图 两个12 × 12的 Kohonen 地图(蓝色的彩色地图)的完整字符 aleph 和打赌从死海卷轴收集。Kohonen 地图中的每个字符都是由相似字符的多个实例组成的(用带有红线的缩放方框显示)。这些地图对于按时间顺序进行风格开发分析非常有用。在当前的作者识别研究中,为了得到更精确的结果,使用了片段字符形状(支离破碎的字符形状)代替全字符形状
大约七十年前发现的《死海古卷》以载有希伯来圣经(旧约)最古老的手稿和许多迄今未知的古代犹太文字而著称。但是书卷背后的个人却躲避了科学家,因为抄写员是匿名的。现在,格罗宁根大学的研究人员通过将科学与人文科学相结合,破解了密码,使他们能够发现卷轴背后的抄写员。他们于2021年4月21日在《 PLOS ONE》杂志上发表了他们的研究结果。创建卷轴的抄写员没有签署他们的作品。
图 死海滚动文本分析拼贴
“The human eye is amazing and presumably takes these levels into account too. This allows experts to “see” the hands of different authors, but that decision is often not reached by a transparent process,” Popović says. “Furthermore, it is virtually impossible for these experts to process the large amounts of data the scrolls provide.” That is why their results are often not conclusive.
(From left to right) Greyscale image of column 15 of the Great Isaiah Scroll, the corresponding binarized image using BiNet, and the cleaned-corrected image. From the red boxes of the last two images, one can see how the rotation and the geometric transformation is corrected to yield a better image for further processing. Credit: Reprinted from Lim TH, Alexander PS. Volume 1. In: The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library. Brill; 1995 under a CC BY license, with permission from Brill Publishers, original copyright 1995.
(From left to right) Greyscale image of column 15 of the Great Isaiah Scroll, the corresponding binarized image using BiNet, and the cleaned-corrected image. From the red boxes of the last two images, one can see how the rotation and the geometric transformation is corrected to yield a better image for further processing. Credit: Reprinted from Lim TH, Alexander PS. Volume 1. In: The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library. Brill; 1995 under a CC BY license, with permission from Brill Publishers, original copyright 1995.
第一个障碍是训练一种算法,将文本(墨水)从背景(皮革或纸莎草)中分离出来。对于这种分离,或者说“二值化”,Dhali 开发了一种最先进的人工神经网络,可以通过深度学习来训练。这个神经网络保持了2000多年前抄写员留下的原始墨迹完好无损,因为它们出现在数字图像上。“这很重要,因为古代墨水的痕迹直接关系到一个人的肌肉运动,而且是针对个人的,”朔马克解释说。