



Lesson 79 Carol's shopping list

What are you doing, Carol?

I'm making a shopping list, Tom.

What do we need?

We need a lot of things this week.

I must go to the grocer's. We haven't got much tea or coffee, and we haven't got any sugar or jam.

What about vegetables?

I must go to the greengrocer's. We haven't got many tomatoes, but we've got a lot of potatoes.

I must go to the butcher's, too. We need some meat. We haven't got any meat at all.

Have we got any beer and wine?

No, we haven't. And I'm not going to get any!

I hope that you've got some money.

I haven't got much.

Well, I haven't got much either!










We should get the samples on the list to check.我们应该索取目录上的样品来检验一下。Does the club have a list of its all members?俱乐部里有全体成员的名单吗?


Mother listed the items she wanted to buy.妈妈把她要买的东西列了张表。




He spread some apple jam on the bread.他在面包上涂上苹果酱。Traffic jams in the town happen everyday.城里的交通天天堵塞。


The holiday traffic is jamming the roads.假日的车辆堵塞了交通。Children jammed the entrance to the fun fair.孩子们把游乐场的入口处挤得水泄不通。



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