


Vascular injury  

The great danger of supracondylar fracture is injury to the brachial artery, which, before the introduction of percutaneous pinning, was reported as occurring in over 5 percent of cases. Nowadays the incidence is probably less than 1 percent. Peripheral ischaemia may be immediate and severe, or the pulse may fail to return after reduction.

More commonly the injury is complicated by forearm oedema and a mounting compartment syndrome which leads to necrosis of the muscle and nerves without causing peripheral gangrene. Undue pain plus one positive sign (pain on passive extension of the fingers, a tense and tender forearm, an absent pulse, blunted sensation or reduced capillary return on pressing the finger pulp) demands urgent action. The flexed elbow must be extended and all dressings removed. If the circulation does not promptly improve, then angiography (on the operating table if it saves time) is carried out, the vessel repaired or grafted and a forearm fasciotomy performed. If angiography is not available, or would cause much delay, then Doppler imaging should be used. In extreme cases, operative exploration would be justified on clinical criteria alone.

Nerve injury  

The radial nerve, median nerve (particularly the anterior interosseous branch) or the ulnar nerve may be injured. Tests for nerve function are described in Chapter 11. Fortunately loss of function is usually temporary and recovery can be expected in 3 to 4 months. If there is no recovery the nerve should be explored. However, if a nerve, documented as intact prior to manipulation, is then found to have failed after manipulation, then entrapment in the fracture is suspected and immediate exploration should be arranged.

The ulnar nerve may be damaged by careless pinning. If the injury is recognized, and the pin removed, recovery will usually follow.



Malunion is common. However, backward or sideways shifts are gradually smoothed out by modelling during growth and they seldom give rise to visible deformity of the elbow. Forward or backward tilt may limit flexion or extension, but consequent disability is slight.

Uncorrected sideways tilt (angulation) and rotation are much more important and may lead to varus (or rarely valgus) deformity of the elbow; this is permanent and will not improve with growth (Fig. 24.32). The fracture is extra-physeal and so physeal damage should not be blamed for the deformity; usually it is faulty reduction which is responsible. Cubitus varus is disfiguring and cubitus valgus may cause late ulnar palsy. If deformity is marked, it will need correction by supracondylar osteotomy usually once the child approaches skeletal maturity.

Elbow stiffness and myositis ossifficans  

Stiffness is an ever-present risk with elbow injuries. Extension in particular may take months to return. It must not be hurried. Passive movement (which includes carrying weights) or forced movement is prohibited – this will only make matters worse and may contribute to the development of myositis ossificans. As it is, myositis ossificans is extremely rare, and should remain so if rehabilitation is properly supervised.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


oedema /ɪˈdiːmə/n. [病理] 水肿

peripheral /pəˈrɪfərəl/adj. 外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的n. 外部设备

gangrene /ˈɡæŋɡriːn/n. [外科] 坏疽

vt. 使生坏疽vi. 生坏疽;腐败

angiography/ændʒɪ'ɑgrəfi/n. [特医] 血管造影术;血管照相术;血管学;[特医] 血管造影法

fasciotomy /fæʃi'ɔtəmi/n. [外科] 筋膜切开术

document /ˈdɑːkjumənt/n. 文件,公文;[计] 文档;证件vt. 记录,记载

permanent/ˈpɜːrmənənt/adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的n. 烫发(等于permanent wave)

Cubitus varus is disfiguring and cubitus valgus may cause late ulnar palsy.肘内翻可造成畸形,肘外翻可导致尺神经麻痹.

Cubitus/'kju:bitəs/n. [昆] 肘脉;[解剖] 前臂,尺骨

If deformity is marked, it will need correction by supracondylar osteotomy usually once the child approaches skeletal maturity.如果畸形明显,通常在儿童接近骨骼成熟时,需要通过髁上截骨术矫正。

ever-present/'evə,prezənt/adj. 经常存在的;始终存在的

As it is,实际上;事实上;既然如此















