
Wound closure

A small, uncontaminated wound in a Grade I or II fracture may (after debridement) be sutured, provided this can be done without tension. In the more severengrades of injury, immediate fracture stabilization and wound cover using split-skin grafts, local or distant flaps is ideal, provided both orthopaedic and plastic surgeons are satisfied that a clean, viable wound has been achieved after debridement. In the absence of this combined approach at the time of debridement, the fracture is stabilized and the wound left open and dressed with an impervious dressing. Adding gentamicin beads under the dressing has been shown to help, as has the use of vacuum dressings. Return to surgery for a ‘second look’ should have definitive fracture cover as an objective. It should be done by 48–72 hours, and not later than 5 days. Open fractures do not fare well if left exposed for long and multiple debridement can be self-defeating.

Stabilizing the fracture

Stabilizing the fracture is important in reducing the likelihood of infection and assisting recovery of the soft tissues. The method of fixation depends on the degree of contamination, length of time from injury to operation and amount of soft-tissue damage. If there is no obvious contamination and definitive wound cover can be achieved at the time of debridement, open fractures of all grades can be treated as for a closed injury; internal or external fixation may be appropriate depending on the individual characteristics of the fracture and wound. This ideal scenario of judicious soft-tissue and bone debridement, wound cleansing, immediate stabilization and cover is only possible if orthopaedic and plastic surgeons are present at the time of initial surgery.

If wound cover is delayed, then external fixation is safer; however, the surgeon must take care to insert the fixator pins away from potential flaps needed by the plastic surgeon!

The external fixator may be exchanged for internal fixation at the time of definitive wound cover as long as (1) the delay to wound cover is less than 7 days; (2) wound contamination is not visible and (3) internal fixation can control the fracture as well as the external fixator. This approach is less risky than introducing internal fixation at the time of initial surgery and leaving both metalwork and bone exposed until definitive cover several days later.


In the ward, the limb is elevated and its circulation carefully watched. Antibiotic cover is continued but only for a maximum of 72 hours in the more severe grades of injury. Wound cultures are seldom helpful as osteomyelitis, if it were to ensue, is often caused by hospital-derived organisms; this emphasizes the need for good debridement and early fracture cover.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P708-710


provided  /prəˈvaɪdɪd/conj. 假如,倘若v. 提供,给予(provide 的过去式和过去分词)

split-skin grafts, local or distant flaps分离式植皮、局部或远处皮瓣

viable /ˈvaɪəbl/adj. 可行的;能养活的;能生育的

impervious dressing 不透水敷料

gentamicin beads 庆大霉素链珠

vacuum dressings 负压敷料(VSD)

fare well 顺利,过得好,告别

self-defeating /ˌself dɪˈfiːtɪŋ/adj. 弄巧成拙的;不利于自己的企图的

internal or external fixation 内/外固定

individual characteristics个人特征

ideal scenario of judicious 明智的理想方案

judicious /dʒuˈdɪʃəs/adj. 明智的;头脑精明的;判断正确的

fixator pins 固定器针

metalwork /ˈmetlwɜːrk/n. 金属制品;金属加工vt. 金属加工

In the ward,在病房内

Wound cultures 伤口培养










