
Legend has it that during the Spring and Autumn Period, Chong Er, the son of Jin, went into exile to escape persecution. During his exile, he was tired and hungry in a deserted place and could no longer stand up. After searching for half a day, he could not find anything to eat. When everyone was extremely anxious, he went to a secluded place with his minister Jie Zitui, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, cooked a bowl of broth for his son to drink, and Zhong Er gradually recovered. When Zhong Er found that the meat was cut off from his leg by Jie Zitui, he was moved to tears.

Nineteen years later, Zhong Er became the monarch, that is, Jin Wengong in history. After he acceded to the throne, Wen Gong rewarded the heroes who accompanied him in exile, but forgot Jie Zitui. Many people complained about Jie Zitui and urged him to ask for rewards. However, Jie Zitui despises those who strive for rewards. He packed up and went to Mianshan to live in seclusion with his old mother.

晋文公听说后,羞愧莫及,亲自带人去请介子推 ,然而介子推已离家去了绵山。绵山山高路险,树木茂密,找寻两个人谈何容易,有人献计,从三面火烧绵山,逼出介子推。大火烧遍绵山,却没见介子推的身影,火熄后,人们才发现背着老母亲的介子推已坐在一棵老柳树下死了。晋文公见状,恸哭。装殓时,从树洞里发现一片衣襟,上写道:“割肉奉君尽丹心,但愿主公常清明。”为了纪念介子推,晋文公下令将这一天定为寒食节。After hearing this, Jin Wengong was too ashamed to take someone to invite Jie Zitui. However, Jie Zitui has left home and gone to Mianshan. Mianshan Mountain is high and dangerous, with dense trees. It is not easy to find two people. Someone suggested that Mianshan Mountain be burned on three sides to force Jie Zitui out. The fire burned all over Mianshan Mountain, but there was no figure of Jie Zitui. After the fire was extinguished, people found that Jie Zitui, who was carrying his old mother, was sitting under an old willow tree and died. When Jin Wengong saw this, he wept. During the funeral, he found a piece of skirt in the tree hole, which said: 'Cut the meat to serve the king. I hope the master will always be clear and bright.' In memory of Jie Zitui, Jin Wengong ordered that this day be designated as Cold Food Festival.

The following year, Jin Wengong led his ministers to climb the mountain to pay their respects. When he found that the old willow was dead and resurrected, he gave the old willow 'Qingming Willow' and told the world that the day after the Cold Food Festival would be Qingming Festival.