

大的                            big

小的                            small

长的                            long

矮的/短的                       short

高的                            tall

新的                            new

旧的                            old

开心的                          happy

强壮的                          strong

瘦的                            thin

胖的                            fat

安静的                          quiet

活泼的                          lovely

看这个大象。                    Look at the elephant.

一只兔子有长耳朵和一个短尾巴。A rabbit has longears and a short tail.

我很高,我很强壮。           I am tall,I am strong.

你是矮的,你是瘦的。         You’re short,you’re thin.

新年快乐。/祝福大家新年好。 Happy new year./Happy newyear to you all.

我们唱歌,我们跳舞。       We’re singing,we’re dancing.

这个气球好大啊。           this balloon is so big.


Wow!It has a big mouth and a long tail.

这个T恤衫对他来说太短了。The T-shirt is too short forhim.

大象长着大耳朵。         An elephant has big ears.

猫长着小耳朵。           A cat has small ears.

到这儿来。               Come here.

我来了。                 I’m coming.

多么有趣啊。             How funny.

我们两个都很高。         We’re both tall.

你也很高。               You’re tall,too.

我们看起来像双胞胎。     We look like twins.

我的毛衣旧了,但是我很喜欢它。My sweater isold,but I like it very much.

让我们去看刘老师吧。     Let’s go to see Miss. Liu.

它们这么大!             They’re so big.

爸爸很高。               Father is tall.

妈妈很矮。               Mother is short.

哥哥很胖。               Brother is fat.

妹妹很瘦。               Sister is thin.

