经济学人财经 || 明日黄花,英国惊现"退市潮"



感谢思维导图作者May Li

May Li,我要去追逐心中的太阳,北大临床心理备考中



From A-list to delist


英文部分选自经济学人20191019Finance and economics版块

From A-list to delist


Why Britain’s equity market is shrinking


A few months ago Trian, a hedge fund, revealed that it had built a 6% stake in Ferguson, a London-listed company that supplies the building trade. Trian is run by Nelson Peltz, who has a long history as the sort of activist investor who buys stakes in firms and then uses his influence over management to boost the share price. Ferguson makes most of its profits in America. Yet its shares traded at a discount to peers listed there. Perhaps something could be done to change this.

在几个月前,对冲基金管理公司特里安(Trian)透露道,他们购买了弗格森(Ferguson)公司6%的股份,一家于伦敦上市的建材供应商。特里安基金公司创始人是华尔街赫赫有名的激进投资者尼尔森·佩尔茨(Nelson Peltz),他惯用的套路便是:先持有某公司部分股票,随后再利用自身影响力对管理层施压推升股价。尽管弗格森公司的大部分利润源于美国,然而相较于美国上市的其他同业公司,该公司的股价偏低。也许其中就蕴有商机。


1. Ferguson plc is a Jersey-registered multinational plumbing and heating products distributor with its head office in Winnersh Triangle, United Kingdom. Ferguson has approximately 35,000 employees across three regions.Wolseley plc changed its name to Ferguson plc in 2017 to reflect the primacy of its US operations. The Company is registered in Jersey. The company continues to trade as Wolseley in the UK and Canada.

Wolseley plc 是世界最大的热化和配管产品交易分销商和一个主导的对专业市场的建造材料供应商。Wolseley 在欧洲和北美洲经营。Wolseley在美国以Ferguson Enterprises和Stock Building Supply为名经营。沃斯利集团是全球最大的保暖及管道器材批发商、传统建材市场的主要供应商,分别在伦敦和纽约上市。

2. 纳尔逊·佩尔茨( Nelson peltz):佩尔茨在2005年成立了一个对冲基金公司 “特里安金管理公司”( Trian Fund Management),专门从事对经营不善的上市公司的敌意收购,通过入驻目标公司董事会、整顿高管团队和商业模式、精简员工与运营结构来挖掘价值。这个基金目前管理110亿美元。

3. 推荐阅读《门口的野蛮人》

Sure enough, Ferguson said last month that it would spin off the British part of the business to focus >equity capital.



1. spin-off:分拆,把(新公司的股票)分给母公司的股东;把新公司的股票分给母公司的股东以创建(公司)


2. should 置於句首,而省略if, 意思是「萬一」

America’s stock of equity has been getting smaller for a while, because of share buy-backs, a secular fall in the number of new listings and the growing incidence of leveraged buy-outs, in which low-interest debt replaces equity. Britain is now the leading candidate for such “de-equitisation”, says Robert Buckland, of Citigroup. The net stock of equity outstanding has fallen by 3% since the start of 2018, faster than in America. Cheap debt is a factor. But debt is cheap everywhere. What makes Britain so ripe for the picking is its culture of accountability to shareholders. Activist investors, like Trian, can get results there.

受股票回购热潮、新上市公司数量不断下降以及杠杆收购案例不断上升的影响(低息债务融资取代股权融资),美国股市规模已经持续衰退一段时间。 但花旗集团的罗伯特·巴克兰(Robert Buckland)表示,英国现已成为这种“去股权化”现象的领头者,自2018年年初以来,(英国股市)已发行流通股数已下降了3%,降速高于美国。英国金融市场其他融资成本越来越低也许是一个因素,但其实全球也都一样,真正令英国股票市场脱颖而出的是其发展多年所形成的对股东负责的文化,能让像特里安这样激进的投资机构从中获利。(正是英国股市良好的对股东负责的文化,使得众多投资者得以如愿以偿的获得收益后,大举抽资逃离,从而最终造成了英国股市现今去股市化,即股市衰退的局面)


1. stock of equity outstanding:Shares outstanding refer to a company's stock currently held by all its shareholders, including share blocks held by institutional investors and restricted shares owned by the company’s officers and insiders.

2. 罗伯特·巴克兰:花旗集团全球首席股票策略师

3. de-equitisation:去股权化,指股票市场规模收缩的趋势,企业倾向于从股权融资转向其他融资方式。

4. so ripe for the picking:To be in an ideal position or at the perfect stage to be utilized, benefited or profited from, taken advantage of, exploited, etc.


The backdrop is a shift in the relative costs of debt and equity finance. One way to look at this is through the prism of expected returns. A rough-and-ready gauge of expected returns >earnings yield would not change. The prospective earnings yield >ftse All-Share index of London-listed stocks is 7.6%. Compare this with a proxy for an expected real return on corporate debt—the yield on investment-grade bonds less the current inflation rate, which is below zero. The gap between the two is the reward demanded for holding riskier stocks. It is also, by symmetry, a measure of the relative cost to companies of issuing equity versus debt.



1. rough-and-ready:美国习惯用语。If something is rough and ready, it is simple and basic, or it is not exact, because it has been made or done quickly.

2. 市盈率:每股市价与每股盈利的比率,是最常用来评估股价水平是否合理的指标之一。

3. FTSE All-Share index:富时综合股价指数,市值加权指数,纳入600余家在英国伦敦交易所上市的股票。


This “financing gap” is noticeably wide in Britain (see chart). The size of the gap, says Mr Buckland, “offers a potential arbitrage opportunity for private equity and other debt-funded investors”. In other words, there is plenty of scope to replace dear equity capital with cheap debt capital.


There are particular conditions in Britain that make this opportunity worth looking at. The FTSE All-Share has fared worse than most other rich-world stock indices since Britain voted to leave the European Union in 2016. The sharp fall in the pound since then has boosted the sterling value of foreign profits made overseas. More than 70% of the earnings of companies listed in Britain come from overseas; around a quarter comes from North America alone. There is thus an opening for American investors or companies to buy dollar earnings >industrial firms.

而上述套利机会得以实现的前提,正是源自于英国现今所处的特殊状况。首先是,自2016年英国公投“脱欧”以来,其富时全股(FTSE All-Share)指数与其他大多数发达国家相比而言,跌幅更大。其次是,英镑急剧贬值使得海外业务利润率激增。在英国上市的公司中有70%以上的收入来自海外,其中仅北美地区就约占1/4。因此这一状况为美国投资者低价获得更多的美元收益提供了窗口。(英镑贬值,美国投资者投资英国企业成本降低,同等美元投资下,获取更多的英镑投资收益)巴克兰先生研究发现,那些大部分收益来自美国的英国公司,其估值却低于美国同行,并且多数是工业公司。

Scour the bourses of the world and you will not struggle to find lots of cheap industrial stocks. The problem with investing in such out-of-favour shares is that somebody else must come along to buy them off you at a higher price for the strategy to work. There is no law that says cheap stock cannot stay cheap for a long time, or become even cheaper. The activist approach is to buy cheap-looking stocks and then work to get their latent value realised. This is more likely to succeed in Britain than in Germany, Japan, South Korea or other places with cheap-looking cyclical stocks. It could involve a push to get a firm to buy back its own shares. It could mean hawking the company, or a division of it, to another company or to a private-equity firm. If buyers won’t come to you, go to them by relisting somewhere that puts a higher value on your shares, such as America.

环顾全球股市,不难发现有大量工业股被低估。投资这些失宠股票的关键在于,必须有人以高价接盘,这样整个策略才能奏效。没有任何一个法律规定低价的股票不能一直保持低价,或者不能更低。激进分子的做法是买入看似便宜的股票,然后努力实现其潜在价值。相比较德国、日本、韩国或其他拥有廉价周期性股票的国家,这一策略在英国更容易成功。这可能会促使公司回购自己的股票。 这也可能意味着需要公司向另一家公司或私募股权公司兜售自己的股票或某一块业务。如果这里没有买家,那么就去别处——一个愿意出高价的地方,比如美国。

1. bourse可数名词 The bourse of a European city or region is its stock exchange. (欧洲的)证券交易所;股票交易所

2.  Industrial stock 工业股,是指在证券交易所挂牌交易的工业类公司所发行的股票、债券等证券。比如:电力,钢铁,汽车,食品,饮料,酿酒,纺织,制药,等从事产品制造的企业发行的股票、债券等证券。

3.  Latent: Latent is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future. 潜在的;隐藏的

eg. Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.


As yet there has been no nativist backlash. Britain’s stockmarket seems likely to shrink further. Whatever the means—under-the-radar buy-outs, mergers, spin-offs, or simply a drying-up of new issues—the underlying cause will be the same. Companies are turning their backs on the stockmarket because equity capital is relatively dear. The irony is that Britain’s a-list shareholder culture makes its de-equitisation all the likelier.








Leon,  男,金融专业研究生,经济学人铁粉


Jessie Lulu, 金融从业者,爱阳光,爱细雨,爱经济学人






P/E=price/EPS, EPS(earnings per share)=net income净利润/outstanding shares流通股数,因为股票的价格时刻变化,而净利润作为利润表上的数字每季度才会发布,所以一般用过去三个月的平均价格作price,和过去一个季度的净利润。或过去半年,或过去12各月。为什么这个指标近似于代表让你几年回本呢?

因为net income净利润=revenue-COGS-expense-depreciation-tax,比如你是一家卖书的企业,revenue是你卖书的总收入,COGS是你进书时的成本,expense是你在买书卖书过程中营业、管理、财务三个环节中产生的三项费用和,再扣除折旧和交给政府的税剩下就是净利润了,因为你持有的是公司股票,所以作为股东你只拥有对这家公司的剩余求偿权,这个剩余求偿权就是净利润。将这个净利润除以股数就是每持有一股,你所拥有的公司的净利润。因为净利润可以分成股利dividends和剩余收益retained earnings,公司支付股利就把在经营过程中赚到的钱还给股东;而剩余收益会留在公司内部用于将来公司再扩大生产规模或投资别的为公司赚钱的项目,而只要你还是股东,这部分投资新项目的钱将来都会以股利的形式或是股价上升的形式为你这个股东带来回报,所以无论net income以哪种形式存在,都是你股东的收益。(这里不考虑公司投资垃圾项目导致浪费剩余收益的情形)

所以你理解了P/E为什么可以用来大致代表它能几年让股东回本的意思,加上大致是因为,出现某些可能会让股东收不回收益,原因是上一段括号里的原因)。而P/E的倒数叫做earnings yield收益率,其实讲的是一个意思,就是每年你能有多少收益率,跟你能几年回本是一个意思。

这篇文章讲,earnings yield和债券收益率的差值在慢慢扩大,意思就是投资股票比投资债券越来越划算,为什么呢?一个原因是汇率。比如人民币升值之后,其他国家的币值就显得更便宜了,于是中国人更愿意买外国的东西(因为现在买一样的东西只要付出更少的人民币),同样地,现在英镑变得越来越便宜了,而现在的的商品变成了金融资产股票,外国投资者拿美元可以换成更多的英镑了,所以同样的美元可以买更多的伦敦的股票了,而且更好的一点是,这些伦敦的股票对应的公司有70%生产经营赚到的钱来自英国国外,有25%来自美国,所以现在国际投资者尤其美国投资者可以以更便宜的汇率来买那些生产经营赚到美元的企业的股票了,只不过它们注册在伦敦交易所而已。而英镑贬值是因为英国脱欧,这样的汇率变化带来了给国际投资者套利的机会。


Buyback回购甚至是leveraged buyback杠杆式回购。第一种是拿公司的钱买回自家股票,第二种是借债来买回自家股票。因为流通的股票数少了,但是公司的自由现金流和净利润是不变的,也就是分子不变分母变小了,所以每个股东的分到的公司价值变多了。回购是一种给股东带来回报的常用方式,尤其是自家股票在市场上低于它的内在价值的时候。或者除了回购还有剥离业务,私有化公司,或者干脆退市其其他地方上市。而这种方式在英国更加行得通,相比于日本德国韩国,而这归功于英国作为老牌资本主义所拥有的相关鼓励金融业的法律和条例。




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