TE||Sequencing the world





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Sequencing the world


本文英文部分选自经济学人Science and Technology版块

How to map the DNA of all known plants and animal species on Earth


IN NOVEMBER 2015, 23 of biology’s bigwigs met up at the Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, DC, to plot a grandiose scheme. It had been 12 years since the publication of the complete genetic sequence of Homo sapiens. Other organisms’ genomes had been deciphered in the intervening period but the projects doing so had a piecemeal feel to them. Some were predictable one-offs, such as chickens, honey bees and rice. Some were more ambitious, such as attempts to sample vertebrate, insect and arachnid biodiversity by looking at representatives of several thousand genera within these groups, but were advancing only slowly. What was needed, the committee concluded, was a project with the scale and sweep of the original Human Genome Project. Its goal, they decided, should be to gather DNA sequences from specimens of all complex life on Earth. They decided to call it the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP).

2015年11月,23名生物学家在华盛顿特区的史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)会面,策划了一项宏大的计划。自从人类的完整基因序列发表以来,已经有12年了。虽然其他一些生物的基因组也在这段时间内被破译,但这些项目对他们有一种零碎的感觉。有些基因测序是预计一次性测完的,比如鸡,蜜蜂和大米。有些基因测序更有野心,比如通过观察这些群体中几千个属的代表样品来尝试研究脊椎动物、昆虫和蛛形生物的生物多样性,但进展缓慢。委员会的结论是,我们需要的是一个具原始人类基因组计划的规模和广度的项目。他们决定,它的目标应该是从地球上所有复杂生命的标本中收集DNA序列。他们决定称之为地球生物基因组计划(EBP)。

At around the same time as this meeting, a Peruvian entrepreneur living in São Paulo, Brazil, was formulating an audacious plan of his own. Juan Carlos Castilla Rubio wanted to shift the economy of the Amazon basin away from industries such as mining, logging and ranching, and towards one based on exploiting the region’s living organisms and the biological information they embody. At least twice in the past—with the businesses of rubber-tree plantations, and of blood-pressure drugs called ACE inhibitors, which are derived from snake venom—Amazonian organisms have helped create industries worth billions of dollars. Today’s explosion of biological knowledge, Mr Castilla felt, portended many more such opportunities.

与此同时,一位住在巴西圣保罗的秘鲁企业家正在制定自己的大胆计划。Juan Carlos Castilla Rubio想要将亚马逊流域的经济从采矿、伐木和牧场等产业转移到一个基于对该地区的生物及其所体现的生物信息开发利用的产业。这种转型过去至少出现过两次,橡胶树种植园的生意,以及叫做ACE抑制剂(血管紧张肽I转化酶抑制剂)的降压药,这些药物来源于亚马逊丛林的一种毒蛇。这两次转型都为该地区创造了价值数十亿美元的产业。Castilla先生认为,今天生物知识的爆炸性增长预示着更多这样的机会。

注:ACE inhibitor


For the shift he had in mind to happen, though, he reasoned that both those who live in the Amazon basin and those who govern it would have to share in the profits of this putative new economy. And one part of ensuring this happened would be to devise a way to stop a repetition of what occurred with rubber and ACE inhibitors—namely, their appropriation by foreign firms, without royalties or tax revenues accruing to the locals.


Such thinking is not unique to Mr Castilla. An international agreement called the Nagoya protocol already gives legal rights to the country of origin of exploited biological material. What is unique, or at least unusual, about Mr Castilla’s approach, though, is that he also understands how regulations intended to enforce such rights can get in the way of the research needed to turn knowledge into profit. To that end he has been putting his mind to the question of how to create an open library of the Amazon’s biological data (particularly DNA sequences) in a way that can also track who does what with those data, and automatically distribute part of any commercial value that results from such activities to the country of origin. He calls his idea the Amazon Bank of Codes.

Castilla先生的想法不是独一无二的。一项叫名古屋协定(Nagoya protocol)的国际条款给予那些最初开发生物材料的国家以合法的权利。Castilla先生的方法独特或不寻常的是,他同时也明白,那些用于加强此类权利的管理是如何阻碍了所需知识转化成经济效益的研究。为此,他开始思考如何用一种可以追踪谁在使用这些数据的方式创造出一个亚马逊生物数据开放图书馆的问题,并且自动分配由于原产国此类活动所带来的商业价值。他把自己的想法称之为亚马逊银行准则


Now, under the auspices of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting at Davos, a Swissski resort, these two ideas have come together. On January 23rd it was announced that the EBP will help collect the data to be stored in the code bank. The forum, for its part, will drum up support for the venture among the world’s panjandrums—and with luck some dosh as well.


Branching out


The EBP’s stated goal is to sequence, within a decade, the genomes of all 1.5m known species of eukaryotes. These are organisms that have proper nuclei in their cells—namely plants, animals, fungi and a range of single-celled organisms called protists. (It will leave it to others to sequence bacteria and archaea, the groups of organisms without proper nuclei.) The plan is to use the first three years to decipher, in detail, the DNA of a member of each eukaryotic family. Families are the taxonomic group above the genus level (foxes, for example, belong to the genus Vulpes in the family Canidae) and the eukaryotes comprise roughly 9,300 of them. The subsequent three years would be devoted to creating rougher sequences of one species from each of the 150,000 or so eukaryotic genera. The remaining species would be sequenced, in less detail still, over the final four years of the project.

地球生物基因组计划(EBP)表示,他们的目标是在十年内完成150万个已知真核生物的基因测序。含有真核细胞的有机体,换句话说,就是动植物,真菌还有许多叫原生生物的单细胞有机体。(对于那些没有真核的细菌和古生物等就需要别人来进行测序 )这项计划前三年进行破译真核细胞家族的每一个成员的DNA,这些族类在基因层面属于分类组(如狐狸在犬科中归狐属),且真核细胞大约有9300种。接下来的三年将会致力于从15万真核细胞中创造出大致的排序。剩下来的物种将会在最后四年进行粗略测序。

Vulpes:  狐属。犬科的动物在我国共有4属,即豺属(Cuon)、犬属(Canis)、貉属(Nyctereutis)、狐属(Vulpes)。狼(Canis lupus)是犬科中体形最大的一种,较家犬略大。


That is an ambitious timetable. The first part would require deciphering more than eight genomes a day; the second almost 140; the third, about 1000. For comparison, the number of eukaryotic genomes sequenced so far is about 2500. It is not, though, the amount of sequencing involved that is the daunting part of the task. That is simply a question of buying enough sequencing machines and hiring enough technicians to run them. Rather, what is likely to slow things down is the gathering of the samples to be sequenced.


For the sequencing, Harris Lewin, a genomicist at the University of California, Davis, who was one of the EBP’S founding spirits, estimates that extracting decent-quality genetic data from a previously unexamined species will require between $40000 and $60000 for labor, reagents and amortised machine costs. The high-grade family-level part of the project will thus clock in at about $500m.

美国加州大学戴维斯分校基因组学家哈瑞斯.莱文(Harris Lewin)是地球生物基因组(EBP)的创始人之一,他预测从未检测过的物种身上提取高质量基因数据,需要大约40000-60000美元,用于支付劳力、试剂费用,并分期偿付设备成本。因此,EBP项目中,获得科级别的优质生物基因组费用约为50亿美元。

Big sequencing centres like BGI in China, the Rockefeller University’s Genomic Resource Center in America, and the Sanger Institute in Britain, as well as a host of smaller operations, are all eager for their share of this pot. For the later, cruder, stages of the project Complete Genomics, a Californian startup bought by BGI, thinks it can bring the cost of a rough-and-ready sequence down to $100. A hand-held sequencer made by Oxford Nanopore, a British company, may be able to match that and also make the technology portable.

大型测序中心,如中国的华大基因,美国洛克菲勒大学的基因组资源中心,英国桑格研究所,以及一大群小型测序团体,都非常希望在这个巨大市场中分到一杯羹。在地球生物基因组后期粗略性阶段,Complete Genomics(华大基因收购的一家美国加州初创企业),认为可将普通的基因测序成本降至100美元。英国Oxford Nanopore凭借手持基因测序仪有望实现这一目标,使便携式测序成为可能。

The truly daunting part of the project is the task of assembling the necessary specimens. Some of them, perhaps 500,000 species, may come from botanical gardens, zoos or places like the Simthsonian (the herbarium of which boasts 5m items, representing around 300,000 species). The rest must be collected from the field. Dr Lewin hopes the project will spur innovation in collecting and processing. This could involve technology both high(autonomous drones) and low (enlisting legions of sample-hunting citizen scientists). It does, though, sound like a multi-decade effort.


It is also an effort in danger of running into the Nagoya protocol. Permission will have to be sought from every government whose territory is sampled. That will be a bureaucratic nightmare, indeed, John Kress of the Smithsonian, another of the EBP’s founders, says many previous sequencing ventures have foundered on the rock of such permission. And that is why those running the EBP are so keen to recruit Mr Castilla and his code bank.

该项目还可能会遇到名古屋议定书的阻碍。如果要从一个国家领土之内收集标本,就需要获得国家许可。从政府手续的角度来看,这确实是个梦魇。EBP项目的另一发起人,史密森尼博物院的John Kress表示,之前许多基因排序的工作就是因为没有获得这些许可而石沉大海。这也是为什么EBP项目的参与者如此希望能够获得Castilla先生和他的基因银行的支持。

The idea of code bank is to build a database of biological information using a blockchain. Though blockchains are best known as the technology that underpins bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, they have other uses. In particular, they can be employed to create “smart contracts” that monitor and execute themselves. To obtain access to Mr Castilla’s code bank would mean entering into such a contract, which would track how the knowledge thus tapped was subsequently used. If such use was commercial, a payment would be transferred automatically to the designated owners of the downloaded data. Mr Castilla hopes for a proof-of-principle demonstration of his platform to be ready within a few months.


In theory, smart contracts of this sort would give governments wary of biopiracy peace of mind, while also encouraging people to experiment with the data. And genomic data are, in Mr Castilla’s vision, just the start. He sees the Amazon Bank of Codes eventually encompassing all manner of biological compounds—snake venoms of the sort used to create ACE inhibitors, for example—or even behavioural characteristics like the congestion-free movement of army-ant colonies, which has inspired algorithms for co-ordinating fleets of self-driving cars. His eventual goal is to venture beyond the Amazon itself, and combine his planned repository with similar ones in other parts of the world, creating an Earth Bank of Codes.

理论上,这种智能合约能够舒解政府部门对生物剽窃的警惕情绪,并且鼓励人们试用这些数据。Castilla 先生认为,基因组数据仅是一个开端。他预见亚马逊遗传密码银行最终包含所有种类的生物复合物 —用于制造ACE抑制剂的蛇毒血清。例如,又像是行军蚁群畅通不堵塞的移动行为特点,激发了自动驾驶汽车的协调车队算法。他的终极目标是勇于跃出亚马逊盆地的范围,并把其规划的信息库和世界各地的相似信息库合并起来,制造一个全球遗传密码银行。


Plenty needs to go right for this endeavour to succeed, concedes Dominic Waughray, who oversees public-private partnerships at the World Economic Forum. Those working on different species must agree common genome-quality standards. People need to be enticed to study hitherto neglected organisms. Countries which share biological resources (the Amazon basin, for example, is split between nine states) should ideally co-operate on common repositories. And governments must resist lobbying from vested interests in the extractive industries, keen to preserve access to land, minerals or timber, which Mr Castilla’s scheme aims ultimately to curtail.

在世界经济论坛中,Dominic Waughray 是公用事业民营化发展模式的监管人。他承认,想要这番事业成功,需要付出足够的努力。负责不同物种的工作人员必须达成一个基因组质量标准的基本共识。人们也需要被鼓动着去研究迄今被忽视的有机体。理想情况下,共享生物资源的国家(例如:亚马逊河流经九个国家)应当合作运营共有的信息库。各国政府需要抵制来自采掘业的既得利益者的游说,他们热衷于保护田地,矿产,或者木材的获取,而Castilla 先生的计划最终目标是削减这些产业。

PPP模式(英语:Public-private partnership),译作政府和社会资本合作[1]、民間參與公共建設[2]、公私合作伙伴关系[3]、公用事业市场化[4]或公用事业民营化[5]等,是公共建設的开发模式之一,由公共部门与私营部门合作提供公共建設的建設与服务,在实现公共建设功能的同时,也为私营部门带来利益。这种模式由于私营部门分担了公共部门的初期投入,可以减少政府的负债,而在世界各地广泛应用。另一方面,PPP模式亦可同時配合民间与建营运后转移模式运作。

As to the money, that is the reason for the announcement at Davos. By splashing the tie-up between the EBP and the code bank in front of many of the world’s richest people, those behind the two enterprises are not so discreetly waving their collecting tins. The EBP has already been promised $100m of the $500m required for its first phase. The code bank, meanwhile, has piqued the interest of the Brazilian and Peruvian governments.


For the participants, the rewards of success would differ. Dr Lewin, Dr Kress and their compadres would, if the EBP succeeds, be able to use the evolutionary connections between genomes to devise a definitive version of the tree of eukaryotic life. That would offer biologists what the periodic table offers chemists, namely a clear framework within which to operate. Mr Castilla, for his part, would have rewritten the rules of international trade by bringing the raw material of biotechnology into an orderly pattern of ownership. If, as many suspect, biology proves to be to future industries what physics and chemistry have been to industries past, that would be a feat of lasting value.












观点 |评论|思考

关于基因测序上次在精准医疗一文中TE||Personalized medicine,小编在感想部分中有大概提到过,毋庸置疑,基因测序的发展在医疗领域将带来翻天覆地的变化。



Ethiopia won't allow its Coffee varieties to be examined. Similar rules abound Worldwide. Governmentsin lesser developed countries are going to demand elaborate legal compensation schemes for resulting useful products or saleable knowledge derived from "their" genomes. We may need a New International Accord to get this project on sound footing.




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