

句型一:Someonedid sth ( v.1)and did sth ( v.2).

1. Elli and I screamed at the top of our lungs, and waved our fists at him in an attempt to intimidate and scare him away. (2020年7月浙江卷) Elli和我声嘶力竭地大叫着,并向它挥舞着拳头,试图吓走它。

2. Thrilled yet relieved,we grabbed the rope and eventually landed on the helicopter safeand sound. 我们激动不已,抓住绳索,最终安全降落在直升机上,松了口气。

3. When the boy caught sight of Poppy, he went rushing toward the dog and bent down to give her a bighug. (2020年1月浙江卷) 小男孩看到了Poppy,冲过去弯下身抱住它。

4. Finally, we found the river and got back to the house along.(2018年6月浙江卷) 最后,我们找到了河流,沿线走回那房屋。

句型二:Someone did sth ( v.1),did sth( v.2)and did sth ( v.3).

1. They stopped arguing, looked down at the map, and used the compass to find the direction. 他们不再争吵,低头查看地图,然后使用指南针找寻方向。

2. Kim’s father dashed up, caught hold of him and pressed him to the ground. Kim的父亲冲上来,抓住了他,然后把他按压在地。

3. I opened the door, grabbed it and got out the car very slowly. 我打开门,抓住它,然后慢慢下车。

句型三:Someone did sth (v.1),doing sth( v.2).

1. Roaring even more angrily this time, he smashed his paws crazily against the wire fence,trying to stab us with his sharp claws.(2020年7月浙江卷) 这次他(熊)更愤怒地吼叫,用爪子疯狂地猛撞围栏,还试着用锋利的爪子刺我们。

2. My dad followed me immediately,knowing that I wouldn’t give up until I got it. (2018年6月浙江卷) 我爸爸立刻跟着我,他知道我不得到它是不会放弃的。

3. Mom insisted on our going back to fetch it, saying “Forgetful people like me may lose things repeatedly, so it’s unwise to give up the tent.” (2017年11月浙江卷)母亲坚持要回去取回它,她说:“像我这样健忘的人可能会一再丢东西,所以放弃帐篷是不明智的。”


1. People began to watch for the “little popcorn boy”, and every week he had at least fifty cents to take home, and often more. (2020年新高考全国Ⅰ&Ⅱ卷)人们开始关注这个“卖爆米花的小男孩”,每个星期他至少有五十美分可以带回家,甚至更多。

2. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. 我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。



想要做某事:want to dosth/would like to do sth

渴望做某事:desire to do sth/ long to do sth

希望做某事:wish/hope to do sth

期望做某事:expect to do sth

宁愿做某事:would prefer to do sth

迫不及待地要做某事:can’t wait to do sth

敢做某事:dare to do sth

要求做某事:demand to do sth

申请做某事:apply to do sth

决定做某事:decide to do sth

下定决定做某事:determine to do sth等。


