Heal the World教唱如果要问,这个世界上,什么是最能治愈人心的。我想一定是孩子们在笑声中那明亮的双眸吧!还记得以前有一位同事,每当提起自己的孩子时,脸上总是洋溢着幸福的微笑。她和我说,就算每天工作再累,有多么不开心,只要看到孩子对着自己笑,瞬间一切都被治愈了。很多时候,看到关于人类幼崽的可爱照片或是视频,在被逗笑的同时,也深深被治愈着。今天学习的这首歌,被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”-《Heal the World》。《Heal the World》发行于1991年,由迈克尔·杰克逊谱写并演唱,
歌词发音技巧:There's a place in your heart在你内心存在一片净土There's a 连读And I know that it is love我明了这片净土充满了爱And I连读 that it is 连读And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow这片净土所散发的光芒愈发灿烂And d省音could d省音And if you really try倘若你真的锲而不舍地尝试And if 连读You'll find there's no need to cry你会发觉不必为此哭泣Find d省音 need d省音In this place you'll feel在这片净土上There's no hurt or sorrow你感受不到伤痛与悲伤hurt or 连读There are ways to get there抵达这片净土的方式灿若繁星There are 连读get t省音If you care enough for the living倘使你真心关怀生者care enough 连读 enough gh省音Make a little space为彼此创造些许空间Make a 连读 little美式浊化Make a better place缔造一个愈加美好的天地Make a 连读 better美式浊化Heal the world治愈这个满目疮痍的世界Make it a better place使其愈发美好Make it a 连读 better美式浊化For you and for me为你,亦为我and d省音And the entire human race也为了整个人类and d省音 the entire连读There are people dying不断有人奄奄一息There are 连读If you care enough for the living倘若你由衷关心生灵care enough连读 enough gh省音Make it a better place那就营造一个愈发美好的天地Make it a 连读better美式浊化For you and for me因你,亦因我and d省音