1.怪我在涉世未深的时候,遇见了阅人无数的你。blame me for meeting countless readers when I was not in the depth of the world.2.善良一些,因为每个人都在与人生苦战。Be kind, because everyone is struggling with life.3.我能走一万步去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。I can walk ten thousand steps to see you, and I'm willing to take ten thousand steps back to leave you.4.一包烟能解决的事,就别浪费眼泪了吧。If a pack of cigarettes can solve the problem, don't waste your tears.5.谁记得一切,谁就感到沉重。He who remembers everything feels heavy.6.当你快顶不住的时候,磨难也快顶不住了。When you can't stand it, you can't stand it.7.爱别人要适可而止,爱自己要尽心尽力。Love others to enough, love yourself to the best.8.直到高考结束,我们也没有开始。Until the end of the college entrance examination, we did not start.9.遗憾千万种,个人皆不同。There are thousands of regrets, but every one is different.10.日子很长,足够你失望。The days are long enough to disappoint you.11.有人爱你,但是没有人用你希望的方式爱你。Someone loves you, but no one loves you the way you want to be.12.感情有时候很讽刺,经得起风雨,却经不起平淡无奇。Love is sometimes very ironic, can stand the wind and rain, but can not stand the prosaic.13.可能老天爷就喜欢看满身遗憾的我们。Maybe God likes to see us full of regrets.14.我可以受十分的苦,可我却受不了半分的委屈。I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half of the grievance.15.你喜欢别人挺好的,不然我总觉得我们还有可能。It's good that you like other people, otherwise I always think we are still possible.