



Kengo kuma is a famous Japanese architect with a high international reputation. He has won the international stone building award, natural wood building spirit award and so on.

这个项目是对高迪在Casa Batlló中天才地使用地中海光线的致敬。
This project is a Tribute to the genius use of Mediterranean light by Gaudi in Casa Batlló.
在Casa Batllo 8故事原中央天井捕捉自然光和分布均匀的所有房子的角落,在新项目垂直行程完成8个故事封闭空间内的现有紧急楼梯,通过一系列的悬浮铝链屏幕捕捉光线,在这种情况下,为了创造一个不断变化的体验,从明亮的屋顶到黑暗的地下室老煤窖。
While in Casa Batlló the 8 story original central patio captures the natural light and distributes it evenly to all the corners of the house, in the new project this vertical travel is done within the 8 story enclosed space of the existing emergency stairs, using a series of suspended aluminum chain screens to capture light, in this case artificial, in order to create an everchanging experience from the brightness of the rooftop to the dark depths of the old coal cellar in the basement.
