陝西歷史博物館 · 史前考古及商周与秦代文物


▼蓝田人头盖骨(复制品)Skull Fossil of Lantian Man (Reproduction)


▼蓝田人下额骨 Lower-jaw Fossil of Lantian Man (reproduction)




▼龙山时代诸文化|Various Cultures of Longshan Age


人面纹彩陶瓶 Pottery Bottle with Design of Human Face


刻符钵 Pottery Bowl with Engraved Symbols


陶鬲 炊具 Pottery "Li" Cooking Vessel |新时器时代(约公元前5000-前3000年)

陶盉 Pottery "He" Wine Vessel |新时器时代|西安市临潼区姜寨出土 

船型陶壶 Pottery Boat-shaped Jar|新时期时代 



周 (约公元前21世纪 - 公元前771年)

先周(夏商时期约公元21世纪 - 约公元前11世纪)

西周(约公元前11世纪 - 公元前771年)


 蝉纹鼎 炊煮器 Tripod with Cicada Pattern|商代(公元前16-11世纪) 乾县临平乡出土

夔纹鼎  炊煮器 Tripod with Stylized Dragon Design


饕餮纹四足鬲(li4)Four-legge Li Cooking Vessel with Ogre-mask Motif

商代中期 (公元前15-13世纪)城固县五郎庙村出土

▼饕餮纹斚(jia 3)温酒器  "Jia" Wine Warmer with Ogre-mask Motif

商代中期(公元前15 - 13世纪)户县五竹侯家庙出土

▼饕餮纹分裆鼎 炊煮器  Bronze Tripod with Ogre-Mask Motif

商代晚期 (公元前13-11世纪)华县桃下村出土

女丧(sang1)鼎 炊煮器  Tripod with character "sang, etc."

商代晚期 (公元前13-11世纪)扶风县任家村出土

三羊瓿(Bu2)盛酒器  "Bu" Wine Vessel with Three Sheep-head Reliefs

商代晚期 (公元前13-11世纪)绥德县墕(yan)头村出土

弦纹甗(yan3)蒸煮器  “Yan” Cooking Steamer

商代晚期 (公元前13-11世纪)清涧县解家沟出土

夔(kui2)龙纹爵 饮酒器  "Jue" Wine Vessel with Dragon Design

商代晚期 (公元前13-11世纪)绥德县墕(yan)头村出土

青铜艺术 Art of Bronze Casting




The Western Zhou dynasty was the important stage of the development of early chinese states. Its politic system, economic pattern, especially the ethnical spirit and the bronze casting technique fully demonstrate the characteristics of Chinese early civilization. As the dominant center of the Western Zhou dynasty, Shaanxi owns a plenty of historic remains and cultural relics.



▼青玉璇玑  Jade Xuanji Ritual Object

西周(约公元前11世纪 - 公元前771年)馆藏

 利簋(gui)复制品  Bronze Gui with Inscriptions "Li, etc."

西周早期(约公元前11世纪 - 前10世纪中叶)|西安市临潼区零口镇出土


It's the only one surviving example of the earliest western Zhou bronze wares with 32 characters inscribed on the interior bottom, reading "at the dawn of Jiazi before King Wu attacked King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, he got a good sign that he would defeat Shang troops when he turned for divination asking if he could win. Seven days later, officer Li cast this ware with the bronze King Wu rewarded him to mommemorate this big event." This ware provides important criterion for dating the Western Zhou dynasty in the western sources such as Lost Books of the Zhou Dynasty, and Book of Documents.

四足器|Bronze Utensil for Mixing Colors 


砆(Fu) 卣(you3) You Vine Vessel with Character "Fu"


王作仲姬鼎  Tripod with Characters "Wang Zuo Zhong Ji"

西周早期(约公元前11世纪 - 前10世纪中叶)岐山县礼村出土

曲柄斗 挹酒器 Spoon-shaped vessel with a Curved Handle


师丞钟 乐器 Bronze Bell with Characters "Shi Cheng"

西周中期(约公元前10世纪中叶 - 前9世纪中叶)扶风县强家村铜器窖藏出土


 姜夔纹罍(lei3) Bronze "Lei", container with Design of Dragons

西周中期(约公元前10世纪中叶 - 前9世纪中叶)扶风县齐家村出土

五鼎四簋 Five Tripods and Four Gui Food Containers 

西周中期(约公元前10世纪中叶 - 前9世纪中叶)扶风县召陈村铜器窖藏出土

双耳铜杯 酒器 |Two-eared Wine Cup


鲁方彝盖 Lid of a Square Wine Vessel with Character "Lu"

西周晚期(约公元前9世纪中叶 - 前771年)岐山县流龙嘴村出土

伯百父盘 水器 Platter for Washing with Characters "Bo Bai Fu"

西周晚期(约公元前9世纪中叶 - 前771年)西安市长安区张家坡铜器窖藏出土出土

多友鼎  西周晚期(约公元前9世纪中叶 - 前771年) 西安市长安区斗门镇出土


 Bronze Tripod with Inscriptions "Duo You"

A 278 character inscription was cast inside the belly, recoring a defending war of western zhou troops led by commander Duoyou against a minority Yanyun in nowadays River Jin valley at the juncture of Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. They are very significant for the study of military and foreign relations of western zhou dynasty. It is one of the rare bronze vessels of the western zhou Dynasty.


 “明”字刀币(上)与“齐法化”刀币(下) 战国|knife-shaped Coin

“安邑二釿(jin) 币(左)战国|“梁充釿五二尚寽(lue)”币(中)春秋


蚂鼻钱 战国 (公园前475-前221)|Ant-nose-shaped coin

石鼓(复制品)|Drum-shaped Stone Block (Reproduction) 


According to the shape, it is called stone drum, also hunting stone(tablet) for the inscriptions recording the hunting activities. Ten blocks had been found in Fengxiang County in Tang Dynasty, dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period or the Warring States Period. They are now housed at Beijing Palace Museum. Each one bears a poem with style of four-characters-to-a-line, similar to that of Great and Lesser Elegance of the Book of Odes, especially Attack by Chariot. The original inscriptions amounted to 700 characters, but now only 272 of them survived, indicating Zhou Script writing style, which occupied an important position in the history of Chinese literature and calligraphy. 

兽形金饰 Gold Beast-shaped Ornament|春秋(公元前770-475年)|凤翔县雍城遗址出土

金羊虎饰 Gold Tiger-shaped Ornament |春秋(公元前770-475年)|凤翔县马家庄出土

金怪兽|Gold Monster|春秋(公元前770-475年)凤翔县南指挥村秦公一号大墓出土

鹿纹瓦当战国(公元前475-221)凤翔县雍城遗址出土| Tile-end with Deer Pattern 

凤鸟纹瓦当春秋(公元前770-475)|凤翔县铁丰出土 |Tile-end with phoenix Design

豹纹瓦当云鹤瓦当 | 战国 |Tile-end with Design of Leopard  

西安市北郊徐家湾出土|馆藏 |Tile-end with Design of Granes and Clouds

四夔龙纹镜|战国|城固县出土|BroneMirror with 4 Stylized Dragons

青铜龙|Bronze Dragon|馆藏|战国-秦(公元前475-207年)


Bronze Hammer with Characters "Xun Yang Zhong Qi Jin"


Bronze He with Design of Stylized Serpents and a Loop Handle

重环编纹铜鼎|战国|馆藏|Bronze Tripod with Design of Double Rings

鸟盖瓠(hu4)壶|战国|馆藏 Ewer with a Bird-shaped Lid 

▼ 铜剑(上)战国|安寨县出土| 铜剑(下)|战国|洛南县出土|Bronze Swords


铜镞|秦代|秦始皇陵园出土|Bronze Arrow Heads

Excavated from No. 1 Pit of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses

弩机|Crossbow Trigger |秦代|西安市北关出土

青铜鸿雁|秦代|秦始皇陵园出土|Bronze Swan Goose

陕西省考古研究院藏|Collection of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology 

几何纹方砖|秦代|秦始皇陵园出土|Square Brick with Geometric Pattern

脊瓦|Ridge Tile|秦代|秦始皇陵园出土



