TE||A question of honour




公爵 Duke / Duchess
侯爵 Marquis / Marchioness
伯爵 Earl (in Europe, Count) / Countess
子爵 Viscount / Viscountess
男爵 Baron / Baroness
Lord 是对权贵阶层的尊称,就像汉语里的“阁下”一样,有时也译作“勋爵”。
公爵称"Yes, Your Grace."
侯爵、伯爵、子爵和男爵称"Yes, My Lord."



A question of honour



Lord Carrington


A question of honour


Peter, 6th Lord Carrington, foreign secretary and servant of six prime ministers, died on July 9th, aged 99


CLEARLY he had to go. Although leaving the foreign secretary’s grand office, the summit of his political ambitions, was the saddest day of his life, there was no alternative. Argentina’s surprise invasion of the Falkland Islands in April 1982 had humiliated Britain. The disgrace had to be purged, and the person to purge it was the minister in charge. That was him.


The intelligence had been wrong. But Lord Carrington did not feel he had left undone anything he ought to have done. He believed in trying to see the view of the other side, courteously nudging them on if necessary, sharing a wink and a joke to get across any sticky patches. Talking, even banging on a bit, could find solutions. In the case of the Falklands, he thought a leaseback plan might work. Fortifying the islands struck him as injudicious. But all this had sent wrong signals to the Argentines. And so he surrendered his seals of office to the queen at Windsor, the last ministerial resignation on a matter of principle.


An additional sorrow was that he was not at Margaret Thatcher’s side in the Commons to take his share of the flak. For his House was the Lords, and always had been. He was the first foreign secretary for 75 years never to have held elected office (A seat on Buckinghamshire County Council did not quite count.) He would have relished the challenge of running, but as a hereditary peer that path was closed. His first government job,as an under-secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture in 1951, was announced to him by a man on a bicycle in the middle of a partridge shoot. He enjoyed the gentleman farmer’s life, but was ready for politics, even in the less important second chamber.


And he had tried to resign from that post too, again for good reason: a kerfuffle over a piece of land in Dorset, Crichel Down, which the government had requisitioned and then transferred, ignoring the owners’ rights. An inquiry found against the ministry, and he prepared to go. But Churchill, then prime minister, told him not to. In1974, when the Tories lost the election, he considered leaving yet again.


Was he being over-dramatic? No; he did not go in for that. A very stiff upper lip was the rule. He was brought up under discipline, from the need to arrive on time at family dinner (his dinner jacket, stiff shirt and collar already laid out by the footman), to organising his work at Eton (where he was dim at everything, but not in the least unhappy), to endless drills in the Grenadier Guards. Through it all, he never bellyached. A spy scandal at the Admiralty, when he was First Lord in the early 1960s, was “unpleasant”. It was also “rather disagreeable” to drive his tank in 1944 on to a bridge at Nijmegen, which was thought to be mined, in the face of German fire, even if it earned him the Military Cross—which he did not mention in his memoirs.


Diplomat in Wonderland


War was a leveller, and that greatly appealed to him. Though he spoke in a patrician drawl, one forefinger thoughtfully patrolling his chin, he was no snob. He loved brash, informal Australia, where he was high commissioner. His family’s nobility was recent, after all, a reward from William Pitt at the end of the 18th century. He took up that dash of Toryism, but his deeper creed was his family’s Whiggism and Liberalism: tolerance, reasonableness, pragmatism. Pragmatically he preached the virtues of embracing Europe, which he had seen rise out of ruins, and the political as well as the military concordat enshrined in NATO, which he headed in the 1980s. Reasonably, he thought that Britain should be run by the best-trained and most sensible people. Democracy, in the unbridled sense, worried him a bit.


Once in politics himself, he kept the bear-pit at arm’s length. Over his 30 years’ service he ran some difficult departments: Defence after1970, at a time of sharp cuts in spending, and Energy from 1974, during the three-day week and the miners’ strike. He stayed cool to any sort of ideology. That was sometimes not to Margaret’s liking; it took nifty footwork to convince her that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office was, in fact, “sticking up for Britain”. But his “wetness” made him the perfect diplomat.


Generally, he got on well with people. Every prime minister he worked for, he liked, especially Macmillan, of whom he could do a pretty good imitation. (Later, he named his dogs after them; but he adored his dogs.) Most foreign leaders fell for his charm, if only for a time. He kept intact his sense of the ridiculousness of the world; his favourite book was “Alice in Wonderland”. That humour fortified him even during the most arduous talks of all, those that produced the Lancaster House agreement of1979, which paved the way for black rule in an independent Zimbabwe. They took 14 weeks. He was accused of selling out white Rhodesians, but found their attitude untenable. Robert Mugabe seemed intelligent and amenable, and there was no alternative. He had few post facto regrets.


Did he have more over the Falklands, sacrificing a job he was so good at? No. He regretted only the many lives lost in that war. When journalists sought him out in retirement, at his Georgian house in Bledlow in Buckinghamshire (with its lovingly restored garden and agreeable proportions), they would inevitably raise the subject of his shouldering of blame. “It’s so boring,” he would sigh. But so rare.



Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友

Yi, 女,财务民工,经济学人爱好者


Lucia ,女,翻译学硕士三年制,经济学人粉丝



Lee,男,医学英译  Timberland爱好者




Neil,  男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉

按照咱们的习俗,能活到99岁想必是极有福气的。的确,卡林顿出生贵族,世袭上议院议员,30出头就进入丘吉尔内阁,小编也只能感叹“别人的30岁”.此后几十年一路高升,在政府内担任要职,要不是马岛战争意外爆发,卡林顿迫于压力和正直选择辞职,他很有能成为英国总理。辞职后,在撒切尔夫人的安排下就任NATO秘书长,极其出色的协调能力使NATO影响力迅速扩大。卡林顿有次电视采访中提到成功外交的条件“Patience, consistency, knowledge, and if you want to be successful in the end, a great big slice of luck”。


相比较其他西方政客极力推崇民主,卡林顿显得很冷静。在一次采访中,卡林顿说出一段很有意思的话:“ the Cold War wasn’t a very good idea in terms of international relations and it was very expensive, but it imposed a discipline which has now disappeared”。苏联虽然邪恶,但是他的存在给很多国家带来了自律。卡林顿对叙利亚和中东局势的观点和现在政客们显得很不一样,现代政客偏向于干预,卡琳顿则表示:“almost everything that’s happened in the Middle East – I mean in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya – has been made worse by our interventions”。




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