译者 | 林语堂翻译经验: “之乎者也”怎么译?
Fly, fly, ye faded and broken dreams
Of fragrance, for the spring is gone!
Be hold the gossamer entwine the screens,
And wandering catkins kiss the stone.
Oh, look upon these tender, fragile beauties,
Of perfumed flesh and bone and hair.
The admirer shan’t be there
when her time is up,
And the admired shall no longer care!
For to have a territory is to have something great. He who has something great must not
regard the material things as material things. Only by not regarding material things as
material things can one be the lord of things.
…and still using the most polished language of thou and thee and wherefore and is it not so?
立分久暂,暂可无依,久当思傍。亭亭独立之事,但可偶一为之,旦旦如是,则筋骨皆悬而脚跟如砥,有血脉胶凝之患矣。或倚长松,或凭怪石,或靠危栏作轼,或扶瘦竹为筇;既作羲皇上人,又作画图中物,何乐如之!但不可以美人作柱,虑其础石太纤,而致栋梁皆仆也。The Art of Standing
Stand straight,but do not doit for long. Otherwise, all leg muscles will become stiff and circulation will be blocked up.Lean on something!—on an old pine or a quain trock,or on a balcony or on a bamboo cane. It makes one look like one is in a painting. But do not lean on a lady! The foundation is not solid and the roof may come down!
虽抱文章,开口谁亲。且陶陶、乐尽天真。几时归去,作个闲人。对一张琴,一壶酒,一溪云。Random Thoughts, to the Tune of Shinghsiangtse
O the clear moon’s speckles,silver night!
When filling thy cup, be sure to fill it quite!
Strive not for frothy fame or bubble wealth:
A passing dream—A flashing flint—
A shadow’s flight!
O what is knowledge, fine and super fine?
To innocent and simple joys resign!
When I go home, I’ll carry on my back
A load of clouds—
A sweet-toned chin—A pot of wine!
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