
可变剪接是生物体内普遍存在的现象,pre-mRNAs的可变剪接可以提高转录组和蛋白组的多样性,并且广泛参与一系列的生物学过程,但是关于可变剪接如何参与小麦盐胁迫响应仍然不清楚。近期,青岛农业大学农学院张玉梅课题组,利用转录组组学分析方法,在小麦上详细鉴定了小麦盐胁迫过程中发生可变剪切的相关基因,阐释了两者之间的相互关系。该研究结果在线发表在Plant Growth Regulation杂志上。

1、本研究以盐敏感小麦品种中国春与耐盐小麦品种青麦6号为材料,通过对盐胁迫后0、6、12、24和48 h的小麦根系RNA-Seq数据进行系统的生物信息学分析,发现“分析样本”中约22.7%的“表达基因”发生可变剪接,大多数可变剪接基因只表达两个转录本(Figure 1a)。进一步分析发现,相对于A和D亚基因组,B亚基因组中更多的基因发生了可变剪接,并且约有50%的triplet同时发生了可变剪接;在不同的可变剪接类型中,以IR类型最多(Figure 1b and 1c)。

Fig. 1 Summary of alternative splicing (AS) events in wheat root. (a) The number of AS events and the corresponding AS genes identified in wheat root. (b) A schematic representation of seven types of AS events and the distributions of different modes of AS events in the A, B and D subgenomes. (c) The distributions of AS events in chromosomes.

2、通过比较分析中国春与青麦6号中盐胁迫响应的可变剪接事件(AS event),分别鉴定出21,203(中国春)和19,742(青麦6号)AS events。进一步分析发现,这些盐胁迫响应的AS events数目在盐胁迫后24 h达到最大值,随后呈现下降趋势(Fig. 2a);其中中国春与青麦6号中约32.3-55.9%的AS events发生了共同的盐胁迫响应(Fig. 2b)。此外,分析中国春与青麦6号中不同时间点可变剪接事件,发盐胁迫后6 h和48 h发生共同响应的AS events最少(Fig. 2cand 2d)。

Fig. 2 Identification and comparison of stress-responsive AS events in wheat root. (a) The number of stress-responsive AS events identified at 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours after salt stress (HAS) treatment inwheat root. (b) Comparison ofresponsive AS events among the different stages in CS and QM after salt stress treatment. (c) The number of stress-induced AS events identified at 6, 12, 24 and 48 HAS in CS. (d) The number of stress-induced AS events identified at 6, 12, 24 and 48 HAS in QM.

3、在中国春与青麦6号中分别鉴定出2744和2618盐胁迫响应的差异可变基因(DSGs),并且它们具有品种和时间特异性。我们对其中4个DSGs进行(RT)-PCR验证,结果与测序结果一致(Fig. 3)。

Fig. 3 Experimental validation of stress-responsive AS events in wheat root by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. The bar graph show relative expression levels of alternatively spliced isoform 1 (blue) and isoform 2 (red) of AS genes undercontrol (CK) conditions and at 6, 12, 24 and 48 h as revealed by RNA-Seq. TheRT-PCR confirmed the computational prediction of AS events involving four genes, yielding results consistent with the RNA-Seq results. The primer pairs used ineach RT-PCR allowed the amplification of the two splice variants (isoforms 1 and2).

4、对盐胁迫响应的可变剪接基因(DSGs)进行富集分析,结果显示:中国春与青麦6号中许多类似的GO terms发生富集,比如acyl-CoA metabolic process and acyl-CoAhydrolase activity(Fig. 4a and 4b)。同时对中国春与青麦6号差异DSGs富集分析发现,逆境响应、转录调节以及代谢相关的GO terms显著富集(Fig. 4c);Pfam分析结果表明,RNA recognition motif (RRM)蛋白家族富集程度最高(Fig. 4d)。

Fig. 4 Functional enrichment analysis and Pfam classification of DSGs. (a) The enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms of DSGs in CS after salt stress treatment. (b) The enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms of DSGs in QM after saltstress treatment. (c) The enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms of DSGs between CS and QM after salt stress treatment. (d) Pfam classification of DSGs.

2020年5月13日,该研究结果在线发表在Plant Growth Regulation杂志上,题目为“Global profiling of alternative splicing landscape responsive to salt stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)”,青岛农业大学郭卫卫博士和中国农业大学博士生余阔海为该论文的共同第一作者,青岛农业大学农学院张玉梅副教授为通讯作者。本研究得到了山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J17KA143)和青岛农业大学高层次人才科研基金项目(6631118022)的资助。


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