
How you behave in Starbucks may reveal something about whether your ancestors grew wheat or rice.
That’s the conclusion of a new study in China, which finds that people descended from wheat farmers—who largely rely on themselves—typically drink coffee alone, whereas descendants of rice growers—who must work with their community to build complex irrigation fields—tend to sip in groups.
These differences persist, even if a person has moved to a city and their family hasn’t farmed or grown rice for generations.

"I find the study very persuasive," says Richard Nisbett, a sociologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who was not involved in the work.
"It certainly is plausible that the differences between cultures are carried across generations even though the practices that gave rise to the culture are now rare.”

Psychologists generally agree that—by very rough measure—Western cultures allow individuality to thrive, whereas most Asian cultures emphasize group responsibility.
One line of thinking traces these traits back to early farming practices.
Wheat farmers—such as those living in China’s north—can grow their crop pretty much on their own.
But it takes a village to build the irrigation systems that flood China’s southern rice paddies.
And because rice farming takes about twice as much work per hectare as wheat, early rice farming communities gave rise to cooperative systems of labor.
The argument goes on to say that millennia later, these differences in behavior persist.
