我们印象中的 weather 是一个不可数名词,意为“天气,气象”,但实际上 weather 也可以用作动词,意为“退色,变色,变形”,通常是受风吹、日晒、雨淋等引起的。weather 作名词:Did you have good weather on your trip?你旅途中天气好吗?The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers.恶劣的天气给许多农民造成了困难。Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate, sometimes not.天气预报有的时候准,有的时候不准。weather 作动词: Unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a grey colour.没有上漆的木制家具会褪成灰色。Her face was weathered by the sun.她的脸晒黑了。Weather 作动词时,还可以意为“经受住,平安地渡过(困难)”,因此 weather the storm 意为“度过恶劣气候”,也可以用来比喻渡过难关,例如:Officials are urging residents not to try to weather the storm. This is a mandatory evacuation event.官员们敦促居民不要试图抵御风暴。这是强制疏散事件。When John was made redundant, the family had to weather the storm until he found a new job.约翰被解雇后,家里人不得不在他找到新工作之前经受住难关。That was the hardest year of my life, but in the end I was able to weather the storm with the support of my family.那是我一生中最艰难的一年,但最后我在家人的支持下,终于能够渡过难关。Both companies have weathered the storm of the current recession better than most.两家公司都比大多数公司更好地渡过了当前经济衰退的难关。
Through 有贯穿或通过的意思,因此常被用于组成短语动词来表达丰富的意思,其中 carry sb through (sth) 或 get through sth 也可以用来类似地表示度过难过或艰难时期,例如:carry sb through:His determination carried him through the ordeal.他靠坚强的信心渡过了难关。My savings account really carried me through that difficult time of unemployment.我的储蓄账户确实使我渡过了失业的艰难时期。get through:It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。The company got through the war by manufacturing uniforms.这家公司靠生产制服渡过了战争。跟 weather the storm 的寓意一样的还有一个习语 ride out the storm,其中短语动词 ride sth out 的意思是“安然渡过(难关);经受得住 ”,例如:It was a nasty situation, but the mayor tried to ride it out.情况很糟糕,但市长设法渡过难关。You could try to ride it out, but I think you're better off dealing with the scandal up front.你可以试着挺过去,但我认为你最好先处理这件丑闻。We went down to my uncle's underground shelter to ride out the storm.我们下到我叔叔的地下避难所躲避暴风雨。The government seems confident that it will ride out the storm.政府似乎有信心渡过难关。人生没有过不去的砍,最大的砍其实是心里的坎,敞开心扉,勇于面对,就没有渡不过的难关。 词或词组辨析:1. mandatory [ˈmændətəri] 意为“强制的,法定的,义务的”2. evacuation [ɪˌvækju'eɪʃ(ə)n] 意为“疏散,转移”等3. be better off (doing sth) 意为“(在某情况下)更幸福,更满意 ”等