Summer Outside the Window窗外的夏天Through the deep night, a voice cries on and on那个声音在深夜里哭了好久when the sun rises太阳升起来the drops of rain sparkle briefly所有雨滴都闪耀一下then transform into steam变成了温暖的水气but I do not go to wipe off the glass我没有去擦玻璃I know that the sky is blue我知道天很蓝and every tree raises its hair in its hands每棵树都齜着头发in that sound of snapping castanets在那“嘎嘎”地错着响板would be a big black beetle in search of food都想成为一只巨大的捕食性昆虫
Everything is so distant一切多么远了I was once as weak as a morning cicada我们曾像早晨的蝉一样软弱wings soaked through翅膀是湿的and leaves thick, we were young叶片是厚厚的,我们年轻knew nothing什么也不知道,不想知道and didn t want to know只知道,梦会飘all we knew was that the dreams might float up会把我们带进白天might carry us into the daylight云会在风中走路clouds might walk along the wind湖水会把光亮聚成and the water of the lake might gather the light into flames闪烁的镜子
We look out at leaves turning green我们看着青青的叶片Still, I didn t want to know我还是不想知道and have not got up to wipe off the glass没有去擦玻璃dark green waves of summer rise and fall墨绿色的夏天波浪起伏oars knocking, knocking桨在敲击fish parting the glossy current鱼在分开光滑的水流the smile of the red bathing suit slowly vanishing红游泳衣的笑声在不断隐没
everything is so distant一切多么远了and still, the summer procrastinates那个夏天还在拖延and now the whispers end那个声音已经停止——end