





There was an old man named Sai Weng. He lived on the northern borders. He kept many horses.

One day, one horse was missing. His neighbours came to comfort him when they heard the news. However, Sai Weng said: “Maybe it’s not a bad thing.” The neighbours were confused why he was not sad.

However, some days later, the missing horse came back, with a great steed beside it. People came to congratulate him, but the old man said: “ Maybe it’s a bad thing.” One day his son fell off the great steed and hurt his legs. People came to comfort the old man, and the old man said: “ Maybe it’s a lucky thing for me.”

One year later, all young men in the country were asked to join a war. Most young men died during the war. Luckily, his son avoided it because of his broken legs.

Under certain conditions, good things and bad things can be exchanged. Bad things can become good things, good things can become bad things.







The king of Chu had been a king for three years, but he never managed the state affairs. A minister was worried so he said to the king: “ I have a puzzle. Could you help me to solve it?” The king said: “ What is it?” The minister answered: “ There is a bird living in the South Mountains. It never sings or flies. Why?”

The king smiled: “ In order to make its wings stronger, it never flies. And for knowing the situations, it never sings. Although it does not fly, it will fly straight into the sky afterwards; Even if it doesn’t sing, its singing must be surprising once it does. Don’t worry, I know what you mean.”

After half a year, the king of Chu managed the state affairs. He abolished the unreasonable laws and made new laws. He fired the incompetent ministers and asked the learned people for help.

The State of Chu became better and better. And the king became a leader of all the countries.




One year, there was a serious famine in the State of Qi.

A rich man named Qian Ao set up a stall with lots of porridge, waiting for hungry people to have.

After a while, a ravenous (starving) man in shabby clothes walked over powerlessly. When Qian Ao saw this, he shouted: “Hey. Come here! There is enough food for you!”

As soon as Qian Ao heard this, he realized that his attitude was bad and apologized to that man immediately.

But eventually the man starved to death because he was unwilling to take any porridge.





A man likes monkeys very much. He keeps a crowd of monkeys. These monkeys can understand the man’s words.

In order to keep these monkeys, the man spends almost all the money. So he says to the monkeys: “ If I give you three chestnuts in the morning and four in the afternoon, what do you say?” All the monkeys don’t agree with that. They jump and yell.

The man says: “ How about giving you four in the morning and three in the afternoon?” The monkeys are all happy.





When Lv Meng was young, he was so poor that he had no chance to read books.

Later, Lv Meng followed the Sun Quan, and joined the army. In his opinion, he thought he could win if he was brave enough.

One day, Sun Quan told Lv Meng: “You should pay more attention to reading books.”

After hearing this, Lv Meng laughed and said: “But, as you know, I am too busy to read books.”

Sun Quan said seriously: “Reading books is helpful for you. I am busy, too, and I must read books if I have any time.”

Lv Meng adopted the Sun Quan’s advice and made up his mind to read.

Once, Lu Su came over and discussed the issue with Lv Meng and was shocked by Lv Meng.

Lu Su said: “Now, you are totally different and not the man before at all!”

Lv Meng laughed: “Now, you should look at me with new eyes!”



一天,孙权对吕蒙说:“你应该注意多读书。“听到这个,吕蒙笑笑说:“但是,我太忙了没有时间读书。” 孙权严肃地说;“读书对你大有益处!我也很忙,但我一有时间就必须读书。”吕蒙听取了孙权的建议并决心读书。一次,当鲁肃来和吕蒙一起议事,被吕蒙震惊到了。鲁肃说:“你现在完全不同了,不再是吴下时的没有才学的阿蒙了!” 吕蒙笑道:“士别三日,当刮目相看。”


In old time, local officials must offer some tributes to the Emperor each year. Mian Bogao, from Yunnan, was assigned to send a swan to the Emperor.

There was no transportation at that time and he had to walk to Chang’an. It was a long and hard time. He kept on walking without break whether day or night. A few days later, Mian Bogao was exhausted and also found the swan was very dusty. So he decided to help the swan take a bath in the river. As soon as the swan was put into the river, it fluttered its wings and flew away. Finally, Mian Bogao only got several feathers. He had no choice but to send these pieces of feathers to the Emperor. But surprisingly, the Emperor rewarded Mian Bogao instead of being angry!




In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Zheng and the State of Xi were friendly to each other.

One year, the State of Xi fell out with the State of Zheng because of a trivial matter.

The king of the State of Xi was angry and he wanted to attack the State of Zheng. So he called his ministers together to discuss the thing.

His ministers persuaded him not to attack the State of Zheng, because they were weaker than them.

The king of Xi didn’t listen to them. He ordered all the soldiers to attack the State of Zheng.

As a result, all the soldiers were beaten to pieces.




Liu An liked finding the way to live forever since he was a youth. So he was asking around about the elixir of life.

One day, eight old men told him that they had the medicine and wanted to give it to him. Liu An was so happy to hear that and invited them to his palace.

But when he saw the eight old men, he was unhappy and said: “You are such old men.

How can I believe that you can make me stay young and live forever?” The old men laughed: “Do you think we are too old? Then, look at us carefully.”

After saying this, they became eight children.







Once, there was a King who was very arrogant. In his opinion, he was the best and his state was the strongest. So he was going to invade his neighbouring state without listening to any advice.

A young man wanted to dissuade the King but he didn’t dare. Then an idea occurred to him. He took the King into the garden. The young man pointed to a tree and said: “My King. Look at the tree. There is a cicada in the tree. The cicada is high above, chirping leisurely and taking in the dew freely, but he has no idea that a mantis is right behind him. The mantis, pressing his body in a concealed place, is intent on catching the cicada, but he doesn’t know that a siskin is hiding right behind him. Look! All of them make effort only to get the benefit before them, but they ignore the danger behind them at the same time.”

The King was suddenly enlightened after hearing this and gave up the plan to invade other state.

When dealing with the problems, we should look before you leap.









In the Spring and Autumn Period, a man named Bo Le is an expert in identifying a good horse.

He put his experiences in this area into his book Physiognomy Of Horses, which illustrated all kinds of horses with rich pictures and words.

His son wanted to learn his skill about identifying a good horse. Then he read the book carefully over and over again.

He thought he had mastered the skill.

Once he saw a toad along the road, whose forehead was in accord with the features of a good horse.

Then he rushed to his father and told him he had found a good steed. Hearing this, Bo Le didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. He had to reply jokingly: “ This horse does too  well in jumping, so it’s hard for us to rein it. ”


春秋时期,有个人叫伯乐,他非常善于鉴别马匹,他将自己这方面的经验写成了一本书《相马经》,书中图文并茂地介绍了各类马匹。他的儿子想学到识马的本领。于是就把父亲的这本书反复诵读,之后,他就以为自己已经掌握了这个本领。有一次他在路上看到了一只癞蛤蟆,前额刚好与《相马经》上的好马特征相符,便以为找到了一匹千里马,马上跑去告诉父 亲。伯乐被儿子弄得哭笑不得,就开玩笑的回答说:“这匹马太会跳了,不好驾驭。”



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