支招大作文 | 以12.12和12.14真题为例


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Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every few years.

What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?






Admittedly, it is not unlikely that the job hopper eventually finds a job that pays well or has a timetable that suits his lifestyle. However, this fortune→一个名词浓缩表达前面一句话的内容,这种“指代”形式,帮助建立语句之间的联系,也就是下一句的开头充分回应了上面一整句话。】 happens only when a person takes his chances. In fact, there are considerations that are more practical. If a person changes his career to a different industry and then another, the frequent changes→一个名词浓缩表达前面一句话的内容,这种“指代”形式,帮助建立语句之间的联系,也就是下一句的开头充分回应了上面一整句话。】 may be unfavorable to the development of the person’s expertise. This is because the person may leave a business before his skills in the business develop adequately for a different industry in which a different skill set may be required.  →leave A + adverbial phrase (that modifies the action “leave”) for B + attributive clause (that modifies B) Even though→建立ideas之间的connection】 the job hopper may stay in the same business and his expertise continues developing, there still is a problem. The problem is that the person may never build a stable professional relationship within an institution, because the short stay does not allow the person to establish interpersonal mutual trust, which is pivotal to the professional rapport.


In many countries, today, people are living in a 'throw-away' society where things are used for a short time and then thrown away.

What are the causes?

What problems might it cause?


充分回应题目中的信息,对应的技能要求(required skills)是措辞能力(wording skills),具体说来是转述的能力(paraphrasing skills):In today’s society, too many things are disposable. 如果做内容上的延展,对应的技能要求(required skills)是产生想法的能力(the ability to generate ideas),然后才是措辞能力(wording skills)。In fact, people even dispose of durable goods too soon. 至此,并没有回应完毕,还需要回应提问部分(不是回答问题),把question改成statement:There are a minimum of two causes of this wide-scaled phenomenon, and apparently, problems ensue from this behavior of people.



首先是产生想法,然后是措辞(最关键:确定主语): The disposal may not be spontaneous but attributed to businesses’ trap.  如果用成以商家为主语的主谓宾的句子“商家催促我们扔”,其实句子的意义不明确,不够充分回应第一个题目的主题“分析原因”。接下来展开解释,解释的关键是中心句里“模糊”的概念(spontaneous和trap)。In other words, 用来引导解释的“连接词”, When we toss an item, it is not our own idea but an external force, the advertising, thaturges us to throw it away. → 句法复杂的句子,每个(主体)段落起码有一个。 The advertisements may be so persuasive about the merits of a product that consumers cannot wait to replace the current (不是old哟) one with the advertised (不是new哟) one. 如果做内容上的延展: Some advertisers even explicitly ask the viewers to abandon what is being used and change to the advertised products. In addition, the change of consumer culture may be another factor behind the quick disposal. 接下来回应和解释中心句里的“模糊”的概念(change of consumer culture): The modern culture of consumption is the constant chase of the latest or the new and leaving the old ones in the garage(带有文化背景概念的词汇选择) before they expire(有点灵气的词汇选择,意思是“到寿命了(该换了)”).




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