1/2 【历史上的今天】美国独立战争中的派别分裂


Tory Act 通过




When: January 2, 1776

What: The Continental Congress passed the infamous (but often forgotten) Tory Act.

Why significant: The act called on colonial committees to indoctrinate those “honest and well-meaning, but uninformed people” by enlightening them as to the “origin, nature and extent of the present controversy.” The Congress remained “fully persuaded that the more our right to the enjoyment of our ancient liberties and privileges is examined, the more just and necessary our present opposition to ministerial tyranny will appear.” The bill also called for the disarming of the Loyalists, and even suggested that individuals of "particular prominence" be imprisoned.

In the face of such hostility, some Loyalists chose to fled the American colonies. During the war, between 60,000 and 70,000 free persons and 20,000 slaves abandoned the rebellious 13 colonies for other destinations within the British empire. The Revolution effectively created two countries: Patriots formed the new United States, while fleeing Loyalists populated Canada.

This reveals how the revolution created extreme apprehension and fear for the average citizen. After all, nobody was sure how the revolution was going to turn out. It was only natural that some would seek to remain loyal or flee for safety.

Tags: American Revolution, Tory Act, Loyalists, Patriots

