This is a gibbous Moon. MoreEarthlings are familiar with a full moon, when the entire face of Luna is litby the Sun, and a crescent moon, when only a sliver of the Moon's face is lit.When more than half of the Moon is illuminated, though, but still short of fullillumination, the phase is called gibbous. Rarely seen in television andmovies, gibbous moons are quite common in the actual night sky. The featuredimage was taken in Jämtland, Sweden near the end of last month. That gibbousmoon turned, in a few days, into a crescent moon, and then a new moon, thenback to a crescent, and a few days ago back to gibbous. And this same gibbousmoon is visible again tonight, leading up to the Full Beaver Moon that occursFriday night. Setting up to capture a picturesque gibbous moonscape, thephotographer was quite surprised to find an airplane, surely well in theforeground, appearing to fly past it.





Astronomy Picture of the Day——M13内恒星的颜色与星等图

Astronomy Picture of the Day——NGC 4676:双鼠星系

Astronomy Picture of the Day——哈勃拍摄的M96

