


Jeremy James,D.C., CSCS(Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists)作为专业人士,曾经服务过很多奥林匹克运动会级别的运动员,这样解释道, 'Every movement has the potential to be done in a spine-healthy way or a spine unhealthy way. Picking up your kids, getting out of the car, unloading the dishwasher, tying your shoes—if you do them a couple hundred, thousand times in the wrong way, eventually your body breaks down. But until an issue arises you might never even feel pain. (人们每一个动作完成之后,都会对脊柱产生两种影响,或健康的影响或不健康的影响。抱起您的孩子、从车里走出来,举起餐盘,系鞋带等等– 如果您不停的使用错误的方式来做这些事情,最后您的身体必然付出代价。但是直到疼痛产生,您永远不会感觉到疼痛的慢慢形成。)’
其实我们也可以这样总结,'The vast majority of conditions that cause back pain are almost always a function of your lifestyle.’(大多数造成背痛的病因往往都是您的某种生活方式造成的。)那么这些病因具体有些什么呢?最常见的主要有姿势不正确、坐的太久、体育锻炼与训练的时候方式错误、长时间的低头看手机看电脑。因此有着越来越多的年轻人出现了下腰痛的症状。

解决方案是什么呢?物理治疗可能是最佳的选择,在问题没有进展到手术等解决方案时,我们可以通过物理治疗的力量训练、柔韧性训练以及有氧运动来解决这个问题,这里请大家看下面的图片,展示了相关的学术与数据支持。广州锐能康复医疗中心的治疗师长蔡超辰说道,'We teach you a few simple concepts that apply to any movement, situation, or activity and sport you can think of, plus some basic exercises to build up tone and support for your spine.(我们会给患者教授一些简单的概念并能够运用到任何的运动与活动,再加上一些基础的锻炼方式就可以帮助建立一个稳定健康的脊柱。)’

(锐能康复治疗师长 蔡超辰)
蔡超辰在这里给大家两个非常好的贴士,第一条'Adopt changes to the way you move and carry yourself. One of the first things I have to teach people is how to use their glutes when they move. There's a term called gluteal amnesia: When you sit on your butt all day, you lose tone in the muscles, and your brain loses connection neurologically with those muscles. You end up doing movements, like getting out of your chair, with only part of the muscles that you're supposed to engage, for instance, when you put your hands on your thighs to get out of the chair.’(改变您日常移动与搬运物体的方式。最开始Zoy往往会教会大家如何在运动时使用自己的臀部肌肉。这里有一个专业词汇叫做臀肌遗忘症:当我们整天一屁股坐在那里的话,您就会失去臀部肌肉收缩的记忆。当您起身活动时,您可能会失去部分肌肉力量,需要借助手臂支撑桌面帮助起身。),当然我们这里说的是比较极端的情况,所以通过训练臀部的肌肉可以解决由此而引起的一系列问题包括下腰痛。
第二条贴士是,'Build up a base level of strength and tone in the muscles that support your spine. Balance in the muscles of the core is just as important as strength. We like to work on our abdominals—the front of the core—to the neglect of the lateral and back of the core, Studies show that that's worse than being overall weak because it places a significant amount of stress on specific parts of the spine. Think of it as a bicycle wheel: If only some of the spokes had tension on them, eventually the wheel would collapse. You have to have equal support on allsides in order to prevent long-term damage.’,(通过训练基础的肌肉力量来支持您的脊柱,核心肌肉的平衡能力与力量同等重要,Zoy喜欢训练患者的核心肌肉群-腹部,然后进一步训练两侧及背部的核心肌肉。研究显示,如果身体力量不平衡比身体各部位肌肉虚弱问题更严重,因为肌肉力量不平衡会在不同的部位给脊柱带来各种压力。您可以想想一下自行车的车轮,如果轮子某个地方不平衡,最后的结果一定是整体会出现问题。)
