李伟荣整理 || 理雅各(James Legge)著作系年
James Legge理雅各《中国经典》和《东方圣书》版本情况理雅各(James Legge,1815—1897)的中国经典译作的出版分两个系统。一是《中国经典》(The Chinese Classics: with a Translation, Critical andExegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes)系统,共五卷:第一卷:《论语、大学和中庸》(Confucian Analects, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean,1861;第二版,1893;重印,2006);第二卷:《孟子》(The works of Mencius,1861;第二版,1895;重印,1990);第三卷:《书经》(The Shoo King, Book of Historical Documents,1865);第四卷:《诗经》(The She king, Classic of Poetry,1871);第五卷:《春秋》(The Ch’unts’ew, Spring and Autumn Annals, with the Tso chue, Commentary of Zuo,1872)。二是《中国圣书》(The Sacred Book of China)系统,分六卷出版。这一系统是《东方圣书》(Sacred Books of the East)的一部分。《东方圣书》由著名的东方学家穆勒(Max Müller ,1823—1900)主编,共五十卷,从1879年开始一直到1910年才出版完。在这一系列中,理雅各的译作出版情况如下:第三卷:《书经·诗经·孝经》(The Shû king, The religiousportions of the Shih king, The Hsiâo king, 1879);第十六卷:《易经》(The Yî king,1882);第廿卷:《礼记》(The Lî Kî,1885)的第一章到第十章;第廿八卷:《礼记》(The Lî Kî,1885)的第十一章到第四十六章;第卅十九卷:《道家典籍》(1891),这一卷主要包括《道德经》(The Texts of Taoism: The Tâo Teh King)和《庄子》(The Writingsof Kwang-ʒze)的前十七篇;第四十卷:《道家典籍》(1891),这一卷主要包括《庄子》(The Writings of Kwang-ʒze)第十八到卅三篇和《太上感应篇》(TâishangTractate of Actions and their Retributions),并有八篇附录:1 《金刚经》(Khing Käng King, orThe Classic of Purity);2 《阴符经》(Yin Fû King, or Classic of the Harmonyof the Seen and Unseen);3 《玉枢经》(Yü Shû King, or Classic of the Pivot ofJade);4 《日用经》(Zäh Yung King,or Classic of the Directory for a Day);5 林希仲《庄子因》(Analyses by Lin Hsî-kung of several of the Books of Kwang-ʒze);6 《庄子》中的叙述、议论和故事清单(List of Narratives, Apologues, and Stories in theWritings of Kwang-ʒze);7 隋朝薛道衡《老子庙碑》(The Stone Tablet in the Temple of Lâo-ʒze. By Hsieh Tâo-hǎng ofthe Sui Dynasty);8 苏轼《庄子祠堂记》(Record for the Sacrificial Hall ofKwang-ʒze. By Sû Shih)。理雅各著作系年表1841A lexilogus of the English, Malay, and Chinese Languages; Comprehending the Vernacular Idioms of the Last in the Hok-keen and Canton Dialects (Malacca)1843The Rambles of the Emperor Ching Tih in Keang Nan: A Chinese Tale (2 Vols. London: Longmans, Green)1850An argument for Shang-te as the Proper Rendering of the Words Elohim and Theos, In the Chinese Language; with Strictures on the Essay of Bishop Boone in Favour of the Term Shin, etc., etc. (Hong Kong)1852The Notions of the Chinese Concerning God and Spirits: with an Examination of the Defense of an Essay on the Proper Rendering of the Words Elohim and Theos, into the Chinese Language by William Boone, D. D. (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Register Office)1859The Land of Sinim: A Sermon Preached in the Tabernacle, Moorfields, at the Sixty-fifth Anniversary of the London Missionary Society (London: John Snow)1861-1872The Chinese Classics: with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes. (Hong Kong: At the Author’s, and London: Trübner)Vol. 1, 1861: The Confucian Analects; The Great Learning; The Doctrine of the MeanVol. 2, 1861: The Works of MenciusVol. 3, Part 1, 1865: The First Parts of the Shoo-King, Or the Books of T’ang; The Books of Yu; The Books of Hea; The Books of Shang; the Prolegomena (The Book of Historical Documents; the Bamboo Annals)Vol. 3, Part 2, 1865: The Fifth Part of the Shoo-King, Or the Books of Chow; Indexes.Vol. 4, Part 1, 1871: The First Part of the She-King, Or the Lessons of the States; the ProlegomenaVol. 4, Part 2, 1871: The Second, Third, and Fourth Parts of the She-King, Or the Minor Odes of the Kingdom, The Greater Odes of the Kingdom, The Sacrificial Odes and Praise-Songs; IndexesVol. 5, Part 1, 1872: Dukes Yin, Hwan, Chwang, Min, He, Wan, Seuen, and Ch’ing (of The Spring and Autumn Annals); the ProlegomenaVol. 5, Part 2, 1872: Dukes Seang, Ch’aou, Ting, and Gae, with Tso’s Appendix; the Indexes1872-1872“The Colony of Hong Kong.” The China Review 1: 163-176“Two Heroes of Chinese History.” The China Review 1: 370-3801876“Inaugural Lecture on the Constituting of a Chinese Chair in the University of Oxford.” Pamphlet (London: Trübner)She-King; or The Book of Ancient Poetry, translated into English Verse, With Essays and Notes (London: Trübner)1877“Confucianism in Relation to Christianity. A Paper Read Before the Missionary Conference in Shanghai, On May 11th, 1877.” Pamphlet. (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1877; London: Trübner)1877-1878“Imperial Confucianism.” 4 parts. The China Review 6: 147-158, 223-235, 299-310, 363-3741879-1891Contributions to The Sacred Books of the East, ed. Max Müller. Oxford: Clarendon Press.The Texts of Confucianism–Vol. 3, 1879: The Book of History; “the religious portions of” The Book of Poetry;Vol. 16, 1882: The Book of Changes;Vols. 27 and 28, 1885: The Record of Rites; The Book of Filial Piety.The Texts of Taoism –Vols. 39 and 40, 1891: The Book of the way and Its Power; The Zhuangzi; The Taishang (Tractate of Actions and their Retributions); miscellaneous other texts of “religious Taoism.” (Various later editions)1880“A Letter to Professor Max Müller Chiefly on the Translation into English of the Chinese Terms Ti and Shang in Reply to a Letter to Him by 'Inquirer’ in the Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal for May-June, 1880.” Pamphlet. (London: Trübner)Memorials of John Legge. With a Mermoir by James Legge. (London: J. Clarke)The Religious of China: Confucianism and Taoism Described and Compared with Christianity. (London: Hodder and Stoughton)1883“Christianity and Confucianism Compared in Their Teaching on the Whole Duty of Man.” Pamphlet. (London: Religion Tract Society)“The Tao Teh King.” British Quarterly Review (July): 41-59.1886A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms: Being and Account by the Chinese Monk Fa-hsien of His Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 389-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline. (Oxford: Clarendon Press)1888Christianity in China: Nestorianism, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism / Christianity in China: A Rendering of the Nestorian Tablet at Si-an-fu to Commemorate Christianity. (London: Trübner)“A Critical Notice of 'The Remains of Lao Tsze, Retranslated,’ by Mr. Herbert A. Giles.” The China Review 16: 195-214.1893-1895The Chinese Classics: with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes. 2nd. rev. ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, vols. 1 and 2; London: Henry Frowde / Oxford University Press Warehouse, vols. 3-5.Vol. 1, 1893: The Confucian Analects, The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean.Vol. 2, 1895: The Works of Mencius.Vol. 3, 1895: The Book of History of the Book of Historical Documents; The Bamboo Annals.Vol. 4, 1895: The She King or The Book of Poetry.Vol. 5, 1895: The Ch’un Ts’eu with the Tso Chuen.1894-1895“The Li Sao Poem and Its Author.” 3 parts. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland: 77-92, 571-599, 839-864.1939The Chinese Classics (Reprint in China)1960The Chinese Classics (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Press) This is the most important of various editions published since 1895.1966The Sacred Books of China (Delhi, India: Motilal Bannarsidass) (The series has been accepted in the Indian Translation Series of the UNESCO collection of representative works, jointly sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the government of India.)1991;2000;2011The Chinese Classics (Reprint in SMC Publishing Inc. in 5 volumes)2001Reprints of some of Legge’s translations (These were done as part of its reissue of the massive Sacred Books of the East series, books that had been originally created and edited at Oxford by Max Müller in the late 19th century.) (Curzon Press)2011The Chinese Classics (Reprint in East China Normal University Press)上表主要根据Girardot J. Norman所著的Victorian Translation of China James Legge Oriental Pilgrimage而编制,这些信息在该书第547-549页。另外,增补了1939年以后几次重印情况。
另据费乐仁(Lauren F. Pfister)教授统计,《中国经典》牛津大学修订版至少重印了9次。事实上,理雅各的《中国经典》和《中国圣书》一直被各大出版社重印。其版本信息相当复杂。不过,主要的出版信息基本如上表。